Solidworks-Blender MSN group- bump

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    Yo Blender nuts,
    I have added most of another album to do with getting around meshes.
    Let me know what you think.
    Join up if you are interested. I won't keep it going if there isn't any
    I don't want to bug people here by bumping it too often.
    neil, Jul 24, 2005
  2. neil

    What-a-Tool Guest

    Interesting work Neil. Convinced me to go and download blender - now to find
    and work on some tutorials. Thanks for taking the time to show us (me) this.

    Whats the difference between a renderer such as blender, and a typical
    photoeditor, such as PhotoShop? (Hope thats not too dumb a question?)

    What are some other programs that do this? (Other than Maya, which I also
    see mentioned here) I like the fact that blender is free, which makes it the
    one I will probably try and teach myself, but I'd like to look at some other
    apps just out of curiosity. I seem to remember that Adobe also had a
    What-a-Tool, Jul 24, 2005
  3. neil

    neil Guest

    Hi Ewout,
    Well I don't know what you mean there is not text? I have just finished
    putting comments on each one. The image quality is as good as it gets
    because whatever the size of the picture they get resized to a max of 600 x
    600... nothing I can do about that. The originals are PNG - I don't know
    what format they are to view
    The reason why it is not as detailed as you might like is that I simply
    don't have the time to prepare better stuff as a textbook. The pilot Flash
    tutorial I made was quite time consuming to do well and didn't cover much
    ground. People are just going to have to sit down and learn the program and
    think for themselves. There is a wealth of information available if you go
    looking. That is the way I learned. I believe the things I have posted so
    far are helpful. The image quality should be sufficient for folks to get an
    idea of what they can create not withstanding my ability...I am a
    learner/improver too.. I hope.
    Without more obvious genuine interest from people I am not going to spend a
    whole lot of time on it. Personally I probably won't contribute more than
    about 3x as much as I have already. No reason why someone else can't put
    things up though... As far as redoing it on Yahoo or paralleling your Maya
    tut- sorry no. I don't envisage this group will be anything but a passing
    curiosity for the vast majority of SW users and that the few enthusiastic
    ones will go on to join up with the Blender community proper. Alone I simply
    can't answer everyone's questions and fix things for them and provide expert
    tutoring and do every other job I need to do working for myself.
    If people are aware of it because of my posts and some make use of it well I
    have done them a favour. Maybe they won't use it for SW at matter I
    think Blender has merit on its own as a v. good open source program.
    neil, Jul 24, 2005
  4. neil

    neil Guest

    Photoshop is 2d. Basically you take pictures and text and mix them up, layer
    them. Change, size,rotation, colours, etc. You might do a painting or a
    drawing as well as make use of ordinary pictures. It is the stuff you do
    when you make a book, magazine newspaper etc.
    Blender, Maya , 3ds, SoftImage etc are 3d modellors just like Solidworks but
    it is geared to organic type shapes and animation. The sort of stuff people
    make computer games, film special effects- like LOTR, television adverts or
    animations like Shrek with.
    Rendering models the optical properties of the real world so that
    reflections for example are a genuine representation of the path of the
    light. A glass material will bend light as it passes through it and objects
    cast accurate shadows on other objects
    neil, Jul 24, 2005
  5. neil

    neil Guest

    "I thought you established this group to guide people through the process
    of learning. You say there's a wealth of information, which is the big
    problem of course. Where to start? I think that's where your group can
    help a lot!"

    I am doing my best Ewout. It would take hours and hours to communicate all
    there is to know about Blender and I would be repeating a lot of whets out
    there already. So far I have made 2 albums. I hope to get a few more up
    including some useful links as time permits. If you see the comments I have
    posted and reflect on what's there I think you will find I am giving you a
    strong head start.
    regards, neil.
    neil, Jul 24, 2005
  6. neil

    What-a-Tool Guest

    Thanks for the info - Sean
    What-a-Tool, Jul 24, 2005
  7. neil

    neil Guest

    Hi Matt,
    I am pleased you dropped by and found something to interest you.
    Most likely there is a way to get a render with more of the appearance of a
    line drawing...I seem to remember reading something about that somewhere
    recently at the Elysiun forum...
    When I get more of the basic info up...slowly getting the content refined
    (just hope it reads well to others)... I will see what I can do to either
    provide a link to existing info or perhaps make an album page if people have
    a specific use for a style of render.
    As an aside someone is refining a script for exporting animations to Flash
    format with some restricted shading, shadows and outlines that would have a
    similar appearance.
    neil, Jul 27, 2005
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