Solidworks Chopper

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by scota, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    I like your SolidWorks assembly concept for a theme bike and I can
    see the icons being integrated. If done right it sure would be a hell of
    a lot better than what was shown in the picture as the bike OCC
    brought to SolidWorks World.

    jon banquer, Feb 12, 2005
  2. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    I thought about this more today. We were making parts for their
    shocks. We had one of their bikes on the shop floor that we
    could ride. I think the price I heard was like $3,000 dollars.
    I also seem to remember Cannondale used Pro/E. We rode the bike
    inside the shop because the area where the shop was located
    (near Bridgeport, Connecticut ) was really bad.

    jon banquer, Feb 12, 2005
  3. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    No problem, Jack.

    I was just kinda peeved cause I have been exposed to the Pro/E rigid
    structure is the only way to go push many times and I don't agree that
    it is the only way to go in many cases.

    I prefer a CAD/CAM product that is not so rigid and allows more creativity
    and experimentation. I would bet that CATIA fits this classification. I hope
    you do get to try CATIA and see how you like it compared to SolidWorks
    or Pro/E.

    I consiser thinkID to be the leader when it comes to allowing
    experimentation. The person who created Global Shape Modeling for
    think3 has been around a long time and I feel he is far and away the best
    in his field in this area.

    Have you ever seen Global Shape Modeling work ? What GSM can do
    is very, very impressive. I have a ton of GSM vidoes, several of which
    are Pininfarina car bodies being modified.

    I would be happy to send you a few if you would be interested in seeing
    why I am so impressed with thinkID Global Shape Modeling.

    jon banquer, Feb 12, 2005
  4. scota

    Cliff Guest


    And a busted spelling checker.

    IIRC 3dinkies requested that you never mention their name again,
    How's that working out?
    Cliff, Feb 12, 2005
  5. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    A lot of work needs to be done in this area. Very little of anything is ever
    discussed in either newsgroup in this regard. This to me is very sad.

    I agree that much of the jump through hoops stuff is unneccesary and
    IMO it's because SolidWorks tools are often very weak. This is not the
    case with most of VX's tools.

    As Steve Mackay has said, VX's UI sucks. He is right but even thought the
    UI sucks the tools in VX are so powerful that in many (not all )areas VX
    can get away with having a UI that is not so hot. Actually, it has kind of
    grown on me.... not sure why but I think it's because of it's powerful
    tools making many things easy. However, this is not always the case in

    For me, the spline tool in VX is not documented very well and there is
    no decent tutorial on using it that I have found. Contrast this to the VX
    tools for lofts and sweeps. They are easy to use and very well thought
    out and the UI is good enough for me for both of these tools.

    jon banquer, Feb 12, 2005
  6. scota

    Cliff Guest

    They know how to use it.
    See the problem?
    Cliff, Feb 12, 2005
  7. scota

    Cliff Guest

    Lost the bread already did you?
    Perhaps they expect you to have a clue.
    Cliff, Feb 12, 2005
  8. scota

    Laz Guest


    It's very easy to criticize and throw stones ( right, Cliff ? ); but I feel
    that a person who does that is obligated to provide an alternative.

    Laz, Feb 12, 2005
  9. scota

    jack Guest

    PTC had a customer profile on thier web site about Cannondale a few
    years back... They talked about being able to design and Cam a
    program... make changes, Cam, and post new program in a short time.

    On Cannondale's site they have job openings... Design: they ask for
    Pro/E and SolidWorks exp... Suspension design: Pro/E exp.
    jack, Feb 12, 2005
  10. scota

    Cliff Guest

    Poor clueless has been doing that for as long as I can recall.
    At about any system. None of which can he actually use and
    none of which does he even pretend to actually use in his
    *claimed* field of "work".
    Why? They should first have a clue what they are posting about,
    not just copy the ill-understood comments of others from
    various times, NGs & BBS posts or from a few 5 minute
    demo impressions. Or claims in ads with new buzzwords to tout
    as the latest & greatest.
    Cliff, Feb 13, 2005
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