SolidWorks 2005 Surface Tangency

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. jon banquer

    Bing Guest

    How would you know?
    Plus, my business IS molds. Not yer forte last I heard. Yer too busy
    demoing software to be a moldmaker. I aint got time to demo every piece of
    software that comes out. Thats whay I leave this type of moT-foolery to
    Then just show us something. Geesh it aint all that hard to use a dropbox.
    I aint doing industrial design cept for the robotics on the molds so why
    should I even care? And I have no problems with it in SW. Yer just busted
    on the fact that people can use a piece of software for utility and
    actually PRODUCE something, instead of miming it.

    Comeon and whip it out. We wanna see what you can do.

    Bing, Jan 24, 2005

  2. Man,
    There's an image I didn't need :>)
    J. R. Carroll, Jan 24, 2005
  3. jon banquer

    Bing Guest

    If yer mind wasnt in the gutter....... heh

    Bing, Jan 24, 2005
  4. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    I'm not certain that we want to see .....
    Cliff, Jan 25, 2005
  5. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    That's your opinion. He obviously has another opinion. He's
    entitled to it.
    Nope. One must not rock the boat to hard and not complain to much.
    I have never found Michael to be rude. Hard headed and stuborn,
    yes. :>) Rude... uh no.

    Smart.... beyond a shadow of a doubt. Michael certainly figured out
    why "The Virus" acts like he does.
    Maybe you should write Dennis Miller and tell him what you think of his
    rants. LOL.
    Rhino fills a void right now but that void is going to dissapear as more
    solid modelers become better hybrid modelers. I went and took a look
    at the Rhino newsgroup... same old posters. Don't see much of a
    change... yawn.
    Because it fills a void and because McNeel does a good job of
    stroking them while delivering a rate of development that is very,
    very, very slow.

    Hope you had a good day... I know I did. :>)

    jon banquer, Jan 25, 2005
  6. jon banquer

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Because it fills a void and because McNeel does a good job of
    It fills a few voids, I believe. FWIW, I have to hand it to McNeel; they
    aren't pretentious, certainly not a pretentious price and are willing to
    take a risk; e.g. replace AGLib with their own geometry engine which
    largely explains the up to now slow. Who knows what the future holds?
    It's conceivable they could turn the tables on some existing hybrid solid
    modelers. They seem to have the talent on hand for some very worthwhile
    development. Personally, I'd like to see them move in an ICEM direction
    rather than concentrate too much on the already well beaten mechanical,
    solid, etc. paths.
    Jeff Howard, Jan 25, 2005
  7. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    McNeel were never honest with their users about this and what it would
    entail. Turned out this set McNeel back 2 years. They never even told
    their users in the beginning how extensivley AGLib was integrated into Rhino
    and most Rhino users were happy to be kept in the dark.... SURPRISE ! : (
    IMO, Bob McNeel should have hired Gary Crocker and his partner to integrate
    their solid modeling kernel into Rhino years ago... rather than ask Gary to
    come up with an add-in.
    They could have done this if Bob McNeel had focused on what the real market
    was / is not what Bob McNeel wanted it to be. Keep in mind, Bob McNeel
    derives alot of his money from selling Autodesk products. Originally, I
    think Rhino was suppose to be an AutoCAD add-in.
    Unfortunatly I think were years out from anyone doing this. Nice
    thought, though. :>)

    jon banquer, Jan 25, 2005
  8. jon banquer

    Jeff Howard Guest

    McNeel were never honest with their users about this
    Well, I guess that's one way of looking at it, but I don't see them as
    being dishonest about it. Just how superficially would one expect the
    foundation of the program be "integrated"? At any rate what alternatives
    were / are there for about $700? Setback or no, some of their shape
    definition / manipulation capabilities are still unequaled by software
    costing several to many times as much and they weren't chargeing users
    annual "maintenance" or "subscription" fees while they were playing catch
    up. To each his own ...
    Jeff Howard, Jan 25, 2005
  9. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Folks that can actually use the software?

    LOL .....
    Cliff, Jan 25, 2005
  10. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Did someone just feed poor clueless a new buzzword to choke on?

    LOL ...
    Cliff, Jan 25, 2005
  11. jon banquer

    Mitch Guest

    Should be nobody left on the Rhino NG either
    Hmm, seem to remember similar statements when you were on your "Concepts"
    run - what was it - a year ago? BTW, what void precisely does Rhino fill,
    actually? The sole reason for it's continued existence? Like to hear it
    from you.

    I went and took a look
    LOL. You maybe know a half dozen names you've seen before. If you don't
    count OT topics on AMC, the Rhino group has a whole lot more posts daily
    than here. Since I left last night at 7PM to 9AM this morning, there were
    90 new posts. Lots of newbies and names I've never seen before, some new
    "regulars" etc...

    Of course, there is the VX forum on cadchat. Same old posters - Jon Banquer
    and Jon Banquer (replying to his own post). Now that's *really* exciting.
    You think development is slow? I get a new V4 WIP about every two to three
    weeks. And new plug-ins, add-ons, scripts, macros for V3 are posted almost
    every day. Virtually all free, too. Honestly, I don't have the time to try
    even half of them.
    Mitch, Jan 25, 2005
  12. jon banquer

    Jeff Howard Guest

    .... I get a new V4 WIP about every two to three .....

    Think you've touched on one reason the program has developed a loyal,
    trusting following; open Alpha and Beta testing discussed on a public forum
    vs. the Secret Squirrel stuff that goes on in the MCAD world. Guess that's
    a luxury that can only be afforded by those that fill a (pretty big) void?
    Jeff Howard, Jan 25, 2005
  13. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Well, he requested it in response to his own "post" ....... is he
    confused again yet? Had many warnings from the BBS operator?
    Cliff, Jan 25, 2005
  14. jon banquer

    pete Guest

    I can only go on the inomation provided, but poor you, even we can afford to
    pay for a cleaner, lol
    But I am impressed about the robotics, something I have been wanting to get
    into myself for a long time.
    Are these run from a pc, or are they stand alone?
    No luck with the pay rise :-(
    Sorry to have got you defensive.
    Well have a good day and please get a cleaner , scrubbing bogs out is not
    nice, lol
    pete, Jan 25, 2005
  15. jon banquer

    Bing Guest

    Yea, but then again in another sense I really dont mind cleanin a toilet
    for what I make. :)

    We use proprietary systems built into their controls. I have had to learn
    them in that manner as the pressmen set them up as well and we interface
    them into the presses.

    Mostly what I am concerned with them is with cycle time, error control etc.

    I also have to make sure the robotics themselves can handle the cycle duty
    and the heat so I confer with their engineering department alot.

    We have 3 axis including sprue pickers built in with secondary neumatic
    control that do something non related to the robot but thats top secret. I
    cant comment further.

    If yer looking for a good resource for robotics ask Anthony. He's got alot
    of study under his belt in that area.

    Bing, Jan 25, 2005
  16. jon banquer

    Clhuprich Guest

    Mitch & jb,
    How did this all work out?
    Did jb fix the part automatically with VX properly?
    It seems rather quiet .....
    Clhuprich, Jan 26, 2005
  17. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    I do. So do others.

    BTW, how do you develop a VAR network when you sell software for
    $700 ? :>)

    I do agree that there are elements or Rhino that are excellent. What I
    don't agree with is that it's a complete package.

    Like you said, to each his own.

    Can you point me to any of your posts in the McNeel newsgroup where
    you ask for features that are found in ICEM Surf ? Have you used
    ICEM Surf ?

    jon banquer, Jan 27, 2005
  18. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    While McNeel does some very good things that others now do as well
    (Concepts has an open web board and does open beta testing) they still
    play many of the same Secret Squirrel games.

    Too bad more users don't have the balls to be more proactive in regards
    to the "Secret Squirrel" shit that is in FACT the norm in CAD/CAM.

    jon banquer, Jan 27, 2005
  19. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    The VX Forum on was started a few days ago and already
    someone posted asking for some opinions on VX. Not a bad start. :>) Of
    course a successful independant VX forum is probably not what a lot of
    people want. ;>) Probably take a good year to get it going. You seem to
    have a problem with this. Any reason why, Mitch ? I note that you also
    have a problem with Michael Gailey and of course me. Any reason
    why you feel so threatened ? Was it easier when it was just me that
    questioned Rhino's development ?
    Concepts runs on a Mac. Does Rhino ?

    I already answered your other questions many times before and doing so again
    would just bore me to tears.

    jon banquer, Jan 27, 2005
  20. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    BTW, Any idea how easy it is to do a remove and replaces face(s) in
    VX ? Incredibly easy, very powerful.

    Apparently this tool STILL won't be in Rhino V4.



    Just another example of how incomplete I feel Rhino is.

    I don't know about you but I find this to be a very useful and very powerful
    tool that I would not want to do without... er you are doing without.
    Never mind.

    Perhaps download VX and see what your missing ? :>)

    jon banquer, Jan 27, 2005
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