SolidMentor Beta is now live!!!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ben, May 16, 2007.

  1. Ben

    Ben Guest

    First and foremost I want to thank Jeff Mirisola
    and Lou Gallo for their outstanding
    helping me make this site possible. These are two outstanding

    Finally I have my site live! I have created a SoildWorks site that
    will cater to the users, and made by the users. Tired of going all
    over the net trying to find tutorials, blogs, and anything SolidWorks?
    Here is my solution, I have syndicated all the blogs and podcasts that
    I know of to my site so there is one central location to view and read
    them (add yours if you would like to). Included is a starter set of
    links to go to inn the links section, add your links and best
    resources please, a forum... (Ya Ya I know not another forum.... Well
    this one is moderated so jerks can be banned, and you will be allowed
    to have attachments.), a Wiki, a calendar of events, Picture
    album..... Now if you have a site you would like to add, a podcast you
    would like to add, have some tricks to share.... Now you have a place
    to do it, just click on the appropriate section and add your stuff.
    The more we add the better the site will be. Oh, and one last thing,
    there is a search function that will help you find the info you want
    on the site.

    Now before you think you are going to a polished site, We are in Beta
    and have just finished the first round of testing. There is some
    content there to start with but the point of the site is that we all
    add a little bit then we will have a great site to use for help and
    mentorship. There will be some small problems I am sure to start so
    please let me know what they are and I will correct them ASAP
    (Remember I am doing this on my free time so it might take a bit of
    time to address all issues).

    Feel free to add anything to this site, correct me, suggest things to
    me, etc etc. Just poke around, kick the tires and do any testing you
    want. Also feel free to add any content you feel necessary to any of
    the links on the left, this is your site not my site so you help drive
    the content.

    Remember this is a site for SolidWorks users by SolidWorks users. Here
    are the key points I am trying to achieve.

    * Central location for all blogs, podcasts and SW news

    * The SolidWiki (this will require a lot of user help to populate
    but will be a very powerful tool!)

    * The forum will allow uploads for SW files for diagnostics,
    testing, yadda yadda yadda...

    * The forum will be moderated and be able to ban jerks.

    * Live webcasts (There will be a beta cast soon Stay posted)

    * A central community calendar for Usergroup meetings, and other
    SW events

    * Contacts, links, networking

    * For the users by the users

    * Objective, Candid opinions from users


    Again, Welcome and please have fun this site is only limited by our


    Ben, May 16, 2007
  2. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Man...... I really need a proof reader, trust me when I say I can make
    this site awesome, however I do need some help in my writing abilities.
    Ignore all the blatant errors below and forgive me for my writing and
    visit the site.

    I am a design geek not a writer....

    Ben, May 16, 2007
  3. Ben

    Ben Guest

    One last thing, if you want access to all of this content you will need
    to register with the site. This will be how I moderate things and make
    sure to keep the trolls out.

    Ben, May 16, 2007
  4. Ben

    TOP Guest

    Still can't login. Registered a couple days ago.

    TOP, May 17, 2007
  5. Ben

    Ben Guest

    TOP Ill fix things and send you the info. Couple of days ago???? I
    launched publicly yesterday at noon..... Anyhow it'll be in the mail

    Ben, May 17, 2007
  6. Ben

    Ben Guest

    Top I have approved you and you should be able to login now. Your email
    must have spam filed the registration email so I will put this note on
    the usenet group as well

    Best Regards
    Ben, May 17, 2007
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