SolidNetwork; license borrowing

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Markku Lehtola, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    the default time for borrowing is 10 can I increase this time?
    Markku Lehtola, Aug 8, 2005
  2. Markku Lehtola

    Scott Guest

    SW recently increased it to 30 days. You have to go back to the customer
    portal and Download a new License file. Other then that you cannot increase
    the time. That is written inside the files and tempering with that file will
    cause it to no longer work.

    Scott, Aug 9, 2005
  3. This is from 2006 SNL admin guide:

    "The license is lent for a specified period of time, up to 10 days, (or as
    defined by your system administrator)"

    confused little bit here...
    Markku Lehtola, Aug 9, 2005
  4. Markku Lehtola

    Scott Guest

    Should be same for SW06, but I was talking about SW05. If you open up the
    file (License file) you should see at the end of each line BORROW = 720 -
    That number at the end indicates the time in hours you can borrow the
    License from the Pool.

    I know SW has not updated their DB to allow users to get new Reg codes or
    license files yet. So that maybe why you only have a 10 day license. That
    may change after they update their DB.

    I hope that helps,
    Scott, Aug 11, 2005
  5. I noticed that too, funny. They let you download 06 but they don't give
    you license...:-(
    Markku Lehtola, Aug 11, 2005
  6. Markku Lehtola

    Scott Guest

    You can email SW and they will send it you. Contact your VAR and they should
    provide you with the address if you can't get it from them shot me one and I
    will send it to you.

    Scott, Aug 12, 2005
  7. Noup, not available anymore here...
    Markku Lehtola, Aug 13, 2005
  8. Markku Lehtola

    TOP Guest

    When SW went to Siebel a few years ago this kind of problem started
    becoming more frequent. Siebel is some kind of a database that SW uses.
    You will see snatches of it in emails from SW and in job postings.
    About Siebel Systems

    Siebel Systems is the leading provider of solutions that help
    organizations of all sizes optimize everything-their people,
    processes, and technology-around their customers, resulting in
    outstanding customer experiences and long-term competitive advantage.
    TOP, Aug 13, 2005
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