SolidWorks 2001 Display Bug

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by orionrobots, Mar 20, 2005.

  1. orionrobots

    orionrobots Guest

    I am trying to get SolidWorks 2001 working on a PC with a Geforce
    6600, Athxlon XP 2400+ with 512Mb.
    It runs, but I have an odd display problem. Everything in the viewport
    dissappears after it is drawn. If I do a redraw, or alt tab away and
    back - I momentarily see everything, then it disappears again.

    When I am drawing a feature, it stays visible until it is no longer
    selected. I can make things appear peicemeal by highlighting them
    (hovering my mouse over them) - but when I click or modify one, it all
    disappears again.

    This is very frustrating - i have tried using the "Reset to Factory
    Settings" option in the preferences, and I have tried playing with
    most of the options - but I really have no idea why this is happening
    or what it means.

    The features are definately there - as they are in the feature stack.
    Just for reference - I dont see datum surfaces, or the axis, or indeed
    anything in the viewport window unless it is actually highlighted.

    -=- - Build robots
    orionrobots, Mar 20, 2005
  2. orionrobots

    Bo Guest

    Given the value of your time and the cost per hour of work to be billed
    out, I would think it would be better to find another "system".

    At this point a VAR is not interested in trying to support 2001, even
    if he wanted to do so, and he can't easily replicate your situation or
    earn any dollars doing it. I doubt many people reading this list even
    remember 2001 & 2001+, let alone use 2001, and I know I don't, even
    though I used them.

    I do know that some companies "lock in" on a specific release of some
    software and don't want to upgrade, but then at some point that means
    the company has to support itself in electing to stay with a given
    release. I know a medical company that did that where a friend worked,
    and they were using 5 year old software, & they also locked into "old"
    PII 400-800 mhz machines, too. Very inefficient and a total waste of
    their engineering manpower, just to save subscription costs of maybe

    Lots of help is available if you run 2004 or 2005, and I personally
    would not waste my time on anything less than 2004.

    I only have so many hours to produce in a day.

    Bo, Mar 20, 2005
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