SolidWorks 2005 Surface Tangency

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. jon banquer

    Mitch Guest

    I don't understand what you are getting at here - what are you calling

    Perhaps - depends on the surface structure. Remember, most NURBS geometry
    is an approximation. Surface edges are considered touching or tangent, etc.
    if they are within a specified tolerance of each other. You may well be
    able to move control points in the middle of a surface and have the edges
    stay within the defined (position, tangent, curvature) tolerance to the
    adjacent surfaces.
    Mitch, Jan 23, 2005
  2. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    Currently serving time in jail in Florida. Her condition (untreated)
    continued to get worse since she posted that because she doesn't take
    her condition seriously. From what I can tell neither does "The Virus".
    Why would I have it removed ? I didn't post it and it doesn't particularly
    bother me now. At one point it did bother me.... it no longer does. In many
    ways it probably has helped me to grow.

    In someways it's a barometer the helps me decide what a
    person is all about should they choose to believe it or use it
    against me... sort of like if someone thinks that "The Virus" actually
    knows something about machining parts in todays world or anything
    about how a small job shop is run.... saves me a lot of time that I
    might wish to invest in explaining something to that person or persons.
    Your entitled to your opinion, John. Connie has in many ways had and
    I believe will continue to have a very hard life. I don't wish to make her
    life any harder for her even if she did at that point, and may at another
    point in the future, try and do everything in her power to distroy me. "The
    Virus" basically does the same thing. How well has that worked ? :>)

    At the current time I am holding all of Connie's worldly possessions for her
    and she has given me Power Of Attorney.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  3. jon banquer

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I don't understand what you are getting at here - what are you calling
    Patch = surface
    Surface (feature) = surface, quilt, polysurf

    ??? I think the terms are vendor specific or maybe Bezier terms(?),
    predate NURBS.
    Pro/E still refers to patches in a surface which means surface in a quilt
    or polysurf.
    Jeff Howard, Jan 23, 2005
  4. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    Surface can also be a face in VX terms.

    I also agree that many of the terms are vendor specific.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  5. Cliff posted:

    I read through the links at that page until I came upon:
    - "Heath" , 2 Dec 2003

    "Try this search: (it's Jon Banquer's name and the word a$$h*le in
    google groups) -- it comes up with FIVE PAGES of hits!!"

    Lastly, we have good old google so I read through them, finally reaching the
    fourth link from top subject entitled
    "For everyone who knows Jon Banquer"

    I become curious to ask a question to Cliff Remember Constance ?
    could I have emailed this response to Cliff, sure I could have, but
    more importantly, whatever did happen to Constance, as in remember
    whatever it was that provoked such an outburst, remember that Cliff?
    so does anyone besides Cliff know whatever became of Constance,
    does anyone care whatever became of Constance ?.

    Were one of these contain an ounce of truth, can't say that I know
    for sure, but I sure would like to know whatever became of Constance.

    John Scheldroup, Jan 23, 2005
  6. jon banquer

    Mitch Guest

    I'll be happy to send you one when I have time to test. Right now I'm
    OK, you're e-mail doesn't work, let me know where to send the file.
    Mitch, Jan 23, 2005
  7. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    My first name together with my last name at

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005

  8. John,
    She changed her name to Vanessa Marie Semrow, moved to Rhinelander and got a
    job pumping gas at a North Woods gas station and registering snowmobilers at
    the local hotel. Today, she hangs with Donald Trump, Iman, and Britney

    Jon asked in one of his responses how any of this ought to have found it's
    way into a thread about surfacing and SolidWorks.
    It ought not to have, but then VX shouldn't have been part of such a
    discussion either. I mean, what does something lethal to those subjected to
    it have to do with SolidWorks? Should someone tell W that he should have
    been looking in Florida and not Iraq?

    It happens that certain lines get crossed occasionally in public forum's
    like this that shouldn't. I am surprised to see that you have and I am
    pretty sure you would like to jump back to the other side of the line here.
    No prob, just do it. It does not take the resurrection of old garbage to
    form an opinion or discern reality, and behaving this way demeans you, Jon's
    behavior speaks for itself and does not require amplification.
    J. R. Carroll, Jan 23, 2005
  9. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    It's been my experience that most moldmakers can only see the world
    thru their eyes where everything has to relate to a mold. It gets really
    old after awhile.

    It's a lame argument to suggest one should just use SolidWorks and
    live with it's severe limitations for lets say Industrial Design.

    I would argue that SolidWorks is an exceptionally poor tool for
    many types if Industrial Design.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  10. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    You don't use it. How could you?
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  11. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Consider the number of controlling points and the degree of the
    interpolating polynomial(s).
    In some cases. In others it's exact to the computational limits.
    An approximation of *what* though? It's what you have, right?
    Two surfaces can well have the exact same controlling points
    on their edges (or even beyond them, in the case of trimmed

    I think that your tolerance issue may relate a bit more to the
    This depends entirely on the degree of the total surface considered
    and the number of controlling points, in general.

    Wher's that expert, jb, on this? The self appointed "god of cadcam"?

    (I've been in this too long ....... )
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  12. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    See post on number of control points vs. degree.
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  13. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    You are an idiot.
    You are an idiot.

    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  14. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    You are an idiot?
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  15. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    So you are totally clueless yet again?
    LOL .....
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  16. jon banquer

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Cliff, could you clarify what type of surface representations your
    statements are relevant to? Many of the statements don't jive with what I
    think I "know" about NURBS spline and surface definitions.
    Sounds like you are talking about concatenated or "joined" curves,
    polycurves, ... . I believe a NURBS curve can have, but doesn't
    necessarily have to have, subcurves, e.g. a curve with more than 4 control
    vertices can be a degree 3 curve.
    If the curve assumptions above apply, then this is not true of surfaces,
    i.e. a degree 3 surface with 5 U and V CV's; you can move the center CV
    while maintaining G1 boundary conditions on four edges.
    Jeff Howard, Jan 23, 2005
  17. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    Mitch if he had Rhino for years and it still can't provide something as
    basic as decent filleting is he really wrong about paying another cent for
    an upgrade ?
    Should anyone have to be polite when years later the product still doesn't
    have decent filleting ? Seems to me he has every right to be pissed off.
    It's unacceptable.
    Never underestimate a good rant. Hell it's the best thing about Dennis
    Miller. :>)

    "In addition he has some issues with a couple of members of the
    Rhino group (a lot like you have here) and thus, you can imagine he got
    plenty of flak."

    McNeel loves those product loyalists and users on their tightly controled
    newsgroup who are willing to wait and wait and wait and wait..... How
    many years has it been now ?

    Can't say I blame Michael for moving on !
    Let me know when Rhino is designing more cell phones, TV sets
    etc. than VX.... the current VX was built with Samsung money. Actually,
    I think this argument is stupid so lets move on...
    I disagree. I like the history based approach. I don't like having to
    delete the surfaces, adjust the NURB splines and then reapply all the
    surfaces like one has to do in Rhino. IMO, it's a massive waste of time. I
    also feel this approach is very limiting to ones ability to experiment with
    different concepts.

    "But hey, those are just my personal preferences, and I wouldn't pretend to
    say what's right for you."

    Appreciate that. :>)

    "Let me know if you have import settings or tools that fix it automatically,
    I'd like to know."

    Happy to share whatever I do with you Mitch. That's only fair.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  18. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest


    "The Virus" has been told this many, many times. How soon before it's
    labeled for exactly what it is.... lying.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  19. jon banquer

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ..... and the NURBS equivalent of a "patch" would be a "knot span"?
    Jeff Howard, Jan 23, 2005
  20. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    IMO, if you really cared about Connie you would not have posted this, John.

    Instead you would have done something like e-mail me and ask about Connie
    or ask for her address so you could write to her in jail in Florida and ask
    her directly how she is doing.

    jon banquer, Jan 24, 2005
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