Solidworks Corporate is Anyone There?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocko, Jan 13, 2004.

  1. Rocko

    Rocko Guest

    I have seen over time how we all are amazed and frustrated by the lack of
    response by Solidworks Corporate on serious issues affecting the software. I
    know that the VAR's reading this are thinking that's why we are here. The
    problem is i think the VAR's are having a hard time getting info. A VAR
    should be there to help you solve a design issue or how to do this, or get
    the software to do that; type of issues. Solidworks Corporate should be
    involved in communicating issues involving service packs, bugs, and overall
    direction of changes wanted or needed. I get the feeling the corporate guys
    feel like gods on Olympus and just watch us all beat our heads along with
    the VAR's till we try to figure out solutions without little or no help from
    Rocko, Jan 13, 2004
  2. Rocko

    neil Guest

    I agree they really need to do more communicating with users directly.
    after the sp disappeared a small statement should have been posted saying
    for example-

    SW have identified late issues with sp2 and are withdrawing it from the
    available downloads. We apologise for any inconvenience to our customers. We
    hope to have a sp 2.1 out by ---

    things like this shouldn't be hard to say when you have 250,000 customers
    neil, Jan 13, 2004
  3. Rocko

    Scott Guest

    They did post this

    Please note: SolidWorks Service Pack 2.0 has been temporarily removed from
    the web to correct an issue with the PDF translator (SPR 201165).

    At least they informed you and us, to why they pulled it.

    Scott, Jan 13, 2004
  4. Rocko

    neil Guest

    ok, I haven't been there for a few days -there was nothing there before.
    neil, Jan 13, 2004
  5. Rocko

    Eddy Hicks Guest

    It's true Scott, it took a day for the explanation to appear. I was waiting
    for SP2.0 before we would even try 2004 and I downloaded it as soon as it
    appeared. I merely found it by accident, checking for it a couple times a
    day to see if we could try 2004 yet. A few hours after I downloaded, it was
    gone. The next day the explanation appeared.

    More importantly than the explanation, it never should have been released.
    (but then again, neither should the bluebeam stuff, or the cosmos pretend
    stuff, or the switch away from lightworks, or the countless other things
    that have resulted in a slower, less stable system in the past 12 months.
    ok, soapbox off).


    - Eddy
    Eddy Hicks, Jan 14, 2004
  6. Rocko

    Nick E. Guest

    They've also pulled the news item announcing SP2.0.


    --nick e.
    Nick E., Jan 14, 2004
  7. Rocko

    Chris Guest

    Probably because the PDF problem wasn't the only one...
    Chris, Jan 14, 2004
  8. Rocko

    Rocko Guest

    I thought i wasn't the only one who felt SW Corp. was terrible at connecting
    with there customers.
    Rocko, Jan 14, 2004
  9. As much as people bash them, Autodesk has people manning the Inventor
    newsgroup full time.

    Cole Thompson, Jan 14, 2004
  10. Rocko

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    I've mentioned this in another posting's thread; however, in my view,
    the PDF "problem" couldn't be the only reason SP2 was pulled.

    The only glitch I've run into with the PDF writer (in both 2003 and
    2004) has been with users who forgot to disable virus protection
    before the installation.

    A reinstallation (with anti-virus turned off) fixed the PDF add-in in
    both seats of SolidWorks - one under Windows 2000 Pro and another
    under XP.

    Sure the "Read This First!" sheet recommends turning off anti-virus
    software, but (hello SolidWorks) what is SO difficult about adding a
    prompting dialog box to remind the user during actual installation?!
    How many users do you think carefully refer to the "Read This First!"
    when applying a service pack, or even prior to initial installation
    for that matter.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Jan 14, 2004
  11. Rocko

    Bo Clawson Guest

    Indeed, I think the pressures of a division president to give
    "guarantees" to the corporate parent of releases, seats, & $s from
    Solidworks leads to a "get the damn SP out, and we can issue another
    SP next month..." attitude, copying what some say Microsoft does
    (though maybe not monthly).

    Productivity, and long term stability without constant relearning and
    retraining is a "MUST HAVE" to be productive for me.

    I have avoided upgrading my main computer for nearly four years (3
    yrs for my SWks CPU), avoided all the hardware upgrades and OS
    upgrades, because "It just works." All my daily work is on a Mac
    PowerBook G3/500mhz and I have zero downtime. I will move to OSX
    permanently when a G5 PowerBook arrives that is good, but all the
    interim upgrades were time wasters in my opinion (4th release of OSX
    is now great, & I didn't waste time on 10.0, 10.1, 10.2). I do not
    push the horsepower limits of my Mac with mega-files, so it does
    everything it needs to do.

    I am tempted to not subscribe to SolidWorks anymore because relearning
    on a yearly basis is very unproductive, and that doesn't count dealing
    with early release issues. My other CAD programs I use have major
    upgrades at most every 2-3 years.

    I wish the relentless mandates to observe "yearly" major release would
    disappear, as they are truly a business desire for Dessault, not a
    productive fact for end users of SWks.

    I think users & corporations are going to revolt, though rather
    quietly, and still know of one Japanese medical company that is on
    SWks 99. It just works for them.

    Bo Clawson, Jan 14, 2004
  12. Rocko

    Chris Guest


    AV (Panda Ti) was turned off (well, as much as possible without
    de-installing it - it leaves various bits and bobs running unkillably in the
    background all of the time) so this probably wasn't an issue in my case.

    Anyways, the x-ref surface registration I mentioned in another thread, and
    the other types of surfacing related funny business that Paul S bangs on
    about, and that I now witness, are enough for me to revert to SP0 -
    thankfully we're still on 2003SP5.1* for deliverables at the moment, and I'm
    really just on a period of extended testing with 2004...


    *anyone out there noticed a nasty and rather sporadic issue with equations
    failing to execute in sp5.1?
    Chris, Jan 15, 2004
  13. Rocko

    Chris Guest

    Productivity, and long term stability without constant relearning and
    Interestingly enough I've just spent the best part of November and December
    trying to get my brand-spanking-new home PC (Athlon XP2600+, VP560, 1024MB,
    XP Pro etc) to work - SW2004 perfomance issues causing me to donate the PIII
    to a friend. I've blamed everything from M$ hotfixes, AV, SW installations,
    a crappy vendor OS installation and the VP560 for random crashing. Turns
    out that I had some fried memory and an OEM heatsink that would wander off
    center after a few days, causing the Athlon to get a bit toasty...

    Finally it's stable (with Solidworks 2003 running!), even if I can't hear
    myself think properly with the new Thermaltake fan...
    Chris, Jan 15, 2004
  14. Paul Salvador, Jan 15, 2004
  15. Hey now,.. it's all tru,.. tru I tell ya, it's all tru! 8^)

    Paul Salvador, Jan 15, 2004
  16. Rocko

    Nick E. Guest

    hence my firm belief that SW fscked something up really bad that no one's
    noticed yet. Small installed user-base and all that.

    besides, how fragging long can it take to fix PDF printing and re-release
    the SP?

    it's not like they _test_ it or anything....

    -nick e.
    Nick E., Jan 15, 2004
  17. Rocko

    Chris Guest

    Yep, I've been drooling over the pictures of those! Think it might be a bit
    of a squeeze inside the box, though.

    Think I'll wait till next month's paycheck...

    Chris, Jan 15, 2004
  18. Rocko

    Jeff N Guest

    Yeah and they eliminate threads like these. j/k, but possibly true. There is
    still a forum on SolidWorks website.
    But, I'm not sure if you'll get any more SW involvement than here.

    Who has the most seats of SW on maintenance? I think I'm gonna start sending
    my bug complaints and ERs over to them. Any takers?

    BTW- PDF couldn't have been the only issue with SP2.0. It's been several
    days now and nothing has been posted. And if it was just PDF then why not
    keep 2.0 up there and deliver 2.1 later? So what is it now? We have to live
    with all the issues that were addressed in 2.0 until after SW World? Utter

    Maybe they'll shortly release SW 2005 so they have 11 months to get it

    Welcome to Beta Testing boys! "Official Release" and "SP0.0" are all just
    marketing BS.
    Jeff N, Jan 15, 2004
  19. Rocko

    Chris Dubea Guest

    It will get to the point where they will tell you that the AV has to
    be uninstalled. I had Intergraph tell me that once with a copy of
    Smart Sketch that wouldn't fully install.

    Chris Dubea, Jan 15, 2004
  20. Rocko

    Nick E. Guest

    sure it is.

    This only means that their marketing contract with Bluebeam is more
    important than real issues the users have.

    everybody made PDF's somehow before 2004 came out. WTF is is suddenly so
    important that they have to pull the SP?

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Jan 15, 2004
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