Solidworks performance enhancement

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jag, Aug 31, 2004.

  1. Jag

    Jag Guest

    I was interested to know if solidworks gives me an option to use the
    idle processing time on other computers on my company network.

    If any one is aware of it kindly let me know.

    Jag, Aug 31, 2004
  2. This is too strange as I was just discussing this here this morning. Our
    conclusion was that SW is not even written to be able to utilize multiple
    processors in the same machine, so therefore it wouldn't know what to do
    with multiple processors on the network. Some day maybe......

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 31, 2004
  3. If it were possible the benifits to PhotoWorks would be.........OOOHHH
    Just thing about how much faster you could render a video too.

    I had better stop dreaming.

    I did look for something of the sort a few months

    There was one app that you could use as a wrapper over other applications
    but for the life of me I can't find anything on it now. It has been said
    that SW by nature is processed very linear like since everything is
    dependant on what is before it. But PhotoWorks can definitely take
    advantage of multiple processors but I am not sure if there is a thread

    Corey Scheich, Aug 31, 2004
  4. Corey,

    It's my understanding that PW2 does infact make use of dual processors if
    they are there. It does not have support for network rendering. Not yet
    Rob Rodriguez, Aug 31, 2004
  5. Jag

    P. Guest

    Back in 89-90 we used to do that to the extent the graphic arts department
    was complaining we were stealing the CPU cycles from their Apollos. We ran
    big simulations and needed every clock cycle we could get. So anyone that
    had a Unix box was raided for free cycles. That was Unix then, this is
    Windows now, where true multi-tasking and multi-processing is still a
    feature to be invented. And of course it wasn't SW we were running either.

    Just a long winded way of saying no, SW won't use multiprocessor machines,
    clustering or even hyperthreading.
    P., Sep 1, 2004
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