Solidworks Chopper

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by scota, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. scota

    Why Guest

    Almost, but he used a B(FORD)H & beat it to death right when he needed
    it for the biker build off. The one where he was making that tank.
    Damn he is good. If I could do that then I could party with the gals
    he does, instead I just set here with Sulphur oil running down my
    nose :( Maybe in my next life?
    Why, Feb 9, 2005
  2. scota

    Why Guest

    Damn Sulphur oil screws up the keyboard, time to put it in the
    dishwasher again!
    Why, Feb 9, 2005
  3. scota

    Charlie Gary Guest

    I won't tell Cookie if you don't. ;-)



    Write-in Vote DobeDave for President 2008
    Charlie Gary, Feb 9, 2005
  4. scota

    Cliff Guest

    Who could not even use CAD/CAM?

    LOL ....
    Poor jb'd not know. He'd just complain.
    It's like he's totally clueless.
    Cliff, Feb 9, 2005
  5. With all your skills and knowledge regarding Cadd Cam Jon its a little
    surprising folks like yerself haven't been writing programs for machining
    using matlab ?

    John Scheldroup, Feb 10, 2005
  6. scota

    Kathy Guest

    He's a hack. And an asshole to boot.
    Kathy, Feb 10, 2005
  7. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    A CAD/CAM system should encourage a user to experiment rather
    than forcing a user to have a very good idea of exactly want they
    want to create from the get go. This cuts to the heart of why Buell uses
    thinkID and what the real power of Global Shape Modeling is. In a
    nut shell... GSM encourages experimentation.

    IMO, it's very important to realize just how good the thinkID GSM UI is:

    No obnoxious dialog boxes. No move to the side of the screen to enter
    info in a modeling panel ... which is better than model obscuring dialog
    boxes but not anywhere near as good as what think does with the GSM
    part of it's UI. This UI should be used in all of thinkID / thinkDesign but
    it still isn't. : (

    BTW, I sent you an e-mail a few weeks ago to your hotmail account
    in regards to VX. I did not address your complaints on VX's marketing
    needing help but I am ready to at this point... in e-mail. Suffice it to say
    your point still does seem to be valid.

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  8. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    1. He's a good business person... very good.

    2. He seems to give a lot of his employees a decent opportunity to learn and
    to inovate.

    I would be interested in hearing your *specific grievances* with him.

    Also, what did you think of the SolidWorks bike ? Did very little / nothing
    for me.

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  9. scota

    jon banquer Guest


    Like being very good at building a business and keeping his employees.

    Like knowing how to market.

    He seems to have done a lot of growing as a person.

    I don't think his real talent lies in building a bike... he has some decent
    ideas but he's not a Billy Lane, a Wink Eller or an Indian Larry and I think
    he knows that.

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  10. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    So can you say for sure he had done what he has done just for ratings ?
    A good CAD/CAM package encourages creativity. Most CAD/CAM
    software restricts creativity.

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  11. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    Could not agree more ! Maybe if this trend continues we will see other
    shows / other channels offer more comprehenive stuff ?

    I sure hope so ! I think this is badly needed !
    CAD/CAM should encourage a user to try new things, to let a user
    experiment to their hearts content, instead of penalizing a user for having
    the unmitigated gall to not know exactly what they want wherein that users
    life is made as miserable as possible for trying to use the CAD/CAM
    system in this way.

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  12. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    I'm wide awake.

    I have no interest in using a CAD/CAM system for my own
    stuff that forces me to immediately "get all my ducks in a row". I do
    have an interest in using a system that lets me freely experiment
    without penalty and encourages me to try things that a restrictive
    system would not.

    Are you using Pro/E by any chance ?

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  13. scota

    Kathy Guest

    One thing that comes to mind in particular is his over-usage of a BFH. It
    made me cringe to see both Sr. and Jr. beat on the engine sprocket when
    installing a belt drive on 2 different bikes. Sr beat on it with a green
    deadblow hammer in one episode. I can never watch a whole show because
    except for Vinny, I've seen them all do some really crude things in the
    shop. Fuckin hammer-mechanics, they are. It's their friend Jason the painter
    that makes thier stuff look good. In NJ when you build a custom bike if you
    do any alterations _AT ALL_ to the frame you have to have an engineering
    inspection done on it and the welds inspected. I wouldn't be surprised if
    they aren't even certified welders. Christ I've seen them let Mikey weld
    <rant off>
    Kathy, Feb 10, 2005
  14. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    I think beating stuff is their mechanical style... if you wanna call it
    that. It's not like we have not seen this "style" before in machining
    job shops.

    Thanks for the clarification. I miss this type of detailed post from
    you. I guess you have been busy.

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  15. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    jon banquer, Feb 10, 2005
  16. scota

    Laz Guest

    Regarding his business sense, well I have to say I see people walking around
    wearing OCC T shirts, stores stocking them, when I go look at die-cast cars
    in the toy section ( for my son ) I see lot of OCC bikes- surely he has made
    a few bucks marketing his company's name and their product. I haven't seen
    any DamlierChysler Magnums or S300 Hot Wheels cars yet. I would love to see
    DamlierChrysler have a show developing their product. I don't see
    DamlierChysler T-shirts for sale. Whenever we talk about cars at work
    DamlierChysler comes up as a cheap product- nice to look at perhaps, but to
    be avoided. I hear a number of folks saying they'd love to buy one of OCC's
    bikes.... It was a Lexus in Minority Report. OCC apparently did a bike for
    I, Robot.
    Not a fair comparison between DamlierChrysler and OCC perhaps, but the
    point is there.
    Last I saw, he had reinvested some of his capital in larger premises. I
    haven't kept up with their developments- being able to modernize and expand
    is important-but, often pioneer investing in new technology is fatal as the
    expense is greater than the reward and the competitor snaps up your
    investment at auction.
    To be honest, I'll take a wait'n see regarding OCC; I see lots of style but
    little substance. OCC's style is outdated in my opinion, by the way.
    I liked Cannondale, another family business, no tv show, but I knew them for
    constant innovation and a quality product; they did a lot with pioneer
    technology (material, design, manufacturing and marketing).

    I don't see the "theme" of the Solidworks bike, could've been, should've
    been true to the concept of Solidworks- but instead I see an
    incomprehensible cop-out.

    Laz, Feb 10, 2005
  17. scota

    Cliff Guest

    It's a LOT better to have a clue.

    Cliff, Feb 10, 2005
  18. scota

    Cliff Guest

    LOL .... I've used it a little <G>.
    Ported some stuff developed in it to APT once ....
    Cliff, Feb 10, 2005
  19. scota

    Cliff Guest

    More BS from the clueless BS king .... it's not like he's ever used
    any of it, after all. Or ever done any design, probably not even a
    Cliff, Feb 10, 2005
  20. scota

    Cliff Guest

    Always nice to hear what you think machinists, engineers & designers
    do. And what happens in actual shops .....
    How many busted tools did you say you had?

    Remember the X-files episode "Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose"?

    Bruckman (to the killer) "You do the things you do because... you're
    a homicidal maniac."

    Killer "Of course! It's all starting to make sense now."

    Cliff, Feb 10, 2005
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