Solidworks 3 character extension????

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Davis, Sep 12, 2003.

  1. Steve Davis

    Steve Davis Guest

    Is there any way to have solidworks save it's files in a 3 digit file
    extension, ie *.SLDASM = ASW: *.SLDPRT= *.PSW ; *.SLDDRW=*.DSW

    I started with a new company that bought an EDM System called IFS. They
    were told that It would work with Solidworks but it turns out to be a huge
    amount of money to have them enable it to work with 6 digit file

    I can have an easy solution if I can get SW to save the files as above or
    some other 3 character extension.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Steve Davis, Sep 12, 2003
  2. Steve Davis

    Merry Owen Guest

    Original file names for SW were .asm, .prt & .drw then they changed to the
    current 6 digit system a few years ago.

    Merry :)
    Merry Owen, Sep 12, 2003
  3. Steve Davis

    Joel Moore Guest

    HA HA HA!!! Sorry, but I can't help laughing at things like this. How
    much do you suppose a system like this costs? I'm sure it's outrageous
    money. And it gets tripped up by file extensions longer than three
    characters? For cryin' out loud, this hasn't been a Windows limitation
    since Windows 95.

    It's like how BobCAD still (as of ver 17, anyway) can't deal with anything
    other than 8.3 filenames. How sad and pathetic.

    Anyway, I think your only solution is to manually strip the "SLD" from the
    extension when saving Solidworks files. You can do it right in the dialog
    box. Even if someone forgets to do that it can easily be changed later.

    I notice that Solidworks already includes .PRT, .ASM, and .DRW in the
    filters when opening and saving files. However, it doesn't associate
    itself with those file extensions so you'd have to do it manually through

    Also, keep in mind that some 3rd party SW tools may not be written to deal
    with the older extensions.

    A better solution would be to scold the EDM vendor and mention to them how
    embarassing it is that their over-priced and under-featured software can't
    deal with something that a $50 database program wouldn't even blink at.
    Really, I would consider this a bug in their software and they should be
    obliged to fix it for free.
    Joel Moore, Sep 12, 2003
  4. Steve Davis

    Steve Davis Guest

    The EDM system is in the past and that's the way it is. I just want to
    find solutions.

    You are correct is observing that solidworks has filters for *.prt etc but
    when it saves the extension that is automatically applied is *.SDLPRT.

    I did not make the rules, I just need to live in them.

    Steve Davis, Sep 13, 2003
  5. Steve Davis

    Per O. Hoel Guest


    This isn't an automated solution however, you can open a command
    prompt window and then use DOS commands to:

    1. navigate to the directory where the files reside

    2. rename *.sldasm *.asw
    3. rename *.sldprt *.psw
    4. rename *.slddrw *.dsw

    The process could be tedious (especially if you have many directory
    locations), but it works and can of course be used with the rename
    commands in the reverse when you want to revert the files to native
    SolidWorks recognition.

    To work with the files on both SolidWorks and IFS simultaneously,
    you'll need to have duplicates.

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Sep 13, 2003
  6. Steve Davis

    ms Guest

    MANMAN....ugh....been in the same situation. Now I struggle with an equally
    cruddy software called Pointman. At least its windoze based so I can copy
    and paste meaningless data at will or export to a useless excel spreadsheet.
    Can't someone come up with a decent ERP system that is less expensive per
    seat than my house!?! I've been thinking about using Parts&Vendors!
    ms, Sep 16, 2003
  7. Steve Davis

    Joel Moore Guest

    That's what I'm using now. It's not an ERP system, though. It's really
    just a BOM maintenance/part ordering/ECO tracking database. And it has
    it's own problems as well. I'm more often disappointed than pleasantly
    surprised by its interface.

    But it IS quite affordable.

    Damn, I wish I had the time to write my own system.
    Joel Moore, Sep 16, 2003
  8. Steve Davis

    Merlin Guest

    It is the most inexpensive, complete, ERP system available.
    Merlin, Sep 17, 2003
  9. Steve Davis

    Joel Moore Guest

    (Merlin) wrote in

    Do you use it? If so, what are your thoughts? Can you compare it to other

    Sounds interesting. I'm definitely going to give it a look.
    Joel Moore, Sep 17, 2003
  10. Steve Davis

    Joel Moore Guest

    Gotta say their website is a disorganized mess. No demo, either.
    Joel Moore, Sep 17, 2003
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