Solidworks equivelent to "master sketch" in Inventor?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ed, Mar 5, 2007.

  1. Ed

    Ed Guest

    Something that is talked substantially with Inventor usergroups has
    been the concept of a "master sketch". What this means in Inventor is
    that sketches can be "referred to" if it is not "consumed", (ie. used
    to form an extured, revolve etc. solid) by another sketch. So, the
    technique is to design a "part" which is made up of a number of
    planes, (in 3D space) with as sketch for every part that will
    ultimately be in the assembly. One example of this was a fellow that
    designed rockets. He used the master sketch to position all of the
    components and their relative positions, (via. relationships between
    planes and sketches) within the entire rocket. Individual parts were
    made into solids, which basically "copied/ referred" to an individual
    sketches in the master sketch parts file. Since this process, (at
    least in Inventor) does not consume the master sketch it can be used
    over and over for each part. Then he made an assembly with all of the
    parts. But, since the individual part were referenced from the master
    sketch, the origins of each of the parts were relative to the base
    origin of the master sketch. This allowed each part to be constrained
    to 0,0,0 in the assembly which resulted in every part being accurately
    located. The end result of all of this was that when he changed the
    length or diameter of the rocket for a new configuration, When a new
    configuration is then made, the basic shape of each of the parts are
    updated and their positions in the assembly are also modified

    The Question: Is this possible in SW and if so, how, and what is the
    term that SW uses for this? The biggest problem that I have had
    moving from Inventor to SW has been that most of the descriptions the
    same functions have been changed, (I assume to avoid law suits for
    Autodesk). So I havn't figured out how to do this in SW.


    Ed, Mar 5, 2007
  2. Ed

    John H Guest

    It sounds like Solidworks works the same way as Inventor.
    You create a layout sketch in either an assembly, or in a dummy part added
    to an assembly.
    You can then use the sketch to constrain components to, or use it to create
    in-context relations by referencing elements of the sketch when creating
    features in other parts.

    John H
    John H, Mar 5, 2007
  3. Ed

    Ed Guest

    Thanks all,

    Constraining to a sketch sounds like it is very similar to the
    Inventor approach but more straight forward. I have been hearing
    about the benefits of multi-body parts. Both of these have been on my
    list of things to look into. I will have to move these two features
    up on my list.

    Thanks again,

    Ed, Mar 6, 2007
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