SolidWorks Hot Air Vent...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by dvanzile3, Oct 24, 2007.

  1. dvanzile3

    dvanzile3 Guest

    For some reason I am really annoyed today and I feel the need to share
    some frustrations. So.... here goes!
    expect many issues with spelling and grammer!

    We recently did the move to SW 2008 and so far we haven't had any
    major show stopping events (This is great).
    After using it for more than a week I've grown to really like it and
    find that we are finally getting close to a version
    that is getting rid of a lot of the daily annoyances while using the
    software from early versions.

    Examples of areas that have really improved\new since SW 97:

    - Multi-body parts
    - Mirrored parts
    - ability to change the plane of a hole-wizard hole
    - actually undoing stuff
    - Saying "Don't show this dialog box again" options for advanced users
    - SW Bill of Materials
    - ability to select circular face or edge for a circular pattern (wow,
    this is small but great!)
    - ability to open parts and actually update custom properties from the
    bill of materials.
    - screen capture button (that I can't use and I'll explain why below)

    So, this is all great stuff to finally see and I was thinking to
    myself.... WOW, SW has come a long way in getting rid of the
    annoyances in my daily routine.....

    UNTIL YESTERDAY AND THIS MORNING....... reality hit me and I realized
    that it still has a LONG WAY to go I guess.

    I was finishing up a job and finalizing drawings when it came time to
    create the bill of materials. No big deal, we have a standard
    template we use
    and create it with the new SW b.o.m. option. So I inserted a bill and
    all was fine.... and then I went to auto-size a column a-la excel
    style and..... IT CRASHES!
    ok, no big deal again... I'm already in the habit of saving after
    about every 3 or 4 things I do so I didn't loose much work. (Do I have
    to mention again that I've used SW for
    a long time?)

    So, anyways, to make a long vent even longer.... I normally go and
    start doing some investigative work myself to find the root of the
    problem..... or hopefully anyways.
    And if there is a work around (like NEVER AUTO-SIZING AGAIN) just
    ignore the issue and continue trying to get my daily work done. This
    is what I would normally do.
    But yesterday I thought I would turn a new leaf, be proactive, and try
    the SW RX problem capture tool. Without any further ado, I made the
    video capture and everything
    of the AUTO-SIZING column problem( repeated steps included) and sent
    it in to my var tech support (I even included the "template" bill file
    that it was created from).
    There.... my job is done.... I did my part in trying to improve the
    product one step at a time.

    Then this morning I get a response back saying that they can't
    recreate the problem on their end. He said that he was able to insert
    and create the bill just fine.
    ok..... that's can I. THE PROBLEM IS THE AUTO-SIZE OF
    THE COLUMN! I've included the steps to recreate the issue in the rx
    file. So is the file
    not read by tech support? what's the deal? I did my part I thought.

    So.... I went back after that response and did what I would have
    normally done. Do the investigative work myself. I tried a few
    things and then I thought to NOT use
    our template that we've been using, but the standard template out of
    the box install. Ok, this one doesn't crash when I auto-size
    columns. So I guessed that
    out template somehow became corrupt going to the new version. So I
    recreated it from scratch and resaved a new template.
    What do you know... it works now! Problem solved! but is it? My
    problem is solved for now. But what about root cause?? Why did our
    template become corrupt?
    If I don't send in the issue won't others have it as well?? Well it
    would seem by sending in the rx file would help to solve issues but in
    this specific case I guess
    it didn't help. Since I now found a workaround for my problem I'm
    sure the issue on tech-supports end stops right there as well.

    TIP: if you have BOM crashing issues in 2008 - recreate your
    templates from scratch I guess and hope that solves it for you as

    Now, back to the origin of what I started talking about as far as
    ridding of annoyances. OR SO I THOUGHT

    I got a request for some jpg's of a huge machine job we did recently.
    Now I thought to myself again, this assembly is a HUGE assembly and
    takes almost
    20 minutes to open fully resolved on a newer dell-490 workstation. No
    big deal again I thought, I'll just open it in view only mode and take
    some screen shots
    of what I need pics of.

    Well guess what! I can't take screen shots because the background was
    saved in some funky new background and I need the "plain white"
    background for the customer so information is clear.
    SW won't even let me change the background color in "view only" mode
    to plain white. GREAT!!! ok, no big deal again, I'll just open in
    lightweight mode to open it faster. NOPE! Once it came up
    it needed to be resolved because lightweight mode screwed up the way
    certain sub-assembly configs were displayed. Once again, now I have
    no choice but to open it up fully resolved just to change the
    background color and get some pictures with screenshots.

    So I guess I take it back.... I guess we do have a LONG way to go
    before a lot of daily annoyances are gone.
    And I have no idea what all this means... I'm just annoyed right now
    and I guess I'll get back to work.

    Some of my "Must Haves for SW 2009" list.

    oh, and while we are at it....... these too!
    dual unit display when in the measuring tool (Most would upgrade to SW
    2009 just for this)
    Slot command controlled by hole wizard.
    Utilize multiple processors when ever possible.

    Finally done,
    dvanzile3, Oct 24, 2007
  2. There was a Beta issue that I ran into whereby double-clicking in the top
    cell of a SW BOM would crash out SW. But only if I had my 3D controller
    active. Maybe a clue?

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 24, 2007
  3. dvanzile3

    Bo Guest

    OK, here comes my dumb question.

    What is a "3D controller"?

    Thanks - Bo
    Bo, Oct 24, 2007
  4. dvanzile3

    dvanzile3 Guest

    We don't use space balls if that's what you are referring to. No,
    this seems to be from the .sldbomtbt
    template we were always using. As soon as I made it from scratch in
    2008 and then resaved to a new
    ..sldbomtbt template, everything seemed to work fine. No more
    repeatable crashes.

    But thanks for your input
    dvanzile3, Oct 24, 2007
  5. dvanzile3

    Bo Guest

    Don, a DQH <Dumb Question Here>

    Given the problems that can occur when a template or SWks internal
    file gets corrupted or the wrong version or goes missing, why can't
    there be an application that just goes and checks to see if every
    single damn one of those files is there, any "extras", the right
    version, and not "MALFORMED"?

    We are 6 decades into the "computer" and there is tons of unused
    horsepower at the disposal of users who have the right utility program
    to query our applications and data files to see if they are "correct".

    Why should users be forced to use manual techniques of elimination to
    attempt to debug our applications? We pay through the nose for a
    highly technical application with maybe thousands of files, but we do
    not have a user's version of a debugging tool (which I am dead certain
    SolidWorks uses internally).

    We users deserve to have some elemental debugging tools to prevent us
    spending countless hours trying to find out what is wrong that a
    simple tool could tell after a few minutes of scanning files.

    1. Am I totally flat ass wrong on this?

    2. Am I stupidly naive in thinking error detection tools would save

    3. Is it asking too much to have a tool that tells us if every
    SolidWorks file is there and where it should be (& where it is if it
    is wrongly placed)?

    4. Given that corrupted or missing files can cause SolidWorks to
    crash, it would seem probable that a utility could read a set of files
    and tell whether any common errors exist that might or would cause a
    crash or failure to open, or again am I off in left field again?

    It would seem like such a SWks Debug Utility could be in the update
    list with every SolidWorks Service Pack release. Gut feel tells me it
    would save users & VARs a bunch of time.

    Bo, Oct 24, 2007
  6. dvanzile3

    mbiasotti Guest


    Thanks for taking the time to submit your bug. I'm sure that there is
    a problem there with the BOM, your VAR just wasn't able to re-produce.
    Don't feel bad, I'm in the same building with Development and I get
    the same response all the time or the big NR, but we eventually get it
    captured, so don't give up. If you want you can send it to me at
    can I'll submit it.

    As for your plain white background, It's t there, it you're just not
    aware of where it is. There is a little transparent floating view/
    display toolbar
    at the top of your sceen. If you click on the 2nd icon from the right
    that looks like a gold ball with a checker floor and pull down, you
    will see a choice "Plain White" as the second choice from the top of
    the list. This will give you want you want I believe.

    Kind Regards

    Mark Biasotti
    Product Management
    SolidWorks Corporation
    mbiasotti, Oct 25, 2007
  7. dvanzile3

    mbiasotti Guest

    Oh, and BTW, I hope when you're doing screen shots, you're not doing
    "Print screen" key on your keyboard but using View>Screen
    capture>image capture. Just mention it because a lot of users are not
    aware of it. Once you use it, you'll see the benefit of it over Print

    mbiasotti, Oct 25, 2007
  8. dvanzile3

    mbiasotti Guest

    Okay, after a re-read of your post, I see that you are aware of it,
    but its worth mentioning for others that might not be aware of it.

    I'll give you guys a little inside on it. Ron Bates, our Manager of
    Graphics team wrote it out of personal frustration because he does so
    much of this kind of stuff with his involvement with PW, RealView and
    appearances in general, he was tired of post-processing the image in
    PhotoShop or Corral just to get rid of the SW interface. So, I guess
    it was a late night more than a year ago that he just implemented it.
    It wasn't a planned project, but we all like it so much that it was a
    no-brainer and went with it. I use it constantly in the work that I do
    and it is a real time saver.

    mbiasotti, Oct 25, 2007
  9. Thanks Mark for that bit of insider info. That's the kind of stuff that
    makes some of this make a bit more sense. I always enjoy hearing the "why"
    of a feature.

    Wayne Tiffany, Oct 25, 2007
  10. dvanzile3

    dvanzile3 Guest

    Hey Mark,

    Always good to see you read and respond to some of the posts here.
    And yes, I am aware of the new screen shot tool but there's a catch
    with it (unless I just can't figure it out). If I open a very large
    assembly in "view only" or newly called "quick view" mode in 2008, the
    file uses the last saved background and the icon is greyed out in the
    floating toolbar to change it back to plain white. This was the
    annoying thing. I needed to fully open the large assembly just to
    take screen shots....? Was I missing something or is this still the
    case? Oh well. But thanks again for your response nontheless.

    I hope what I wrote initially wasn't taken too off base, I was just
    venting some frustrations at the time. In general, I am very happy
    with SW and am glad to see every release is getting better and ridding
    daily annoyances.

    oh, and I was serious about the dual units (english and Metric
    specifically) in the measuring tool.... can you push that through in
    the 2009 release! just kindding! no, seriously...... see what you
    can do.

    thanks again,
    Don Van Zile
    Norgren Automotive
    (CSWP) just fyi
    dvanzile3, Oct 25, 2007
  11. dvanzile3

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Fascinating imagery. But I think you're right: we could use this.
    Unfortunately, such a tool might be perceived as an admission that files
    are getting correpted. Even though such correption could be due to files
    system errors as much as mishandling by the application in question. But
    then, AutoCAD has had such a tool for as far back as I can remembere.

    As much as I would like to have the tool to fix these problems, I think I
    would prefer that the real problem be fixed. Files should not be getting
    corrupted. But I just told meyself that it may not all be SW's fault.

    I think I'd liek to take your idea one step further. This tool, if it
    exists in an automated form, should always run when things like templates
    are used. We don't always notice when a template is defective, and hours of
    work can be lost before the problem is detected.
    Dale Dunn, Oct 25, 2007
  12. dvanzile3

    Dale Dunn Guest

    oh, and I was serious about the dual units (english and Metric
    I'll second that. Actually, I've submitted enhancement requests for this at
    least once. This would be a huge help for those of us who work in a mixed
    units environment. While you're at it, go ahead and make dual units
    pervasive. Put 'em in the mass properties, on the other side of the scales
    that we got in 2008, etc.

    And thanks for stopping by. It's always good to get the straight dope (what
    a twisted idiom).
    Dale Dunn, Oct 25, 2007
  13. dvanzile3

    mbiasotti Guest

    I needed to fully open the large assembly just to
    Don, Change the background color using quick view mode does work, the
    problem with your senario is that you're opening a 2007 assembly in
    2008 and in order for quick view to work, it needs to be a 2008 file -
    reason being is that the 2008 display state needs to be saved in order
    to take advantage of this situation. If the large assembly that you're
    trying to view only, is opened up in 2008 and saved (or perhaps using
    the conversion wizard on it first) then opening up the 2008 version
    and using the quick view works.

    I don't believe that 2007 allowed you to change the background color
    when "view only" is used. How would you do this in 2007? - or are you
    saying that 2008 inserted a new background when the 2007 version was
    saved with a white background?


    mbiasotti, Oct 25, 2007
  14. dvanzile3

    j Guest

    I've had problems in 2008 because existing templates had blocks in the
    sheet format that were not exploded. I would not be able to save files
    that had these sheet formats until I figured I needed to eliminate the
    blocks by exploding them.
    j, Oct 25, 2007
  15. dvanzile3

    dvanzile3 Guest

    ok here's the run down.... I can see there is a bit of
    miscommunication on my part.

    I've always had the part loaded in the past for screen shots and
    always changed the background manually to plain white so it was never
    an issue.

    Now, just the other day, I figured I'd save a lot time with this large
    assembly by not actually opening it fully resolved but in "view only"
    or now "quick view" mode. Again, I've never actually done this before
    but I figured I could change the background color to plain white if it
    wasn't already, even if it was in view only mode. And as it turns
    out, once the quick view mode opened up, I couldn't select the scene
    flyout in the floating toolbar becasue it was greyed out.

    But you are right with the large assembly not being fully saved to
    2008 format. However, I just tried a part file, and an assembly file
    that everything was created in 2008 version. And once again, once
    opened in quick view mode, the scene flyout manager from the floating
    toolbar is greyed out and I can't change the background color in this

    Tried it on sp0 and sp0.1 and still can't.
    what is going on here?

    Now correct me if I'm wrong but as I understand it, "quick-view" will
    still work for just view only for 2007 files but you won't have the
    capability of "selective" component loading functionaltiy unitl you
    save it to 2008.
    Am I understanding this correctly?

    dvanzile3, Oct 25, 2007
  16. dvanzile3

    Bo Guest

    "I've had problems in 2008 because existing templates had blocks in
    sheet format that were not exploded. I would not be able to save
    that had these sheet formats until I figured I needed to eliminate
    blocks by exploding them."

    J, I rest my case.

    Bo, Oct 25, 2007
  17. dvanzile3

    j Guest

    I agree that something needs to be done but feel that SW corporate
    should be using these "tools" before the software even gets to the
    general public. To have bugs from 2005 & 2006 still showing up in 2008
    should not be an acceptable practice. When bugs get reported during beta
    that were in previous releases but new to the ones reporting them, you
    get no results from SW except a shame on you for reporting these in this
    version because they were reported 3 versions ago but we dont want to
    address them.
    j, Oct 25, 2007
  18. dvanzile3

    mbiasotti Guest

    Yes, that is correct, but not fully. In order to use the full function
    of quick view, it needs to be 2008, bu if it's 2008, you'll be able to
    selectively open some or all in "lightweight". Added benefit is that
    you can have selectively opened quick view with mates (i.e. if you
    have crank shown but a shaft not loaded, it will still be
    concentrically mated.) I understand it's a pain for you because it's
    2007 data, but when you have 2008 data the benefits are clear.

    mbiasotti, Oct 26, 2007
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