Solidworks 2004 and nVidia Quadro FX1000 Video settings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CDignition, Sep 22, 2003.

  1. CDignition

    CDignition Guest

    I just upgraded to this Video card and am wondering what the best
    settings are for it in Solidworks 2004. This card allows Realview, and
    I want the best quality and performance. There are alot of options in
    the Control panel for the Video settings. Any help is

    CDignition, Sep 22, 2003
  2. CDignition

    Olivier Guest

    The only thing I can suggest is to check if you have the right driver, by
    checking on
    After it is just a question of trying different settings until one please
    My PC was upgraded with a 3DLabs Wildcat VP560 and I went through all of
    that by trying different scenario until I found one that please me.

    Olivier, Sep 22, 2003
  3. CDignition

    daniel Guest

    CDignition wrote on 22.9.2003 12:58

    I am also thinking about this card. What did you upgrade from? Is it working
    well so far? How is realview? Useful? Love to hear something before I jump
    onto this card.

    daniel, Sep 22, 2003
  4. (CDignition) wrote in message

    There are alot of options in
    Have been using this card since July with 2004 and was a little flaky
    with the first driver I had but with the 4.1.04 (10/25/2002) driver
    has worked flawlessly. I haven't checked the driver download page

    at nvidia so I don't know if this is the latest one. But you know what
    they say, if it ain't broken, don't fix it.

    Otherwise here are my settings. I'm also using Dual Monitor.

    under OpenGL settings:

    Multidisplay hardware acceleration = Single-display mode
    Default Color Depth= Use desktop color depth
    Buffer Flipping Mode= Auto-select
    Vertical sync = on by default
    Use up to = 5 MB system memory fo textures

    All the other settings are depending on what special things you want
    to do with the displays.

    Hope this helps

    BTW, does the load times for CG texture justify having them? Just
    curious. They seem to take a long time to load. But hey, nothin's

    Mark Biasotti, Sep 23, 2003
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