SolidWorks 2005 Surface Tangency

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005.

  1. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    Currently serving time in jail (again) in Flordia, John. The reason you felt
    this was neccessary to bring up was ?

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  2. jon banquer

    Sporkman Guest

    Sporkman, Jan 23, 2005
  3. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    Her mental illness is now verifiable. That she is currenlty serving
    time(again) in jail in Florida is verifiable. That she admitted to lying
    might be verifiable if the person she admitted it to wants to post
    about it.... and that's his choice not mine.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  4. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest


    IMO the Rhino newsgroup is a product loyalist newsgroup. Lets remove me
    from the picture for one moment and try and look at this objectively.

    Michael Gailey has used the product (Rhino) for years. He was sick of
    paying and paying for upgrades and he has still has not gotten decent
    filleting in Rhino after all these years.

    What do the Rhino loyalists in McNeel's newsgroup do.... bash him
    for asking for something so outrageous as decent filleting. At one point,
    Michael Gailey had a ton of stuff that he did in Rhino on his website. He
    has since removed it.

    I really don't want any part of the mentality that exists at McNeel and that
    they foster in their newsgroup *but even more important* I don't feel that
    one should have to jump between a surface and a solid modeler. I think one
    program with a transparent approach to using surface and solid tools is the
    way to go and I have said this in both of these newsgroups for many years

    I await a file from you that you think can not be fixed in VX and can be
    fixed in Rhino as I would enjoy the challenge and perhaps learn something
    that I don't know now.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  5. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    I'm not hard to shut up. All you have to do is show me / describe to me
    the tools in SolidWorks or Inventor or ? that do what can be done in

    Is there any reason you *STILL* can't name them ? :>)

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  6. Those were some awefully eye opening statements made by someone
    that claims to be your wife Jon

    FYI, Link above by Cliff,

    7th down

    "Heath" , 2 Dec 2003

    Frankly, I was kind of appalled to read it. True or not true Jon?

    Serving time in jail, with comments that should have not been
    broadcast to the public forum that I'll agree, but is it correct to say
    that this persons statements made about you by a person that claims
    to be your wife, would in fact discredit this person from ever telling
    the truth at all, is that what you are saying Jon ?

    John Scheldroup, Jan 23, 2005
  7. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    "... they are simply users like myself, and they want to understand what
    these conditions mean in therms of day to day applications - i.e. "Why is a
    curvature continuous "joint" advantageous or not, where should I consider
    using these kinds of tools?"

    Agreed but then "The Virus" has no concept of practicality. An example would
    be his inabilty to understand what goes on in a small job shop. How many
    people who actually work in small job shops have pointed this out to "The
    Virus" now ?

    Bill Roberto
    Michael Gailey
    Steve Mackay
    Michael At Tailgate
    Jon Baker
    ..... The list goes on and on.

    The world has radically changed from "The Virus" days of working for huge
    companies (about a year is all he could ever last even at a big company in
    their heyday) and "The Virus" has never been able to deal with how the
    world has changed.

    "The Virus" is a perfect example of why most small job shops don't want
    anything to do with those who worked for a big company for many years....
    they need to get product out the door.

    It's better, faster and easier tools that are needed in what is now an
    extremely difficult and hostile manufacting climate for U.S. based companies
    that don't have some sort of lock or monoploy on their market.

    I would argue that VX is one of those tools if one needs to create and
    modify cosmetically pleasing products quicky.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  8. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    "Those were some awefully eye opening statements made by someone
    that claims to be your wife Jon"

    They were comments made by someone who have never taken her
    metal condition seriously and it has caused her the inability to lead
    any kind of a normal life.

    She is now being treated while she is serving time in jail in Florida.
    Whether she continues treatement when she gets out is another story.

    Her track record in this area is not good and things have gotten much
    worse for her in the last four years living in Florida.

    Can you tell us why anything to do with Connie is relevent in a thread on
    SolidWorks 2005 Surface Tangency ?

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  9. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    Seems to me like it's pretty much on par for this newsgroup and it's
    certainly old ground for alt.machines.cnc.

    How soon before the incident that I had with a Vero rep at Westec comes up
    and gets rehashed yet again ?

    What I can't figure out is how this relates in anyway to SolidWorks 2005
    Surface Tangency.

    I can see where it's a deflection effort to discredit me and get the focus
    off what the needed tools for SolidWorks are and that other programs
    don't suffer from this limitation.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  10. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    If "each surface" is made of patches .... it's not like a group of
    entities BTW. It's all one entity (has only one entity pointer/index)
    in the part database structure.

    How so? IF you change even one control point on one surface
    you can lose all "relationships" with adjacent surfaces.

    Think of an arc tangent to two lines (just to give jb a headache)
    and move one of it's controlling points (arcs can also be defined by 3
    points, right?) ....
    Was that a yes or a no? (By now jb's head is taffy inside.)
    And they scale well? LOL ....
    Temp files are temp files ... ask jb to explain the math & logic
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  11. Jon I posted a question to Cliff regarding his links, mind if I read
    through them.? Actually, after reading it I was curious with what
    happened to your wife, that thread will be five years old soon,
    anyways it brings up another point, if you are that alarmed about it,
    I suggest you find the means to have it removed from the server.

    Can anyone help Jon find those answers ?

    It might help if you just came out and said NO way John that's bullshit!,
    my wife and I we were separated, Constance is on medication for
    treatment of mental illness. In my opinion, turning her into a
    paranoid perpetual liar 99 percent of the time.

    I suppose if anyone were malicious enough they could buy public
    records Jon Banquer to cause discredit, then post them to the usenet.

    John Scheldroup, Jan 23, 2005
  12. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Translation: jb has no clue and his pretense of actually knowing
    anything about CAD, CAD/CAM, CAM, design, engineering or
    machining, much less being any sort of expert at any of it,
    just fell apart again <VBSEG>.
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  13. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    How is it a "can o'worms" when the user of the program has no idea how the
    internal 3D surfacing toolpath really works ?

    I do remember reading something from a HyperMill VAR years ago which said
    that HyperMill was superior to DelCAM PowerMill because it used triangles to
    calculate the toolpath and that this was somehow more accurate.

    I think the only way to tell would be to cut a two parts with similar 3D
    surfacing toolpath routines and compare the machining time of each and
    measure the accuracy of the cut part. I guess one could also compare the 3D
    surfacing toolpath calculation times as well to see which one was faster.

    In any case, I think this thread has not got "The Virus" that Bill Roberto
    described and we are now off in contemplate your navel land.

    jon banquer, Jan 23, 2005
  14. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    Anyone want to look up jb's many posts extolling Rhino
    as the best thing since sliced bread?

    LMAO !!!!
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  15. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest


    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  16. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    "Jon Banquer is a joke"

    I've never said otherwise <G>.
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  17. jon banquer

    Mitch Guest

    "paying and paying for upgrades" That's a hoot. I can tell you exactly how
    much Michael or anyone else had to pay for upgrades. If Michael bought
    Rhino in 1998 when it hit the market, it cost $800 (per seat). An upgrade
    to 1.1 cost $300 IIRC. An upgrade to 2.0 cost $0 (it was free). An upgrade
    to 3.0 cost $300. So, from 1998 to 2005, "paying and paying for upgrades"
    amounts to twice in the amount of $600 per seat - around $100 a year. That
    ain't very expensive.
    Nobody's contesting the fact that Rhino's filleting is not one of it's
    strongest points. It wasn't *what* Michael asked for (as I have asked
    repeatedly for the same thing, and I've never gotten bashed for it), it was
    *how*. In that way, his approach is a lot like yours, drop in and start
    ranting. In addition he has some issues with a couple of members of the
    Rhino group (a lot like you have here) and thus, you can imagine he got
    plenty of flak. I'm sorry it worked out that way, but there's nothing I can
    do about that. So be it.

    Anyway, Michael's found something else that works better for him, fine. I
    have no problem with that. Neither with you.
    Nobody's forcing you to participate... There seem to be a host of other
    Rhino forums out there, even on cadchat, right next to yours, so you can go
    post over there if you feel like. I don't see you posting on the official
    VX hosted user forums - is that too much of a "product loyalist" forum for
    you as well?
    Fine, that's your way of going about it and you're welcome to it.
    Personally, I hope Rhino doesn't try to become another MCAD app like VX or
    SW or ProE or whathaveyou. There's no need for that, and that market niche
    is filled. I hope Rhino continues to march to the beat of a different
    drummer, and stays the Swiss Army Knife of 3D CAD. Let me know when more
    cars, boats, buildings, jewelry, shoes, CG for films, etc. are being
    designed with VX than with Rhino...

    Personally, in my job I just don't need the concept of parametric history
    tree based modelers (sorry SW guys). Why? There's too much baggage
    associated with it. I prefer a direct real-time approach where you can grab
    a part of the model and just move it as you like. No sketches to go into
    and edit, no regenerations. But hey, those are just my personal
    preferences, and I wouldn't pretend to say what's right for you.
    I'll be happy to send you one when I have time to test. Right now I'm
    sending you a tiny little IGES file that doesn't import well into VX (or
    maybe I did something wrong). It comes in just fine in Rhino, Vellum Argon,
    and Surfcam (the only other programs I have here to test). I'm sure you can
    fix it, though, it's not complicated. Let me know if you have import
    settings or tools that fix it automatically, I'd like to know.

    I also have a much bigger file (0.5 meg) that Rhino actually fillets better
    than VX. But I'm also sure there will be plenty of objects that VX will
    fillet better than Rhino. C'est la vie...
    Mitch, Jan 23, 2005
  18. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    He's probably wrong yet again.
    OTOH Nobody ever claimed he had a clue.

    The poor girl ... not even 5 feet tall ......
    So you have the kids now? Paying the child support at long,
    long last? Or still in hiding from lawyers?
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
  19. jon banquer

    Cliff Guest

    You don't seem to know much about either?
    Cliff, Jan 23, 2005
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