SolidWorks 2006 SP3.3 now available for download

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. John

    John Guest

    Hi All,

    FYI, SP3.3 is available on the SW website. Numerous corrections made,
    including PDF publishing.

    John, Feb 16, 2006
  2. John

    ken.maren Guest

    3.3? What happened to 3.2?
    ken.maren, Feb 16, 2006
  3. John

    Jason Guest

    3.2 was the release of Solidworks 64bit though it's still listed as
    Jason, Feb 16, 2006
  4. I've been running it this morning and no noticeable issues. It did fix the
    PDF issue with the weld symbols flipping up to the top.


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    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 16, 2006
  5. John

    TOP Guest

    3.3!!! Shades of 2001+ Batman.
    TOP, Feb 16, 2006
  6. John

    Jeff Guest

    Has anyone had issues during installation going from SP3.0 to 3.3?!? I
    have tried 3-4 times to get it to install the service pack and has
    crashed every time... I have gotten an Error 1334: "The file
    'pvc_conduit_elbow_combined_s' cannot be installed because the file
    cannot be found in the cabinet file ''. This could indicate
    a network error, an error reading the CD-ROM, or a problem with the
    package." then it proceeds to back out of what is doing then gives me a
    "Fatal error during installation [1603-0]"... I have never had issues
    in the past going from service pack to service pack... If anyone else
    has experienced this or can help me find the err in my ways, let me
    know... thanks...

    Jeff, Feb 16, 2006
  7. I did the same update just fine, so I would suggest you redownload the file.
    Also, did you disable your AV?


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    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 16, 2006
  8. John

    Jeff Guest

    Yup, AV was off completely... Kinda weird, i will try re-downloading
    the file and see if that helps...
    Jeff, Feb 16, 2006
  9. John

    Jeff N Guest

    I installed the SP and now I can't open any .chm help files. I get a
    "Could not open help file. Please check that your system has sufficient
    memory." Anyone know how to resolve this?
    Jeff N, Feb 16, 2006
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