Solidworks performance.

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Peter S., Dec 16, 2003.

  1. Peter S.

    Peter S. Guest


    We are having some major performance problems with the 2D aspect of
    Solidworks 2004 sp01.

    Problems to date include:

    currently not being able to section drawing views at all with the
    following error 'There are no drawing views from which a section could
    be made' This is really bizarre as it worked fine last week and we
    havent changed anything in between.

    On occasion when you open and edit a drawing, but close it without
    saving as you've changed your mind about what you were doing, it saves
    it anyway.

    Crashing randomly with the ever helpful error message 'Solidworks has
    terminated due to an unhandled error, please contact your local
    support representative'

    Ghost lines on sectional views.

    ridiculously slooooooow performance, that, defying belief, gets yet
    slower the longer you use it.

    Poor hatching performance.

    If anyone can give me any advice I would be greatful as its getting a
    bit tedious. I have gone back through all the relevant threads and
    cant see anything obvious to try.

    Our machine spec is. Dell Precision 340's. Pentium 4. 1.7Mhz.
    512meg/ram. Nvidia Quadra graphics card and we're working on
    moderately compicated assemblies with upto about 400 components

    Design Engineer.
    Peter S., Dec 16, 2003
  2. Peter S.

    Steve Tietz Guest

    Section views:
    in order to section drawing views you must make sure that you have a shadow
    box around your drawing view -- this is called activating a view. You can
    do this by double clicking the view you wish to contain the section line OR
    by right mouse clicking in the view & choosing "lock view focus" -- then run
    your section command.

    Saving drawings:
    Make sure that you do not have the 3d model (part or assembly) open upon
    close of the drawing & reopen of the drawing. As even though you have not
    actually saved changes the models that were changed actually are still in
    memory thus when the drawing is open it will update. Plus make sure that
    you do no save any changes to the model as this will update in the drawing
    whether you save the drawing or not. If you find that it is still saving in
    your situation after checking the above report this to your VAR to have
    solidworks fix it -- you may have to send them the drawing with reproducible
    steps / instructions to point the problem.

    Start Solidworks with no document open -- go to tools --options --
    performance -- check "Use software open GL" -- close SW & restart the
    application. Use as normal for a few days (you may notice some graphical
    changes this is normal) + your view rotates may be slower (this is only for
    diagnostics). if your crashes seem to disappear then you have now
    determined that your video card is the problem. have a look at: to determine
    the best video card driver version for your card

    Ghost lines:
    Make sure your view is not set to draft quality. if setting to draft
    quality fixes it then you may want to set it back to draft so that your
    drawing is faster & upon print user the "convert to high quality" check box.

    Slow performance:
    make sure you have a Supported OS : Do NOT USE WINDOWS ME OR 98 !!!

    make sure you have enough ram by opening your largest assembly & looking at
    the Task manager & comparing the actual usage to the physical ram -- if
    actual usage is more than physical -- than you need more ram.

    Turn off realview graphics!!!! mating is slower in this mode among other

    Go to tools Addins & turn off anything you do not need -- only turn on stuff
    when you need them

    Look under Tools --options -- system tab -- performance & turn off some
    things that you may not need to help performance.

    do not draw major 2d sketches in drawings -- SW is a 3d modeler not a 2D
    sketcher if you need 2D sketcher use AutoCAD & import in SW.

    Poor hatching performance:
    again, do not draw major 2d sketches in drawings -- SW is a 3d modeler not a
    2D sketcher if you need 2D sketcher use AutoCAD & import in SW. upon import
    & hatching you may expect this same performance issue with hatching but at
    least creating the sketch is easier.

    hatching 3d models & faces do not take very long in my experiences. If you
    find this in your large assemblies report this to your VAR and or make an
    enhancement request.

    Hope this info helps.
    Steve Tietz
    Steve Tietz, Dec 16, 2003
  3. Peter S.

    Merry Owen Guest


    Join the club!!. SP 1 has totally stuffed drawings - it feels like I am
    using SW97 on a P266. One of the worst slowdowns is when you try to move or
    resize a drawing view on a GA with multiple secton views.

    For the sectioning error - try not to add any constraints to the section
    line. I was having the same problem with a section line constrained to the
    front plane, I deleted the section, removed the constraint from the section
    line and re-created the section and it worked OK.

    Hatching - you will probably find that the hatching problem is linked to the
    poor performance with section views.

    I hung off loading SP1 for a week, and even rang my VAR to confirm that
    there were no problems with it before I installed it - all to no avail.
    Installing a SW SP is like having a punt on the horses - it kinda wrecks
    your faith in SW.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Dec 16, 2003
  4. Peter S.

    Nick E. Guest

    there is an SPR on this. don't know it off hand tho. I think it's still open
    tho, and not slated for SP2.0 yet.

    Still hoping they fix the display of "offset from surface" cuts problem
    fixed in SP2,
    nick e.
    Nick E., Dec 17, 2003
  5. Peter S.

    hacksaw Guest

    We are having some major performance problems with the 2D aspect of
    I see this as a trend.
    I run a SP for the 5 problems I have encountered over the last week of use.
    Then the new SP causes 5 new problems I did not have the day before.
    I have used this product since 1997.
    It is getting real bloated and difficult to manage. SP 1 is 115mb!
    Options prolieferation to increase performance is a sign of poor
    Anyone else sick of detuning the options to get this pig to run?
    Plus I have:
    the drawing views that are real slow when you drag them
    the feature manager that will not go away after hitting the check mark to
    exit the command
    the really slow wheel zoom (which is faster if you use the zoom in out tool
    button instead)
    All this gets somewhat better when you restart the application.
    Our machine spec is:
    Custom Built 2.4Ghz 1.5Gig ram Nvidia 750xgl
    Working on a single part file and drawing
    I have been turning off every option I can find that will increase drawing
    The list would take me an hour to retype here
    I would send you an email with screen shots if you like
    This approach provides only minimal improvements

    Wishing I stayed at 2003+
    hacksaw, Dec 17, 2003
  6. Peter S.

    matt Guest

    This is probably user error. Make sure that the view is activated
    before drawing the section lines.

    Hmmm. Don't know about that one. Have you tried the "Reload" command
    from the drawing? No, of course you haven't, "Reload" isn't available
    in the drawing, although it is in the part and assembly. The only thing
    I can think of is that people have this propensity to hit "OK" on dialog
    boxes without reading them. If you exit from the drw without saving, it
    will ask you if you want to save. Accidentally hitting the OK would do
    that. Other than that, I don't have any explanation for this, and
    haven't seen or heard of it before.

    Random, non-repeatable crashes are often attributable to system set up
    or software installation. On my website, (
    ~mlombard/) in the "Rules of Thumb" section, I have a doc on
    troubleshooting crashes. There is also a new diagnostic section on the
    SW website.

    Sometimes following the message instructions to contact the VAR can be
    helpful, but that depends on your VAR.

    dunno. Is this only when you drag your mouse over something? Are the
    ghost lines from a certain feature like a surface feature? Are you sure
    the section line is cutting where you want it to? Did you try doing the
    cut in the model to see what happens there?
    You might try fiddling with your draft/high quality view settings. If
    everything is set to high quality, you could save yourself some time by
    using draft quality. Also you might try using lightweight settings in
    the drawing. Another doc on my website is the Tools/Options settings
    for 2004. This identifies which settings affect file size and speed.
    If by this you mean that sometimes hatched areas extend into places
    where they shouldn't, then yeah, that's a known problem. Aside from
    that, could you be more specific? Have you tried using a projected view
    with a broken out section?

    Anyway, good luck with this, and let us know if anything changes or if
    you find something that improves things for you.

    matt, Dec 17, 2003
  7. Yeah, there are workarounds which effect everyone's time and $$ but this
    area of degradation is definitely a problem in SW2004.

    The user should not have to fiddle with something which was working fine
    or faster in their previous release.
    Such as, views not displaying properly or loosing edges or the
    appearance of those orthographic views very in line style or look
    totally different using the new settings in SW2004.

    This workarounds are not productive and SW2004 drawing performance is
    not good = negative return on their investment.

    BTW, most of you may know this but IronCad use to promote the "Draft"
    mode for faster drawing performance and also Inventor adopted this
    "Draft" mode... well, neither are fast.... so,... guess what the SW
    users get...?? A "Draft" mode!?

    Hmm,... could "draft" mode be a user enhancement or marketing want?
    "Look, we have a "Draft" mode just like Inventor has!?"

    Paul Salvador, Dec 17, 2003
  8. Yeah, not really, HLR/HLV drawing view was there but, that view display
    option did not work properly and was slow (it was a joke and that
    interface is not the performance issue we are taking about).

    Anyhow, the SW2004 interface is different, using a old marketing name
    (Draft quality = faster (NOT!)), works better and is a bit faster than
    HLR/HLV drawing view was but...
    Overall, at this point in time, there is no real benefit that I see with
    this functionality.
    My current investment is a loss because the older drawing performance
    was/is faster.

    "Draft quality" is clearly geared towards large assembly user or not
    loading everything into memory (another lightweight thing) or "demand
    loading" (I think that is the wording).
    Surely, SW users with large assemblies are having issues (I have
    problems with single parts) are being told Inventor is faster with large
    assemblies and drawings and this "Draft quality" mode is a way of
    keeping their users and prospective users interested... = sales.

    So if the current interface is slower and they are and have been faster
    than Inventor,.. the user interface as well as competing (perception)
    with Inventor is a priority, not performance. Marketing wins, the
    users loose,.. next release promises... = more sales., where is my investment is going?? Marketing.

    Paul Salvador, Dec 17, 2003
  9. Peter S.

    Peter S. Guest

    Cheers for the suggestions chaps, I will see if they make any
    difference. the Sectioning is now working, and turning off the show
    contents when dragging views seems to have helped.

    The only bad thing about posting on here was the fact that in the last
    2 days I have had 18 viruses caught on their way into my inbox!!

    Peter S., Dec 18, 2003
  10. Alway hide in some way your e-mail adress on a NG. Even the _nospam_ is not
    sufficient. And 1 post is all these SOB (excuse my French) need to get to
    Jean Marc BRUN, Dec 18, 2003
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