SolidWorks on Vista

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. mbiasotti

    pete Guest

    It seems their server is knackered at the moment, I can't even get to
    16:48 GMT
    pete, Nov 3, 2006
  2. mbiasotti

    Muggs Guest

    Yeah (no biggy), as Neil pointed out, Salvador is the correct spelling,
    Hey Paul, ever think about changing your name to El, maybe then people
    would be able to spell Salvador?

    Not really insightful or witty, but I couldn't resist.

    Muggs, Nov 3, 2006
  3. mbiasotti

    FlowerPot Guest

    oh, sorry. I guess I want to make you Italian. I think it's the
    passionate response you give mostly. I'll get it right next time.

    Yeah, menus that slide and shadows and what not. I do use the Clear Type
    (lcd monitor) and the Show content of windows while moving.

    I get email, newsgroups and rss in Mozilla. Keeps it all in one place.
    Used to be a big Netscape fan.
    Yeah, I hate that. All of this fluff eye candy shit is going to make
    advertisements that much more annoying and that much more pervasive, and
    maybe that much more difficult to avoid.
    To change workflow for the better would be a software content change. I
    get the feeling this Vista is just about visuals.
    Some people (ed, bo) take themselves far too seriously and seem to
    expect others to as well. Others (kneel) are just anti-everything.
    Geez, now that's funny. Water Buffalo club. I can see what you mean.

    You posted something a few weeks ago that just made me laugh my ass off.
    It was a link to Carlos Mencia video (De De Deee) that was funny in a
    way that shit like that usually isn't. I mean it had a deeper positive
    meaning that you rarely find in that hip hop crap. I laughed about that
    for days and completely agree with his message.

    Anyway, don't give 'em any slack. I'll get the spelling thing under
    control on my end.

    FlowerPot, Nov 3, 2006
  4. mbiasotti

    Bo Guest

    And the jugglers do their act with flower pots?

    Oh well, it is the end of the week.

    Have a good weekend - Bo

    I've read some your stuff and you go for the jugglers man!
    Bo, Nov 3, 2006
  5. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Yes, it is essentially 2007 version with a new look and feel as well as
    new productivity enhancements.
    mbiasotti, Nov 3, 2006
  6. mbiasotti

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Jim Sculley, Nov 4, 2006
  7. mbiasotti

    swizzle Guest

    Thanks for the try, but IE7 aborts the operation when trying to load that

    swizzle, Nov 6, 2006
  8. mbiasotti

    Jim Sculley Guest

    Jim Sculley, Nov 7, 2006
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