Solidworks on an Apple Powerbook?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Olaf Diegel, Nov 20, 2004.

  1. Olaf Diegel

    Olaf Diegel Guest

    Hi All,

    I've been looking around for my next laptop and am considering the various
    17" screen models out there. All the PC models are designed like a brick
    crapper and weigh about as much.

    The only one that is tempting me is Apple's Powerbook G4 17", which is
    reasonably slim and looks 'designed' , etc.
    Wonder why none of the PC manufacturers have caught on to producing machines
    that not only work, but look good at the same time?

    I know that it's possible to run Solidworks on a mac through the windows
    emualtors, but am wondering if anyone has been using an Apple Powerbook as
    their day to day machine for Solidworks, and what their thougths were.

    Olaf Diegel, Nov 20, 2004
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