Solidworks system option setting on server side

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by info.lowyeah, Apr 16, 2007.

  1. info.lowyeah

    info.lowyeah Guest

    Hi all,

    Can anybody tell me that how to put the system environment setting on
    It is because I want to consist 30pcs of computers, which have the
    same setting.


    info.lowyeah, Apr 16, 2007
  2. info.lowyeah

    Ronni Guest

    Have the same "problem"

    But what I would like is a function to log tools->options, which I
    know quite a few have asked for in "enhancement request"

    Atm I just have a reg file which lays with the image so it installs
    initially. But people seems to think they know better ;-)
    Ronni, Apr 16, 2007
  3. info.lowyeah

    @leX Guest

    SolidWorks saves all settings in the Windows registry.
    And System Administrators can import anything in system log-in.
    Read with notepad the output file of "SolidWorks Copy Settings Wizard"
    to understand what settings you need to import.
    @leX, Apr 16, 2007
  4. info.lowyeah

    Ronni Guest

    edit to my post... "log" should have been "lock" of course...

    Overwriting the windows registry database on login is not a suited
    The file containing the information would overwrite the toolbar/button
    If you want to overwrite everything it can of course be used.
    Ronni, Apr 17, 2007
  5. info.lowyeah

    @leX Guest

    Yes. You can use it as-is.
    You have to understand meaning of each line.
    And you can use only necessary lines.
    In other words you don't want share all SolidWorks settings, like
    toolbar positions or performance settings.
    But you need share e.g. templates location end etc.
    @leX, Apr 17, 2007
  6. info.lowyeah

    Ronni Guest

    Do you have an "overview" of where to find the tools->option settings
    in the reg-database?

    Or if you could be so kind to throw a few pointers I am sure I can
    pick it up from them.
    Ronni, Apr 19, 2007
  7. I agree that at this time, a registry update would be the only choice. In
    order to determine what you want, you can output only part of it. You can
    export everything except toolbars, or hotkeys, and then open that reg file
    and study the headings. It takes a bit of studying, but it's pretty
    straightforward. for the most part.

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 19, 2007
  8. info.lowyeah

    @leX Guest

    It's an example of reg-file that define shared files location for
    SolidWorks 2006 users

    ;SolidWorks Copy Settings Wizard


    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 2006]

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 2006\Document
    "Default Part Template"="Full_Patht\\part template.prtdot"
    "Default Assy Template"="Full_Patht\\assembly template.asmdot"

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 2006\Drawings]
    "Last BOM Template Path"="Full_Patht\\BOM.sldbomtbt"
    "Last Revision Template Path"="Full_Patht\\REV-TABLE.sldrevtbt"
    "Last HoleTable Template Path"="Full_Patht\\hole table--sizes

    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SolidWorks\SolidWorks 2006\ExtReferences]
    "Document Template Folders"="Full_Patht"
    "Sheet Format Folders"="Full_Patht"
    "BOM Template Folders"="Full_Patht"
    "Macro Folders"="Full_Patht"
    "Hole Table Template Folders"="Full_Patht"
    "Revision Table Template Folders"="Full_Patht"
    "Content Manager Folders"="Full_Patht"
    @leX, Apr 19, 2007
  9. info.lowyeah

    info.lowyeah Guest

    Thank you for your support

    I want to share all settings. NOT templates.

    any ideas?

    info.lowyeah, Apr 20, 2007
  10. info.lowyeah

    Ronni Guest

    You can make a reg file with the copy settings wizard. Then rename is
    from .sldreg to .reg and then edit the things you want added changed.

    That seems like the easiest way. If you then just pick System options
    only, the users own settings will still be there.

    Thanks @lex for sharing.
    Ronni, Apr 20, 2007
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