SolidWorks Network Licenses

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Peter Taafe, Jul 28, 2004.

  1. Peter Taafe

    Peter Taafe Guest

    Has anyone had success in trying to run two seperate groups of Flexi ID
    licenses on the same Server?
    My IT department is trying to setup on a single server two flexi ID licenses
    for our design Office and two Flexi ID licenses for another Section without
    pooling all four licenses. We are trying to avoid the situation where one
    section or the other is using all four licenses at once. We are in the
    transition stage and we want to allow both sections equal opportunity to
    train on Solidworks.

    The IT support guys have gone through the correct Solidworks support
    contacts but they seem to be experiencing long delays in getting any sort of

    I would have thought that with the number of licenses sold each year that
    what we are asking cannot be unique.

    Any help or information would be greatly appreciated.

    Peter Taafe

    Peter Taafe, Jul 28, 2004
  2. Peter Taafe

    Tiger Guest

    You should be able to do what you wish. We don't have the same configuration
    as you, but we run 4 different FlexLM programs simultaneously off the same
    server, SW, Cosmos, Gibbs, and AutoCAD. These all run on different dongles.
    We also run 2 versions of SW concurrently, SW2003 & SW2004. I suspect you
    will need 2 dongles.
    Tiger, Jul 28, 2004
  3. Peter Taafe

    Peter Taafe Guest

    Thank you both for the quick reply.
    I will pass this on to the IT guys.
    Peter Taafe, Jul 28, 2004
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