solidworks 2007 vista

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Fred, Apr 14, 2007.

  1. Fred

    Fred Guest

    when is solidworks 2007 vista going to be released?
    Fred, Apr 14, 2007
  2. Fred,

    Who cares,,,, It's gonna be a DOG anyway

    Mark Mossberg, Apr 15, 2007
  3. Fred

    TOP Guest

  4. Fred

    Bo Guest

    I also heard elsewhere that Microsoft pulled all the remaining copies
    of XP Pro off the retail shelves recently (though I haven't checked
    that myself).

    What this means is there is going to be an active 2nd Market in copies
    of Windows XP Pro.

    I can understand MS's dilemma. Without adoption of VISTA, MS's growth
    and profits will start to drop significantly, after putting in
    billions on VISTA & MS Office, so they risk it all by pulling XP

    It sure seems like to me that they make their greatest risk in the 3rd
    world, where the average price of new VISTA boxes is likely to rise,
    given higher hardware costs & where MS's growth could be the highest,
    if MS PCs are bought.

    I has to be tough to try to hold onto postion of "King of the
    Mountain". If MS can pull this off over the next few years, Ballmer's
    head is going to grow even larger, and the chair replacement budget in
    Redmond will balloon.

    Bo, Apr 16, 2007
  5. Fred

    TOP Guest

    After installing Mandriva Linux at work and asking people what version
    of Windows I was running I am convinced that MSoft has opened a
    Pandora's box for themselves.
    TOP, Apr 16, 2007
  6. Fred

    Bo Guest

    So you are now running a Pandora Box at work?

    Bo, Apr 16, 2007
  7. Is the free version worth trying out?
    I just tried the download link and nothing happens.

    bill allemann, Apr 16, 2007
  8. Is there anything on the horizon wherein an emulation could run swx on a
    linux box?

    How about on macs?

    bill allemann, Apr 16, 2007
  9. Fred

    Bo Guest

    Parallels software can possibly run SolidWorks on Linux, but I don't
    know how speedy it would be or how well the graphics would work.


    Bo, Apr 16, 2007
  10. Fred

    TOP Guest

    I think the MACS do pretty well in Boot Camp.
    TOP, Apr 16, 2007
  11. Fred

    Bo Guest

    Indeed when I go "out" I use a first gen. MacBook Pro w/2.16 Ghz Core
    Duo, where Windows XP Pro runs native on its own NTFS partition with
    SolidWorks 2006 and MSOffice. It runs very well for my small numbers
    of parts (at least compared to other users on the Newsgroup that do
    large assembly machines with hundreds to thousands of parts).

    My only downside I see is using a few workarounds for the Mac
    keyboard, or using a small Adesso miniPC external keyboard, if I know
    I am going to do a lot of work in the field.

    I use a miniature RadTech BT500 wireless 3 button mouse w/scroll wheel
    and that is great for me.

    Bo, Apr 16, 2007
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