SolidWorks or VX?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by evaluating, Jan 10, 2006.

  1. evaluating

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Jan 15, 2006
  2. evaluating

    Cliff Guest

    Which one?
    Cliff, Jan 15, 2006
  3. evaluating

    jon_banquer Guest

    Very easily:

    The surfacing functions that are in UG are not included in Parasolid.

    Name a hybrid modeler built on Parasolid where moving between solids
    and surfaces is seamless like it is in UG. It's a rhetorical
    question... there isn't one available.

    Why do you think developers that are interested in building hybrid
    modelers choose ACIS, build their own kernel or do what Impact Soft
    apparently does with the CATIA kernel rather than use Parasolid ? Maybe
    you should ask them ? I have.

    I'd even be happy to post a web forum link where you can ask the
    developer of Concepts why he didn't go with Parasolid. I'm sure you
    could also call Cadkey now Kubotek and ask them.... better yet attend
    SaladWorks World and ask Paul Stallings vise president of development
    for Kubotek what ACIS has in it's kernel that Parasolid is devoid of.


    "I may have many faults, but being wrong ain't one of them." ... Jimmy
    jon_banquer, Jan 15, 2006
  4. evaluating

    Cliff Guest

    How would you know?
    Can you tell a Kentucky kernel from kernel Saunders?

    Even if you were correct then you cannot blame the ParaSolid
    kernel as you ALWAYS do.
    Cliff, Jan 15, 2006
  5. evaluating

    yakityak Guest

    evaluating says:
    turnip truck jon says:
    Know what a circular reference is?
    Still nothing to do with corn.
    No need to ask. It's obvious. You asked? Did you understand the answers?
    Why would Tim trash all that experience and expertise. Autodesk should have
    snagged him but, being as clueless and dishonest as you dropped the ASM scam on
    their customers. You thought that was a good idea, didn't you? Yeah, yeah,
    Parasolid doesn't do everything ACIS does. That's why ACIS is a better choice
    for entry level and niche market applications but that's all it will ever be.
    You will never see a UG built over ACIS. Turnip.

    Anybody have any turnip and corn recipes?
    yakityak, Jan 27, 2006
  6. evaluating

    Cliff Guest

    Calling John S. ......
    Cliff, Jan 27, 2006
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