SolidWorks free up memory tip

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by drt, Jan 12, 2005.

  1. drt

    drt Guest

    Minimizing Solid Works and then maximizing again while working on a
    part or assembly will dump a lot of memory that Solid Works is using.
    Solid Works will continue to use up more and more memory as you work on
    larger assemblies, and doesn't release this memory when you close an
    assembly down with Solid Works still open. To see this work open
    windows task manager while working in Solid Works and under processes
    watch the memory climb for SldWorks.exe, minimize Solid Works and then
    maximize and the numbers will drop.
    drt, Jan 12, 2005
  2. drt

    drt Guest

    SW 2004 sp5.0
    Windows xp sp1
    Pentium 4 2.8GHz
    1 GB of RAM

    I noticed there was a simular posts made earlier called Reducing
    SolidWorks memory use
    drt, Jan 12, 2005
  3. drt

    Navy Diver Guest

    wow, it works. very nice . . . Thanks
    Navy Diver, Jan 12, 2005
  4. drt

    Dave H Guest

    I started the original thread and sent the info to SolidWorks as well.
    Below is the very informative response from SolidWorks on this issue.

    Dave H

    Hi David,

    Thank you for e-mail. There are many factors contributing to the
    behavior you see.

    First, I would be wary of using the task manager to monitor memory
    usage. It is not very accurate. A more accurate tool is the Windows
    Performance monitor. From the run line, type perfmon to run it. To use
    it to monitor SolidWorks, add a counter. Choose “Process” for the
    performance object and choose “private bytes,” from the counters list.
    Finally, choose “sldworks” from the instances list.

    On my workstation at this moment, the task manager is showing 179,108Kb
    used by SolidWorks and the Performance monitor is showing 425,666Kb.
    That is a significant disparity.

    I mention this because this is probably the explanation why opening and
    closing a small file seems to have a large impact on the memory usage.
    It probably does not; it is the errors in the task manager making it
    look that way.

    Second, SolidWorks loads libraries as needed, but may not return them
    when documents are closed. An empty session of SolidWorks when first
    opened only loads the necessary libraries to open the executable. As
    you turn on add-ins or open parts and assemblies, more and more
    libraries are loaded as needed. When you close parts and assemblies,
    those libraries stay loaded. This is done based on the assumption that
    you will likely open another part and assembly, and you will need to
    load the libraries again anyway. Typically, this could account for
    about 50 Mb more than the original empty session. An empty session of
    SolidWorks, after doing some work, could use as much as 150 Mb of memory
    and that could be normal.

    Neither of these explanations above addresses the 300Mb you see when
    SolidWorks is empty after opening the large assembly. That is likely
    the result of memory fragmentation. In general terms, we can see that
    SolidWorks requests memory in contiguous blocks. When you release
    memory by closing a file, that memory is returned. Then, you open
    another file. That file will try to use the “gap” created by the
    released memory from before. If it can’t, it starts to reserve new
    memory. Those gaps can start to add up and eventually, SolidWorks will
    hold on to more memory than it needs. Another explanation is that some
    operations require memory to be reserved, and that may differ from the
    memory used. When the used memory is returned, some of the reserved
    memory may still remain.

    We (SolidWorks) can improve on this in some areas and our development
    team has targeted some of those for future projects. In other areas, the
    behavior is expected. In either event, closing and re-opening
    SolidWorks is one certain way to re-claim the memory.
    Dave H, Jan 12, 2005
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