SolidWorks model of a suitcase or luggage

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Aria, Jul 11, 2005.

  1. Aria

    Aria Guest


    I am an engineering student from the University of British Columbia and
    for one of my projects I need a model of a suitcase (or similiar
    luggage). Unfortunately, I am not very good at solidworks and the only
    suitcase that I can make looks like the work of a 3rd grader. So, does
    anyone know of anywhere that I can get a solidworks model of a
    suitcase? I can be reached by email at

    I'd appreciate any help.

    thx in advance,
    Aria, Jul 11, 2005
  2. Aria

    Muggs Guest

    Sure, no problem! Why don't yu send me all of your math and english homework
    as well.
    In fact if have any laundry I'd be willing to do that too.

    I don't think the point of the exercise was to see how good your NG begging
    skills are.

    C'mon! If your having problems send a link to a file or some jpegs that will
    explain your problem, and let us help you get better at SW ( the point of
    this NG).
    Give a man a fish, and he eats for a day.
    But teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.

    Muggs, Jul 12, 2005
  3. Aria

    shaun Guest

    Don't listen to these guys, so one might call you very reasourceful. If
    someone else is willing to do your work let them. Only Problem is it
    costs money. In business corners are cut all the time. If you can
    outsource something for cheaper do it. So with that said I will do your
    homework it will only cost a small 65 dollars an hour it will take
    about two for me to make a bad ass suit case, that will get you an A.
    And when the class gets tuffer I will do all of the assignments for
    you, the hourly rate stays the same but how long it will take me to
    model will increase with the difficulty. Good luck in life after you
    graduate sounds like you will need it! LOL
    shaun, Jul 12, 2005
  4. Aria

    Aria Guest

    haha you guys are hilarious. The point is that the project is not about
    SolidWorks or any other CAD programs. In fact, it is not even about
    graphical designs. It is an electromechanical project which uses an
    Integrated Circuit chip (Motorola 68HC11) to calculate a few things
    about the contents of a suitcase. So as you can see, it is not my job
    to even build anything with SolidWorks (The project is about building a
    digital circuit and a PLC). A SolidWorks model of a suitcase will
    merely look nice for demonstrating the purpose of this project.

    So why SolidWorks and not Inventor, ProE, or Unigraphix? Because I have
    it at home!

    And Shaun, I would never pay for this because I'm not getting paid for
    it myself. So looking at it through your eyes, it would make no
    "business sense" to pay for these RESOURCES, right? (notice the
    spelling). So, I suggest you invest that two hours and $130 in a
    dictionary and some spelling lessons. LOL.
    Aria, Jul 12, 2005
  5. Aria

    Aria Guest

    Hi Muggs,

    Like I explained to Shaun below, this is not my homework; in fact, it's
    not even really what the project is about. The project is about setting
    up an electromechanical system using some digital logic and a PLC to
    guage the contents of a suitcase. You see, when I went to the supply
    room, no one told me to go build my suitcase or PLC before I can use it
    for testing, same here.

    As for my problem, my biggest issue is that I can't get the texture
    right. It seems that there is nothing in solid works that would make a
    suitcase look like a suitcase. The rest seems do-able (even though I am
    very pressed for time). So, do you know of any built-in textures that I
    should use? or how can I add in my own textures? In which case, would I
    have to go build the texture graphic file myself too? (Maybe I should
    post something in the Photoshop Newsgroup ;)


    PS: How do you guys then justify the 3-D content central that
    SolidWorks has setup? My idea: don't reinvent the wheel.
    Aria, Jul 12, 2005
  6. Aria

    Muggs Guest

    Well Aria, My appologies, and welcome to the NG.

    We ocationally get requests here on the NG from peeps looking to have thier
    homework done for them, and in that case I aggre with Shaun; Good luck later
    in life.
    But as for peeps like me who are trying to make a living, I agree, that
    there's no reason to reinvent the wheel. In fact much of my time is spend
    reverse engineering the way manufacturers already do things. So in that case
    3D content Central is a nice resourse.

    Sorry if I souded gruff,and good luck on your project!
    Muggs, Jul 12, 2005
  7. Aria

    Brian Guest

    For custom textures like that, I understand that taking a digital photo,
    cropping, cleaning, ect. of a small area of a texture that you like, will
    give you decent results with small time investment.

    As far as the suitcase itself. You will probably have better luck on
    something like that looking for a 3ds file of one. I am pretty sure there
    are export/import options to get them into SW.

    Disclaimer: never needed a custom texture myself but have read a bit on it.
    Brian, Jul 12, 2005
  8. Aria

    That70sTick Guest

    What properties of the suitcase contents are you trying to gage? Mass
    and moments of inertia? Acceleration?
    That70sTick, Jul 12, 2005
  9. Aria

    Aria Guest

    Mass, Moment of Inertia, Temperature, and other things. Why?
    Aria, Jul 12, 2005
  10. Aria

    That70sTick Guest

    Just curious. I do a lot of weight/balance mechanism problems in my
    design work.

    It seems a little incongruous to be spending that much time on the
    appearance of the suitcase for an engineering project.

    There were lots of nice fabric textures built into SW when I just
    checked. Why not one of those?
    That70sTick, Jul 12, 2005
  11. Aria

    Aria Guest

    such as what? I honestly haven't found even one that begins to look
    descent. And yes, I know time shouldn't be spent on building this
    suitcase which is why i was hoping someone would already have one
    they're willing to share.

    Anyways, please let me know which fabric you thought suits a suitcase.

    Aria, Jul 12, 2005
  12. Aria

    Laz Guest

    Actually, the way I heard it was build a fire for a man who is cold and you
    will help keep him warm for a night, set a man on fire and you will keep him
    warm for the rest of his life.

    Laz, Jul 13, 2005
  13. Aria

    shaun Guest

    Simmer down young one, seems like this college student needs to get
    shaun, Jul 13, 2005
  14. Aria

    lmar Guest


    Like the Bob & Doug McKenzie Logo

    To make it authentic you need to replace the
    "Take Off" sticker with the grammatically correct Canadianese "Take Off
    or better yet "Take off eh -- you hoser!"

    Len "Canucklehead ' Eh" Mar
    lmar, Jul 14, 2005
  15. Aria

    Aria Guest

    See Shaun, you're not very smart and it comes across every time. When
    you say something like that, do you have any idea what doors you have
    opened to me? I'll let you feel like you had the last words because as
    Karl Marx has wisely pointed out, "Last words are for fools who haven't
    said enough."
    Aria, Jul 14, 2005
  16. Aria

    Aria Guest

    lol, so what would an American slogan be?

    "USA: where we love jesus, our guns, and our cousins"? heeeeeeeha!
    Aria, Jul 14, 2005
  17. Aria

    That70sTick Guest

    Gee, this just 2 weeks after I read a WSJ article about how Saudis
    PREFER to marry cousins.

    Koran-thumping rednecks not much different from the American
    Bible-thumping variety afer all.
    That70sTick, Jul 14, 2005
  18. Aria

    neil Guest

    come on guys, he just asked for a suitcase and everyone unloads their
    neil, Jul 14, 2005
  19. Aria

    Aria Guest

    You're right Neil. Ignorance is probably the biggest world-wide
    phenomenon. Except I guess in Saudi Arabia, they would be called dark
    necks rather than red necks (color complexions).

    Although to play the devil's advocate, I'd have to say that I'm sure
    that the vast majority of Saudis don't PREFER to marry their cousins.
    There are Saudi students here and most of them are just as enlightened
    as any good ol' American boy that goes to University. Don't let
    propaganda fool you.
    Aria, Jul 15, 2005
  20. Aria

    That70sTick Guest

    To be fair...

    The article was about rural Saudis. The marriage preference is a
    strategy to maintain family land holdings.

    Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist... fundamentalist legalism is the
    antithesis of true spirituality
    That70sTick, Jul 15, 2005
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