Solidworks 2003 to AutoCad 2000 Question...Help!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by corrine kelly, Jun 24, 2003.

  1. Question #1
    I have just started working for a company that requires me to export
    my solid models to Acad 2000 so the drafting can be done. What is the
    best way to export my 3d model to Solidworks so that Acad has a usable
    2d representation?

    Also, their Autocad does not have iges in capability. Would this have
    been the best way?

    Question #2
    Is it possible to creat the drawings in Solidworks, export the .dwg
    and have Autocad read them correctly? I have not had too much luck
    with this.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks in advance,

    corrine kelly, Jun 24, 2003
  2. Hi there,

    I would say your best way is to create the views in Solidworks, and then
    save as DWG. you can set up options for a mapping file which can set layers,
    colours, linewieght etc for the DWG file. This can be found under 'options'
    in the save as DWG box, then tick 'ustom map solidworks to DXF', and untick
    the 'dont show mapping box'. Also you can save the AutoCAD version to save
    out to.

    i hope this helps!

    Lee Bazalgette, Jun 24, 2003
  3. corrine kelly

    kenneth b Guest

    #1) Save the model (part or assembly) As, ACIS .(sat). Works great if want
    a 3D solid in acad. The detail in acad as needed.

    #2) if possible forget about acad altogether and use pdf or eDrawing.
    kenneth b, Jun 24, 2003
  4. corrine kelly

    bob zee Guest

    I have just started working for a company that requires me to export

    Run Away As Fast As You Can. Do Not Look Back.
    this company wants to kill you!!!

    bob z.

    "people with less brain power than you are doing more difficult things
    bob zee, Jun 24, 2003
  5. corrine kelly

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Hi Corrine,

    Currently a goodly amount of the DWG export functionality in
    SolidWorks 2003 is unfortunately broken.

    1) If you utilize blocks in your SolidWorks drawing with text
    attributes, then these will not be exported correctly. The alignment
    of the attribute text will be different than the alignment of the
    non-attribute text. This includes, unfortunately the blocks that
    SolidWorks creates (weld symbols, etc). They are (and have been for
    some time) aware of the problem, but no word has been given on when
    they might fix this functionality.

    2) The export process does not adhere to the options in the
    SolidWorks export process. There are settings for SolidWorks to use
    standard AutoCAD fonts (which works) and standard AutoCAD styles,
    which doesn't. SolidWorks insists on creating styles of the form
    SLDTEXTSTYLE1 which utilize the simplex.shx font. Depending on the
    mode of export, more than one of these styles will be created.

    3) There is a font mapping capability that unfortunately is only for
    DWG import. Thus your AutoCAD DWG will had styles defined in the
    txt.shx or simplex.shx font which are ever so attractive.

    Items 2 and 3 can be handled fairly neatly using a script to redefine
    the styles to something less unattractive. Unfortunately there aren't
    any easy workarounds for Item 1. I also turn the USCIcon and blipmode
    off in this script. It's a shame you can't define an export template
    for to control all this for you.

    So, The only efficient way to do what you want is to export just the
    drawing, detail and dimensional information. You can dimension the
    features and parts, but currently I wouldn't use any inserted blocks
    with attribute text in my SolidWorks drawings. Currently I am also
    having a problem getting GD&T symbols to display correctly in the
    exported file. I'm not certain it's possible yet. So you might not
    want to use any GD&T functionality in your SolidWorks drawing.

    It almost seems as though SWx corp has purposely thrown these
    roadblock in the way hoping to "eliminate" the need for AutoCAD
    drawings. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but these problems certainly
    present a problem for those of use who are required by our customers,
    or our company's to provide DWG files. It adds a LOT of labor to the

    Good luck.

    Chris Dubea, Jun 24, 2003
  6. corrine kelly

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Maybe I am missing the whole point. Why would you have to go 2D in AC
    when you have that right within SW. I mean the parametric
    functionality is right there so you don thave to worry about what
    changes were made. Are you trying to give yourself a
    ....j/k. Seriously though, why not just make the 2D of it in SW and
    then export it out like Lee Bazalgette was saying.

    There is probably some functionality in AC that I dont know about,
    granted, but if you have the drawings already done in SW, and then the
    3D model changes, exporting it back into AC should not be a problem.

    I am not sure if this function can work with 2D, but I rememebr
    reading a post about someone importing a surface directly from Alias
    that once brough into SW, their was an option so that if you went back
    to Alias and changed the surface, the import in SW would take as well.
    But like I said I am not sure if that can apply to 2D.
    Arthur Y-S, Jun 24, 2003
  7. Thanks for all the replies.

    I used ACIS Sat v2.0 (solid bodies converted only) and Autocad 2003
    read it right in! Yay!!! My perceived competency (at work at
    least) has risen to a new level ! Thanks!

    I wish they would let me use Solidworks, but the group uses Pro/E as
    well as Solidworks for modelling. We use Acad for detailing to remain
    consistent with all of our legacy drawings and for compatability with
    our UK counterparts.

    corrine kelly, Jun 25, 2003
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