SolidWorks on Vista

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Nov 2, 2006.

  1. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    SolidWorksVista Version® is coming soon! This is your special
    invitation to join the Vista Beta Program for SolidWorks 2007.

    SolidWorks Vista Beta Version is a special version of SolidWorks 2007
    programmed especially for Microsoft Windows Vista to take advantage of
    the many new features this operating system has to offer.

    Beta Program is schedule to start in just a few weeks so please
    register as soon as possible. Your subscription service must be current
    to participate in the Beta program.

    Please also check to make sure that you meet the hardware requirements
    for Vista by visiting the following page at Microsoft's site:

    Please visit the following website to sign up for the SolidWorks 2007
    Vista Beta Program:

    Thank you.

    The Product Management Team

    SolidWorks Corporation
    mbiasotti, Nov 2, 2006
  2. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    So Vista will have its own exclusive SW version? ie Vista will not run
    previous XP 32 and 64?
    neilscad, Nov 2, 2006
  3. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    BTW how many people do you expect to get testing this?
    There must be few Vista installs and only release candidates until the
    end of Nov at least for the business version.
    This wouldn't seem to have the makings for an effective beta program...
    neilscad, Nov 2, 2006
  4. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest


    Currently the plan is to have XP version run also on Vista but this
    decision isn't finalized. Besides, once you see SW Vista Version
    running on Vista, you be hooked!


    Mark Biasotti
    mbiasotti, Nov 2, 2006
  5. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    ah you tease...
    You know I am hanging on waiting for details so I can get new hardware.
    I would appreciate it if you could map out any special requirements we
    might need going forward re DX10 etc etc
    neilscad, Nov 2, 2006
  6. mbiasotti

    FlowerPot Guest

    So how do we get Windows Vista beta? Will it be available through
    SolidWorks or do we have to go to MS to get it?

    FlowerPot, Nov 2, 2006
  7. mbiasotti

    FlowerPot Guest

    Typical neil. Criticize if they don't and then criticize when they do.

    I think you have to be at least on subscription to get a beta, so wtf do
    you care?

    FlowerPot, Nov 2, 2006
  8. mbiasotti

    ed_1001 Guest

    I don't think I'll be going to Vista for a long time. I read the EULA.
    They gotta be kidding.

    If you ever need a beta tester for any *nix, then I'll be interested.
    ed_1001, Nov 2, 2006
  9. mbiasotti

    j Guest

    I'd be happier if they'd work out the problems that are currently in the
    released versions of XP & 64 before trying to cram a bunch of new
    "enhancements" on a "new" OS. If we have bugs now, we'll have an
    infestation when vista's released. I can see it now.

    SW: It's not a SW problem, it's with Vista.

    MS: It's not a MS problem it's with SW.
    j, Nov 2, 2006
  10. mbiasotti

    FlowerPot Guest

    Hooked on what? functionality or visual effects?

    FlowerPot, Nov 2, 2006
  11. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Here's a SolidWorks Vista FAQ

    Q: What is Windows Vista?
    A: Microsoft Windows Vista is a significant new version of Windows that
    will be launched in November of 2006. The link to the Microsoft Windows
    Vista site is:

    Q: What are some of the more significant enhancements that SolidWorks
    Vista version will bring over our XP version?
    A: A new look and feel to the way the user works with many elements of
    the desktop, including animation, transparencies, RSS feeds, integrated
    search, high quality thumbnails and previews, widgets and a more
    optimized workflow.

    Q: Will SolidWorks run on Vista?
    A: Yes, a native version of SolidWorks is being prepared for Vista.

    Q: Will SolidWorks be holding a beta program for SolidWorks Vista
    A: Yes, SolidWorks Vista Beta will run between November and December of

    Q: When will the first released version of the SolidWorks Vista be
    A: 1st Quarter of 2007 coinciding with the SP3 release of 2007 on DVD
    and download.

    Q: For the Beta, how do I get Windows Vista, I don't currently have
    Windows Vista?
    A: Microsoft is releasing Windows Vista in mid November for purchase by
    their "Business Value customers." The consumer version will be
    release in the first quarter of 2007. If you are a Windows Vista
    Business Value Customer, Windows Vista is available from Microsoft. If
    your are not an Business Value Customer and you don't currently have
    Windows Vista, SolidWorks will ship a DVD of RC (Release Candidate
    version) to the first 150 SolidWorks Vista Beta customers that sign up
    for the program.

    Q: Does Windows Vista require new hardware in order to run?
    A: Not necessarily. Microsoft is recommending 1G of Ram and a modern
    CPU. Refer to your hardware manufacturer; many of them have already
    certified their latest models for Vista. Please refer to Microsoft's
    site for more information:

    Q: What GPU graphics cards will work with SolidWorks Vista Beta?
    A: SolidWorks Vista Beta will run with Software OpenGL emulation only.

    Q: Will COSMOS products be available with this beta version?
    A: COSMOSWorks and COSMOSMotion products will be available for Beta
    with the exception of COSMOSFloWorks which will NOT be available for
    beta. (COSMOSFloWorks will be available for released product).

    Q: What other products will not be available for SolidWorks Vista Beta?
    A: Rhino import, MoldflowXpress, Electrical Harnessing portion of
    Routing and PDMWorks Enterprise.
    mbiasotti, Nov 2, 2006
  12. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    thanks for that :eek:)

    I gather then it is mostly the Vista interface changes and dangly bits
    you want tested and the core SW is much the same as it is now....
    I hope you can find a good number to particpate but I am not so sure.
    Possibly some users wouldn't mind putting it on a home pc partition but
    I don't think many will have it on a workstation. Should that matter?
    A problem I anticipate is that there is still a lack of printer drivers
    for 64 bit let alone Vista.
    My A3 HP printer will not be supported at all for Vista apparently. :eek:(
    I know Vista has had a printing make over.
    Will SW be making any changes in that area?
    neilscad, Nov 2, 2006
  13. mbiasotti

    FlowerPot Guest

    Q: What are some of the more significant enhancements that SolidWorks
    RSS feeds, now there's something that you can't get anywhere else where
    it makes more sense than in your CAD program. Lets see, a $5000 RAM hog,
    but it reads RSS! Don't the developers have anything better to do?

    How do you spell "web noodles"?

    And that integrated search is everyone's favorite so far. Animation? If
    this is visual fluff I don't need it.

    The only thing that is vaguely interesting here is the "optimized workflow".

    So, to answer the question, that would be "any ol' pos"?

    Nows your time to use all of those Radeons out there! You will no longer
    be more handicapped than the rest of us. We will be equally handicapped
    across the board.

    I will reserve judgment, but this sounds like a very losing proposition.
    Software OGL? omg. But the interface will look cool. whew!

    Let's ask Paul Salvatore what he thinks! Paul?

    FlowerPot, Nov 2, 2006
  14. mbiasotti

    neilscad Guest

    I hope you are done now are you petal?
    ....such festering malcontented spleen...
    and thats Mr Salvador to you btw.

    If you stop to think about it before slagging off there are very good
    reasons for having this beta run in software openGL emulation.
    neilscad, Nov 3, 2006
  15. mbiasotti

    pete Guest

    They say that I can not register with my serial number ????

    It's legal and paid for and I have subscription on it too, lol

    what gives here??

    SolidWorksVista Version® is coming soon! This is your special
    invitation to join the Vista Beta Program for SolidWorks 2007.

    SolidWorks Vista Beta Version is a special version of SolidWorks 2007
    programmed especially for Microsoft Windows Vista to take advantage of
    the many new features this operating system has to offer.

    Beta Program is schedule to start in just a few weeks so please
    register as soon as possible. Your subscription service must be current
    to participate in the Beta program.

    Please also check to make sure that you meet the hardware requirements
    for Vista by visiting the following page at Microsoft's site:

    Please visit the following website to sign up for the SolidWorks 2007
    Vista Beta Program:

    Thank you.

    The Product Management Team

    SolidWorks Corporation
    pete, Nov 3, 2006
  16. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Please give it a try again, there was a issue with the entry form that
    if you left any spaces in your serial number it would kick you out.
    This has been resolved.


    mbiasotti, Nov 3, 2006
  17. mbiasotti

    pete Guest

    Hi Mbaissotti,

    Still the same mesage with or with out gaps in the serial number

    We're sorry, the serial number provided is not available for the SolidWorks
    Vista Beta Program registration.

    Any other ideas, could it be Because I am in the UK?
    pete, Nov 3, 2006
  18. mbiasotti

    swizzle Guest

    Can you comment on some of the highlights? I haven't read through the EULA
    yet, nor do I plan on doing so until Vista is actually released.
    swizzle, Nov 3, 2006
  19. mbiasotti

    Rock Guy Guest

    I logged in with the old 16 digit serial number and everything worked
    Rock Guy, Nov 3, 2006
  20. mbiasotti

    Bo Guest


    A workaround hack has already been found ;-)

    Bo, Nov 3, 2006
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