Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by plasmaandrew, Feb 2, 2005.

  1. plasmaandrew

    plasmaandrew Guest

    Hey All,

    My sincerest apologies for reposting this. I had noticed that the
    download count has dropped a bit, so I thought perhaps people we're
    maybe not aware of the macro. So, Here it is again for those of you who
    may have not seen the NURBS Editor.

    Thanks Everyone!

    plasmaandrew, Feb 2, 2005
  2. plasmaandrew

    Cliff Guest

    Don't tell poor jb .....
    Cliff, Feb 2, 2005
  3. plasmaandrew

    neil Guest

    Hi Andrew,
    have you changed anything since last time?
    neil, Feb 2, 2005
  4. plasmaandrew

    plasmaandrew Guest

    Nope, I sure haven't. I really haven't gotten enough feedback to make
    adjustments to it... So, it has been somewhat of a low priority. I
    would, however, like to make a gallery with images of models that
    everyone created. I am not planning on creating a commercial version of
    this software at any point in time, so don't worry, it will always be

    Thanks Everyone!

    plasmaandrew, Feb 2, 2005
  5. plasmaandrew

    neil Guest

    I would have thought you got more than enough feedback to keep you busy for
    some time....weighting,variable number of points or at least 5,interface
    tidy up,the last row display issue,the rebuild problem,accuracy of fit
    issue,etc a nut shell...sorry but presently it isn't a lot of
    practical use.
    neil, Feb 2, 2005
  6. plasmaandrew

    plasmaandrew Guest

    Rebuild problem? This is a new one on me. Can you explain a bit?
    plasmaandrew, Feb 2, 2005
  7. plasmaandrew

    neil Guest

    well I already have...did you read the replies people gave to your post
    asking for feedback?
    neil, Feb 3, 2005
  8. plasmaandrew

    plasmaandrew Guest

    I sure did. I assume the rebuild problem isn't so much a problem with
    the process of rebuilding as it is a problem with the GUI not reacting
    correctly when a rebuild happens. What I meant by not recieving enough
    feedback is that whereas some people have said a few things they would
    like to see, not enough people have spoken saying what they would like
    to see. So, of course, this makes things a lower priority. I may hop
    back into it though, because i have several other rendering and
    exporter plugins that i'll probably give away as well.
    plasmaandrew, Feb 4, 2005
  9. plasmaandrew

    neil Guest

    well I guess either the existing feedback covers it already or perhaps not
    many people are especially interested ...things only have a short life
    here..about 3-4 days visibility typically...and of course the responses
    frequently aren't all that invigorating don't want to post a
    discussion here requiring heavy use of grey matter...
    and of course there are a large number of silent spectators who say next to
    nothing but are happy to download something for free.
    re the rebuild - what I did IIRC was to create a surface and replace one on
    an object - that part is ok - then I decided to go back and change
    it......but then after all I thought better of it and tried to exit without
    doing anything...and this was the problem it would not rebuild..either in
    the confirmation corner or via the rebuild icon...the solution was to ctrl

    cheers, keep at it, it has potential
    neil, Feb 4, 2005
  10. plasmaandrew

    plasmaandrew Guest

    Right. That's what I thought. The problem lies in that the box was
    designed to close only on a rebuild. Since you didn't change anything,
    there was nothing to rebuild, so the box stays around for eternity. I
    think i have a solution for that.

    I recently had a look at catia's NURBS implementation, and i must say,
    that they're remarkably similar. In that you create a nurbs surface
    from another face and then they aren't connected anymore; you can
    delete the original face and the nurbs still stays. But I guess you
    could still call mine the "really crappy version" ;)
    plasmaandrew, Feb 4, 2005
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