SolidWorks SP3 Early Visibility

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John Layne, Apr 18, 2005.

  1. John Layne

    John Layne Guest

    Is anyone using SolidWorks SP3 Early Visibility? It's been out since the
    14 April, I haven't seen any postings -- should I be worried?

    John Layne
    Solid Engineering Ltd
    John Layne, Apr 18, 2005
  2. John Layne

    haulin79 Guest

    Sounds like SW 2005 should have never happened.
    haulin79, Apr 18, 2005
  3. John Layne

    Cliff Guest

    Do you use SW?
    I forget ....
    Cliff, Apr 18, 2005
  4. I have been using it a little. I haven't noticed any "new" issues with it.
    It's been working fine.
    Rob Rodriguez, Apr 19, 2005
  5. I've been playing with it for a few days now and no hiccups - ie read
    Though I'm still getting a few same old problems that still do not seem to
    be fixed.

    Some dims and their arrows etc remain visible, distort and get rather large
    when zooming in and orbiting around.
    Just last night, using hole wizard, I was unable to locate points at centre
    of other holes (component was sheet metal).
    Neville Williams, Apr 19, 2005
  6. John Layne

    Rory Guest

    I started having problems with referencing hole centers starting with
    SP1.1 if I remember correctly. I saw this when trying to line up taps
    on a plate to counterbores from several other blocks while editing in
    an assm. Holding down the SHIFT key while trying to drop the point
    will allow it to ref. the hole center, but only if SolidWorks can "see"
    the edge your trying to reference (i.e. you'd still have to be able to
    see it if everything wasn't transparent). Otherwise I have to resort
    to HLV mode so my "allow selection of hidden edges in wireframe and HLV
    mode" setting will allow me to reference the hole centers. I reported
    this to my VAR (who I know passed it on to SW Corp., so no bashing my
    VAR) and to a SW Territory Tech Manager when I first noticed it and to
    my knowledge it was never issued a SPR#. If anyone has noticed the
    same change in how HoleWizard is able to ref hole centers in other
    parts (with out having to have "allow selection of hidden edges in HLR
    and Shaded modes" checked", please report it.

    HoleWizard has always been able to reference the edges of other holes
    regardless of the settings under
    "Tools-Options-Display/Selection-Selection of Hidden Edges". Based on
    the little bit of feed back I got I think SW thinks they fixed an
    inconsistency in how the software references edges (holewizard could do
    things that you couldn't do in other areas of the program with the same
    edge settings).

    I design progressive stamping dies and I run into this as a problem
    quite often. I'll have a dozen or more details on a sub-plate that I
    need to add the taps related to all the counterbores in the other
    details. Hole series at the assm level isn't an option because it will
    not add the CB's to multiple parts. The assm's can also become quite
    busy and allowing selection in HLR and Shaded modes is not workable,
    and switching to HLV mode isn't always much better.

    It's bothered me enough that I've gone back to SP0 where it still works
    like it always has. Haven't loaded beta 06 yet to see how it works
    there yet.

    Rory, Apr 19, 2005
  7. John Layne

    AC Guest

    Are the dimensions that remain visible on a part in a sub assembly?

    If so try this workaround:-

    Open the sub assembly that contains the part with the dimensions
    Left click the annotations folder
    Select details
    Remove the check mark from the last option "Use assembly setting for
    all components".

    Has worked here with dimensions that remained visible.


    To reply via email remove all numbers from address
    AC, Apr 20, 2005
  8. I thought this was something to do with video card but have seen it on
    another machine with Wildcat card.
    Mine has a Quadro xgl 780
    I've tried the "Use assembly" setting with no effect.
    Seems to be screwed ever since the 'highlight components from graphics view'
    muck up.
    Neville Williams, Apr 21, 2005
  9. I seem to remember it even before that.
    I would be working away on an assembly (not always sheet metal) and the
    ability to reference a hole centre while in the hole wizard would just go
    out the window.
    The only way I could get it to work again was to shut every thing down in
    solidworks and restart the program!
    Somewhat like some keyboard shortcuts winking out for apparent reason.

    If this sort of basic functionality gets any worse I could start getting
    really upset.
    Neville Williams, Apr 21, 2005
  10. John Layne

    Cam J Guest

    Yep... this has 'bugged' me for years. Yesterday I noticed that just one off
    my short cuts stopped working, others work fine. This is strange.

    Is it still a problem in 2005 Nev?

    ....all things considered, it's still by far the best way to design machines!
    Cam J, Apr 21, 2005
  11. machines!

    2005 SP3 EV
    I might get a bit more time to figure things out at home - contract just
    Nah - bugger it
    - I'm going to work on the finishing the project kayak.
    Neville Williams, Apr 21, 2005
  12. John Layne

    AC Guest

    It may be a different issue but so far turning off the "use assembly
    setting for all components" option has worked on all the assemblies
    that we have had problems with. We were also seeing it on different
    spec machines so I ruled out video card and drivers.

    Just to be sure, did you open each sub assembly and turn it off there
    as well?

    At any rate I hope you find a fix as I know how frustrating it is.


    To reply via email remove all numbers from address
    AC, Apr 22, 2005
  13. Will try when next in front of SWX
    I'm having a break from all this right now.

    Neville Williams, Apr 22, 2005
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