Solidworks Properties program

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tony O'Hara, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. Tony O'Hara

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    For all Solidworks users that are frustrated by the conventional method of
    modifying, Summary, Custom or Configuration Specific Properties.

    I have been developing a VB program to Modify, Add or Delete SolidWorks
    File; Summary, Custom or Configuration Specific Properties. It works on
    Parts, Assemblies and Drawings. At the moment there is no help file, that
    will follow later. It's a suck it and see program, which I hope users will
    find helpful.

    It is available free of charge with absolutely no strings attached
    (electronic or otherwise). The only problem is how to send it. At the moment
    I do not have a download site (if anyone knows of a free site that will do
    this, please let me know), so if you want to have a look, please email me
    and I will send the program. It is a standalone EXE file. If you need it
    with a different file suffix; TXT or EX_ etc, let me know.

    There are no hidden traps, pitfalls, tricks or anything else that will cause
    grief to the user. The only thing the program will do to your system, is to
    save a couple of keys in the registry. These are only the location of the
    Solidworks program and the users language, for populating data in a combo
    box. This will slow the program start for the first time the program is run.

    Also, this just proves the usefulness of this Newsgroup, Wayne Tiffany over
    there in the great US of A has been helping with debugging and improvements
    to the program. Another great Oz - USA collaboration.
    Tony O'Hara, Sep 8, 2003
  2. You can post attachments on the SolidWorks Usergroup. I don't remember if
    you have to be on subscription to access it. You can then rightclick the
    file you posted and copy the link and post it here and all we should have to
    do is click the link here and download will pop up on the screen. Atleast
    in theory.

    try this one

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Sep 8, 2003
  3. Tony O'Hara

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    Tony O'Hara, Sep 9, 2003
  4. Tony O'Hara

    rab Guest

    Tony -
    Had no luck with this link - kept getting errors. I would be
    pleased to try it if you want to email it to me.
    To really assist the SolidWerks fellow traveler, you might try to
    model and animate the great Melbourne "Hook Turn".
    For the un-initiated, naive American, this inventive product of
    the Ozzian mind has the potential, if used worldwide, of taming the
    population explosion. It is a very low-cost solution enabling traffic
    congestion and is only slightly less difficult to describe than
    Cricket or Austrailian football.

    I plan to be there next May and could use a refresher course.

    Cheers bob
    rab, Sep 10, 2003
  5. I just emailed you the latest version (2.1.6) that I have. Give it a try.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 10, 2003
  6. Tony O'Hara

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    I have 2.1.7......

    Lucky me.....

    Mr. Pickles
    Mr. Pickles, Sep 10, 2003
  7. Tony O'Hara

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    Hi Bob
    I see Wayne has sent a copy to you. (thanks Wayne)

    The error with the link is cased by the post line length chopping it into
    two line and therefore screwing up the link.

    The latest version is now available free of charge (but don't let that stop
    anyone making donations...) on and may
    soon be available on with the kind assistance of Mr
    Pickles and Stefan.

    For those that do not know. The Melbourne "Hook Turn" (for Left Hand Drive
    countries) is where you keep left on entering a signalled intersection and
    the turn right, supposedly after the lights change to the crossing
    direction. It's good for keeping the Tramlines free of cars, but only lets
    3-5 cars through each change of lights.
    When I came to Oz in 1966, there was only 5 Hook turns and you had to name
    them for part of your driving licence test. Now there are a lot more, but
    well signposted if you have eyes in your forehead, or at least keep looking
    up at the tram lines.
    Tony O'Hara, Sep 11, 2003
  8. Tony O'Hara

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    Hi David
    Is that how come you landed up in Dandenong, you were actually headed for
    Tony O'Hara, Sep 11, 2003
  9. Tony O'Hara

    Jeff Parker Guest

    One thing that needs to worked on is the error control when a document
    is not loaded in SolidWorks. There should just be a dialog telling
    you to load a document first and thats all, as it is the program
    continues to run the posts an error message before closing.

    Also I can't get it to run, all I am getting is an error:
    Run-time error '75'
    Path/File access error.

    Just a thought.
    Jeff Parker, Sep 11, 2003
  10. What version of the program and what version of SW are you running? We
    addressed the issue of no SW file loaded some time ago. Check to see if you
    are running the latest (2.1.7) and then try again.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 11, 2003
  11. Tony O'Hara

    Jeff Parker Guest

    Yes, that is the version I am using. I don't get the message when
    there is a part loaded, but I still get the runtime error.
    Jeff Parker, Sep 12, 2003
  12. What SW version are you running?

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 12, 2003
  13. Tony O'Hara

    Jeff Parker Guest

    Sorry, forgot to put that in the last post. SWX 2003 SP4.0

    You would think that for a search engine that takes less than a second
    on average, they could post to a group faster than 3-9 hours. Just
    venting! Its been a long day.
    Jeff Parker, Sep 12, 2003
  14. Tony O'Hara

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    I will look into this, I have not been able to duplicate the situation. But
    then it is Saturday morning and I have just woken up. Looks like a bit of
    weekend work ahead.

    re the error 75 problem. I think the problem may relate to the
    properties.txt file that should be on your system in the Solidworks folders.
    I will put an alternative routine over the weekend to populate the combo
    boxes if the file is not found.

    I'll be back....
    Tony O'Hara, Sep 12, 2003
  15. Tony O'Hara

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    Hopefully a new version will be out after the weekend, then you can all get
    the latest features. One in particular, is the ability to have the program
    stay on top with the click of a button.

    Of course Wayne will get a special delivery as a collaborator.....
    Tony O'Hara, Sep 12, 2003
  16. Jeff, you need to get hooked up to the news server in Germany and use a
    reader. I was in the same situation and got so tired of waiting and waiting
    and now I'm a happy camper. For the most part it all happens in real time

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 12, 2003
  17. Tony O'Hara

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    I believe I have found the source of the error 75 and am fixing it
    Tony O'Hara, Sep 14, 2003
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