SolidWorks Looks alot like Inventor??????????

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jeff Parker, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. Jeff Parker

    Jeff Parker Guest

    Does anyone else notice how much the command manger looks just like
    the one in Inventor?????

    Just Wondering!
    Jeff Parker, Sep 12, 2003
  2. Jeff Parker

    Chris Guest

    maybe it'll crash the same, too

    (top stirring...)
    Chris, Sep 12, 2003
  3. Jeff Parker

    Nick E. Guest

    Chris quipped:

    ironically enough......

    got a repeatable crash on it today. :)

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Sep 13, 2003
  4. Jeff,

    Stands to reason, Adesk copied SW. (not the other way around)

    Mark Mossberg, Sep 13, 2003
  5. Jeff Parker

    Sporkman Guest

    I think you mistook a comment/question for a challenge. Jeff's post
    looks to me like a question from a newbie who has had at least an
    introduction to Inventor -- not like a post from an AutoDesk VAR. Let's
    get the chips off our shoulders, guys. We don't need to get all huffy
    about stuff like this.

    Sporkman, Sep 13, 2003
  6. Jeff Parker

    kellnerp Guest

    kellnerp, Sep 13, 2003
  7. Jeff Parker

    Nick E. Guest

    kellnerp quipped:
    also ironically, people who have been complaining about the IV interface
    (obviously without ever using it) will probably love the "new" SW



    --nick e.

    /me, never having used the IV interface (or complained about it) kinda like
    it actually. i get more screen space now.
    Nick E., Sep 13, 2003
  8. Jeff Parker

    Jeff Parker Guest

    Well, as far as I can tell Inventor had this at least 1-2 years before
    SolidWorks did.

    One other thought though, making this type of comment has brought out
    some of the better users here and some of the ones that have to
    degrate others in the group.

    This was just an observation, it "DOESN'T" mean that I prefere IV. I
    have been using SWX for the last 6 years and I wouldn't trade it for
    anything, I just have the forsight to learn other systems to keep
    myself diversified!
    Jeff Parker, Sep 15, 2003
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