Solidworks Activation Question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by DT, Jul 25, 2007.

  1. DT

    DT Guest

    We have 5 seats of Solidworks sharing these between 8 people using a
    licensing software called Keyserver. My question is regarding the new
    activation process. I look under the FAQ on Solidworks website but I
    didn't see anything that addressed this issue. How do we install
    Solidworks on all the pc's and activate them? I'm sure the answer is
    right in front of me and I'm just not seeing it.

    DT, Jul 25, 2007
  2. DT

    fcsuper Guest


    If you have a network licence, there is no activation process. The
    dongle does all that for you. If you have individual licenses and
    there are 8 users using 5 licenses, then technically you are in
    violation of your license, since each user gets one license and two
    installs of that license. Each license can be activated for two
    systems at a time. Each system where a license is used requires

    Matt Lorono
    Co-moderator of
    fcsuper, Jul 25, 2007
  3. DT

    jimsym Guest

    Keyserver and other third party license metering software is no longer
    supported. (The license agreement actually changed with SW2005, but
    now it is enforced by activation.)

    You can either use the single user licenses per the activation scheme
    (you can install a license on more than one computer, but it can only
    be activated on one system at a time) or upgrade to a SolidNetwork
    License (SNL) With one or two licenses, transferring an activation
    from one machine to another is workable. In your case, I'd
    recommended converting to SNL. There is a one-time charge of $500 per
    seat in the US to convert.
    jimsym, Jul 25, 2007
  4. DT

    DT Guest

    I just spoke to our VAR and confirmed this. The bummer is that
    Sassafras KeyServer is listed as a SolidWorks "Partner" and this was
    shown on the SolidWorks website under the SNL FAQ:

    Question : Will SolidWorks force customers to adopt SolidNetWork
    Licensing (SNL)?

    Answer : No. The SolidNetWork License Option is an additional option
    available with SolidWorks. Customers may continue to meter the use of
    SolidWorks per the existing SolidWorks License Agreement, or through
    the use of Solution Partner metering products.

    Oh well...
    DT, Jul 25, 2007
  5. DT

    matt Guest

    The activation works like a network license in some ways, but the
    license server is a SolidWorks server across the internet. You can
    activate and transfer licenses. This takes a little more work on your
    part, but it does work.
    matt, Jul 25, 2007

  6. We had Sassafras here as well. Our VAR contacted us back in September and we
    were given a week to convert as many of our licenses as we wanted to network
    licenses for free. If you weren't contacted, you might try talking to your
    VAR about some kind of deal now.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Jul 25, 2007
  7. DT

    DT Guest


    Our VAR recommended Sassafras to us when we purchased Solidworks
    (2001). At that time our VAR didn't sell it or help us get it. When I
    spoke to our VAR they did say that the customers they knew had
    Sassafras was contacted a while back. I guess we slipped thru the
    cracks. We're converting our licenses over this morning. Any advice on
    installing the Solidworks licensing software or is it pretty straight
    forward? Our IT guy isn't thrilled with putting a dongle on the

    DT, Jul 26, 2007
  8. DT

    pete Guest

    putting a dongle on the

    It was bad enough having the dongles on the local machines.

    Even Microsoft doesn't go that far! what a joke!

    The IT guys should get together and tell desault to f off and get a life!

    I'm having another fucked up day with Solidworks!!!!!!!


    Rant over , I'm going home! :)
    pete, Jul 26, 2007
  9. DT

    TOP Guest

    It seems to me that if SW is going to continue to provide the kind of
    software licensing they started and grew with they need to figure out
    how to make SW work the same as it previously did for the honest
    people. What this would mean is that if it is installed on a machine
    on a LAN then any other machine on the LAN should be able to use it if
    it is not being used on the local machine it was installed on. This
    may sound like a full blown network license, but it isn't. At the most
    it is stripped down network licensing. At the simplest it is borrowing
    the activation information from the machine on which it was first

    TOP, Jul 27, 2007
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