Solidworks helix

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cadout, Jan 9, 2007.

  1. cadout

    cadout Guest

    Is there a way create a helix whose sketch isn't based on a circle? For
    instance, could I use a sketch of a triangle with round edges and
    create a helicle shape based on that geometry?
    cadout, Jan 9, 2007
  2. cadout

    That70sTick Guest

    That70sTick, Jan 9, 2007
  3. cadout

    Dale Dunn Guest

    1-Use a surface sweep with the twist option to create a surface whose
    outside edge is a circle-based helix.
    2-Use a second surface sweep (without twist) whose profile is the shape you
    want for the helix.
    3-Use a surface trim to trim the twisted surface using the profile surface
    as the trim tool.
    4-The resulting surface should have an egde with the path curve you need.

    A similar method might be to use an intersection curve instead of steps 3
    and 4.
    Dale Dunn, Jan 9, 2007
  4. Ben Eadie has a fantastic video tutorial on the most simple way of
    making a Helix that I have seen. Visit his mountain-wave site at
    and download his video labeled "Springs Drawings and Weldments". You
    won't find a better tutorial anywhere.

    Good luck,
    G. De Angelis

    De Angelis Tool
    Valhalla Grafix
    G. De Angelis, Jan 10, 2007
  5. Ben Eadie at: has a super simple tutorial on
    the creation of a Helix. Go there and download the tutorial labeled
    "springs Drawings and Welments". You can search the net, and never find
    a better tutorial than that one.
    Good luck,
    G. De Angelis
    Valhalla Grafix
    G. De Angelis, Jan 10, 2007
  6. cadout

    Engineer Guest

    Well what i used to is create a surface sweep on a helix which is
    created using circle as a base. then a surface extrude of the shape.
    Now open a new 3d sketch and use the option intersection curve
    (tools>skecth tools), which will generate a helix with the combination
    of both the surfaces.

    I wish it helps.


    Deepak Gupta
    Engineer, Jan 10, 2007
  7. cadout

    SteveO Guest

    I can't believe I never tried to do that Sweep with a Turn to create a
    spring. I've used the Turn option in so many other places, but never
    tried a spring. Good find Ben!!

    Steve O
    SteveO, Jan 10, 2007
  8. cadout

    cadout Guest

    I was able to create the ideal helical shape, but when I tried sweeping
    the threading shape around that helix, the resulting sweep became more
    and more distorted throughout its path. Is this a guide lines issue?
    Because I tried creating different guide lines, but they didn't seem to
    help. And the same distortion occurs if I use a sweeping extrusion or a
    sweeping cut.
    cadout, Jan 22, 2007
  9. cadout

    That70sTick Guest

    Use a "pierce" constraint to relate the section sketch to the guide
    That70sTick, Jan 23, 2007
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