SolidWorks custom props question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CWS.Houstons, Oct 18, 2007.

  1. CWS.Houstons

    CWS.Houstons Guest

    We are using SolidWorks 2007 SP2.2 and we are trying to write some
    custom code to be able to change the material codes we use in custom
    In our part models, we currently have a custom prop called 'matl'. In
    the value / text expression field we have code with a text prefix and
    then a link to a dimension or two.
    An example would be:
    We want to change this to

    We need to be able to maintain the parametric links to the dimensions
    and replace the text prefix. Any ideas on how we get to this field of
    the custom prop so we can copy it? As far as we can see, we can only
    read the evaluated value through the API.

    Using VB6 and a dll called DSOfile.dll, we have managed to write a
    string with a parametric link string back to a custom prop, but we
    have to open the file in SW to get the evaluated field to update. Is
    it possible to update the evaluated field without opening the file in
    We got DSOfile from here:

    Another problem we are having is once the string has been written in
    and the file is opened in SW to update it, the name field that is read
    through DSOfile.dll dissappears!
    If you try and read any custom prop with a parametric link in it with
    DSOfile.dll, the name field is not available.

    We need to be able to automate this process because we have
    approximately 140 000 files to change.

    Any ideas?
    CWS.Houstons, Oct 18, 2007
  2. CWS.Houstons

    go Guest


    The SW API allows you to read and write custom properties in any SW
    document. Here's some code that gets the MATL property from the model,
    replaces MFB with B-SFB-304 and saves it back. Parametric links are
    maintained as well. It's a crude example (not much error checking)
    but it should get you started down the right path. Once the macro is
    fully developed you should be able to batch update groups of models
    with it via "Run Custom Task" inside SW Task Scheduler.

    Cut and paste the sample code into a new macro or email me for the

    best regards,

    Option Explicit

    Sub main()
    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim swDoc As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim swCPM As SldWorks.CustomPropertyManager
    Dim sVal As String
    Dim sEval As String
    Dim sNewVal As String
    Dim uRv As Long

    On Error Resume Next

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks
    Set swDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
    Set swCPM = swDoc.Extension.CustomPropertyManager("")

    ' get the custom prop by name
    swCPM.Get2 "matl", sVal, sEval

    If sVal = "" Then
    MsgBox "MATL property doesn't exist.", vbInformation
    MsgBox "Current Material = " & sVal

    ' replace material designation
    sNewVal = Replace$(sVal, "MFB", "B-SFB-304", 1, ,

    ' if the original and new values aren't equal then replace
    found a match
    ' so now we need to save it
    If sNewVal <> sVal Then

    ' update the value
    uRv = swCPM.Set("matl", sNewVal)
    If uRv = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Value Updated : " & sNewVal, vbExclamation
    MsgBox "Update failed.", vbCritical
    End If
    MsgBox "Material wasn't updated, MFB not found.",
    End If
    End If

    Set swCPM = Nothing
    Set swDoc = Nothing
    Set swApp = Nothing
    End Sub
    go, Oct 20, 2007
  3. CWS.Houstons

    That70sTick Guest

    That70sTick, Oct 20, 2007
  4. CWS.Houstons

    go Guest

    Looks like Propagator will do the job for them. The trial version
    doesn't appear to let you substitute words (that feature is disabled),
    I assume it's enabled on a purchased version. Thanks for the tip, I
    wasn't aware of the program.
    go, Oct 21, 2007
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