Solidworks Chopper

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by scota, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. scota

    scota Guest

    scota, Feb 7, 2005
  2. Nice pics of the chopper! I like a lot of these bikes that are being built.
    It's seems like it's not very unique anymore to see a chopper though. What
    with all the different companies creating them. But the one thing that I
    like about OCC that makes them stand out from everybody else, is that they
    make theme bikes.

    Richard Charney, Feb 7, 2005
  3. scota

    scota Guest

    I am surprised that SolidWorks doesn't have photos on their web site.
    Seems like it would be good promotional material for them.

    I had to do a photo search for the pics on the web to find them.

    There was a lot of articles on the bike but no photo with the articles.
    scota, Feb 7, 2005
  4. I'm more of a function over form guy. Those choppers look neat but
    that's about the extent of their purpose. If you want to see some neat
    innovative thinking with motorcycles check out this guy's site....
    rockstarwallyMYAPPENDIX, Feb 8, 2005
  5. scota

    Steve Mackay Guest

    Naah, it's not all that innovative, nor practical.
    Want to see innovative, and real word practicality? :)
    Steve Mackay, Feb 8, 2005
  6. I would agree that the Buell is more practical, the XB12R is one of my
    favourite bikes. But I think the C1 is definitely more innovative. The
    Buell's brakes, frame and swingarm are all very cool but is nothing
    really ground breaking. Granted the C1's suspension isn't really ground
    breaking either but the engine is very innovative.

    Of course if I had to buy one or the other I'd choose the Buell.
    rockstarwallyMYAPPENDIX, Feb 8, 2005
  7. scota

    Laz Guest

    I think OCC bikes are pure garbage. An overdressed whore with too much
    Function is form and form is function.

    Laz, Feb 9, 2005
  8. scota

    Steve Mackay Guest

    I'm just a bit biased however...
    Here's our current "fleet" of Buells :)
    I've also done a mold or two for Buell.
    Steve Mackay, Feb 9, 2005
  9. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    I agree with you but I find Paul Sr. to be a pretty unique person. I think
    has a lot of special qualities that set him apart from his competition.

    Reminds me very much of what often goes on in a small machining job shop...
    to a lessor degree because the money involved is not as great.

    A much more interesting topic (to me) would be the FACT that bikes that
    interest me created by Indian Larry (No longer living) and Billy Lane
    don't use CAD/CAM at all.

    If more engineers had the kind of skills that Billy Lane and Jessie James
    have I think the world would be a much better place. Instead, what we
    have now are a ton of engineers who are pretty much useless.

    jon banquer, Feb 9, 2005
  10. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    Buell uses thinkID. Why ? :>)

    jon banquer, Feb 9, 2005
  11. scota

    Michael Guest

    It is my undrstanding that Billy Lane has an Engineering degree from
    Florida State.


    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Feb 9, 2005
  12. scota

    jon banquer Guest

    I know he's a mechanical engineer and I know he went to school in Florida.
    We need a lot more engineers with the creative talents of Billy Lane.

    Roger Bourget uses SolidWorks. He has a very nice shop. Lots of Haas
    machines. Suppose to be a nice guy to work for. His bikes do zero
    for me.

    How about Wink Eller ? I really like his stuff. Personally, I can
    releate more to Wink's stuff than the others I have mentioned.

    jon banquer, Feb 9, 2005
  13. scota

    Cliff Guest

    Naw, Paul clearly has clues ...... and I've not noted him loving
    Cliff, Feb 9, 2005
  14. scota

    Laz Guest

    He seems like a walrus to me. I got tired of that show halfway through last
    season. Too much bellowing. I like seeing "how its made"- although I wish
    they would show more comprehensively.

    An engineer is someone who has earned his sheepskin; it does not mean he has
    the creativity or vision to design anything with the inherent beauty a good
    design has. I have observed that as an invention evolves it's mechanisms
    become simpler and a more reliable device is the result; thus, function is
    form, form is function. CAD/CAM can enable more average individuals ( such
    as myself ) to explore avenues of creativity that can lead to the creation
    of something that benefits all.

    That said, knowledge/ experience should tell us how to do, not blind what to
    do; thinking that is new IS the heart of invention..

    Laz, Feb 9, 2005
  15. scota

    Charlie Gary Guest

    jon banquer wrote:
    But are they engineers, or designers? The two are not always bundled into
    the same package. Billy Lane really is an engineer who can also create art
    while following his dream, but he's unique. The hardest part is finding
    people who are both who don't want more than six figures in their paycheck.



    Write-in Vote DobeDave for President 2008
    Charlie Gary, Feb 9, 2005
  16. scota

    Steve Mackay Guest

    *SOMETIMES* they use Think3. I've had files from Think3, ProE, and
    Solidworks from Buell.
    Cosmetic parts are done in Think3 for the obvious reasons.

    btw, Think3 exports are icky!
    Steve Mackay, Feb 9, 2005
  17. scota

    Why Guest

    Billy Lan
    Why, Feb 9, 2005
  18. scota

    Why Guest

    Billy Lane don't like band saws that crap out on him, did you see that
    Why, Feb 9, 2005
  19. scota

    Charlie Gary Guest

    I missed it. What did he do, melt it with a torch?



    Write-in Vote DobeDave for President 2008
    Charlie Gary, Feb 9, 2005
  20. scota

    Charlie Gary Guest

    He's the computer guy, right? ;-)



    Write-in Vote DobeDave for President 2008
    Charlie Gary, Feb 9, 2005
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