Solidworks Properties in Windows Explorer

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joel Moore, Jul 29, 2003.

  1. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    I may be going nuts but I swear I once managed to display the custom
    properties of Solidworks files in the "Details" view of Windows Explorer.
    But now I can't figure out how I did it. Has anyone else done this?

    It may have been a different OS than my current one (XP) but I'm hoping MS
    didn't remove something useful like that.

    I know this really isn't a SW question but I tried over on an XP newsgroup
    and noticed they're mostly trying to figure out how to install XP or
    understand the error messages emitted from various trojan horses.

    Thanks for any feedback,

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Jul 29, 2003
  2. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    I'm aware of that one. I want to see the custom properties in a column in

    I know it's technically possible. You can write what's called a "column
    handler" shell extension that allows you to add whatever columns you want
    to Explorer's detailed view.

    I have this memory of getting really excited (in a geeky way) about seeing
    my "PartNumber" custom property displayed in Explorer and being able to
    sort on it. Maybe it WAS a dream.

    Hmmm...maybe I'll try to write something myself...
    Joel Moore, Jul 29, 2003
  3. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    I'm aware of that, too. That doesn't show any of the SW custom
    properties--only the ones from the "Summary" tab and a bunch of properties
    specific to some well-known media types.

    I'm guessing either:

    1) I imagined the whole thing.

    2) I had done it a different way (i.e. used one of the standard properties
    to hold the part number).

    3) SW wrote a column handler but now it doesn't work with XP.
    Joel Moore, Jul 29, 2003
  4. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    I never actually used SW Explorer that much. The few times I wandered into
    it I was never all that impressed. I never understood why it didn't
    automatically show whatever document I had open in SW.
    Joel Moore, Jul 29, 2003
  5. Joel Moore

    kenneth b Guest

    while sw explorer may not be impressive it has some extremely useful
    functions. the 2 functions I use most often, renaming files and find where
    kenneth b, Jul 29, 2003
  6. Joel Moore

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    It's a pity the API calls for SW Explorer are not readily availiable.
    If they were we could write programs to view the images and Properties.
    Tony O'Hara, Jul 30, 2003
  7. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    Why bother with a SW Explorer API? You can do much more with the SW API
    (which is probably all the SWE is making use of). If someone was so
    compelled, they could write a much better SW Explorer on their own.

    Or are you saying that SWE does things not possible with the SW API? Maybe
    it has access to "hidden" API's for SW's internal use?

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Jul 30, 2003
  8. Joel Moore

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    SWX Exp allows you to access the Config Specific Properties, without opening
    Solidworks. Whereas, I do not believe you can do this with the regular SWX
    API. Windows Explorer will only allow access to Custom Properties.
    The API calls involved in SWX Explorer would provide the methods to do this
    via Visual Basic.
    Tony O'Hara, Jul 30, 2003
  9. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    I had to hunt for it but it looks like the CustomInfo2 method of the
    ModelDoc2 object can be used for accessing configuration-specific
    properties. But since it was only made available with SW 2001Plus, your
    point about SWE having access to things the standard API doesn't is still
    Joel Moore, Jul 30, 2003
  10. Joel Moore

    Tony O'Hara Guest

    Thanks for the comment.
    I agree with you. But I don't have any trouble accessing the info with
    SolidWorks loaded.
    Tony O'Hara, Jul 31, 2003
  11. Joel Moore

    rocheey Guest

    SWX Exp allows you to access the Config Specific Properties, without
    There was already some API code made that used calls from SWExplorer
    (to access the preview bitmap) and then a SW support guy said it was
    not a good way to do it, and supplied a .tlb to allow VB access to the
    preview bitmap.

    But the .tlb allowed ONLY access to the bitmap, not all the other
    goodies contained in the structurd storage.

    What you need to do is access the 'stuctured storage' of the SW docs;
    to get the 'extended' info right from the document, without the need
    for Solidworks, or Solidworks explorer, to be installed.

    MS has a freebie .tlb that allows generic access to the structured
    storage, but only to a certain depth... if one considers the 'storage'
    to be 'directories', and the 'streams' to be 'files', then the MS .tlb
    only allows reading of files in the root directory.

    I made my own .tlb, but there are a few others out there, that will
    allow tunneling down thru the structured storage. Aside from the
    preview bitmaps,
    and the config names, there is a HUGE amount of data there:

    config info: whether configs are derived, alternate config names, etc

    solids: there is a parasolid model for each config

    update stamps: there seems to be time stamps for the creation/mod
    dates for each feature, even when some features were deleted. But
    this, like the API version, doesnt seem totally reliable.

    version history: dlls, versions used, etc

    ... and plenty more I havent decoded yet.

    Also, aside from the speed increase to get this data, opening from the
    structured storage gives you more flexibility on knowing ahead of time
    whether the model is being worked on; you can tune this down to the
    cinfiguration level (Open and read only if Model is not in use, or
    open and read only if a certain CONFIG is not in use, etc)
    rocheey, Jul 31, 2003
  12. Joel Moore

    Joel Moore Guest

    In the .NET section of this guy's site (Eduardo Morcillo) there is a free
    wrapper for accessing SS files.

    Not sure how it stacks up to other implementations but here's a look at the
    sample app packaged with it (looking at a SW part file):

    His test program doesn't display the config-specific properties but I think
    that's only because he had Office documents in mind when he made this

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Jul 31, 2003
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