Solidity for SolidWorks?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bo, Jan 23, 2008.

  1. Bo

    gk Guest

    Jonnie, it would only make sense to someone with your mentality.

    gk, Jan 26, 2008
  2. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    "Without a doubt SaladWorks is a complete piece of shit" - Jon
    Banquer- May 21, 2006

    "I've been away from SolidWorks for almost ten years. <snip> The
    program has changed so much in ten years that I'm still way behind
    where I need to be." - Jon Banquer - Aug. 26, 2007
    brewertr, Jan 27, 2008
  3. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    "I dropped out of high school to pursue my dream of making a lot of
    money and never went back" - Jon Banquer - Dec 28, 2002

    So your planned path to making a lot of money is quitting school and
    becoming a machine operator while posing as a CAD/CAM expert in

    How are you planning on turning this into a lot of money?

    Not working for HSMWorks it seems:

    "I'm committed to working with HSMWorks to doing just that. Shouldn't
    be too hard because their head of US operations and I see things in
    almost the exact same way and because HSMWorks is interested in what I
    have to say and wants to work with me." - Jon Banquer -

    "Jon is not affiliated with HSMWorks ApS in any way and that we cannot
    control what people are writing on the web. Anybody can get
    evaluation licenses of HSMWorks and test it themselves. I hope this
    clarifies any doubt." - HSMWorks ApS -
    brewertr, Jan 27, 2008
  4. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    "So my planned path to making a lot of money was to become a machine
    operator while posing as a CAD/CAM expert in cyberspace until Jon
    Banquer blew me out of the water... see below. I love to pretend I
    know the San Diego machinist market even though I don't live here and
    don't have clue one. What I'm really good at is being a lying scumbag
    and a worthless Usenet stalker."

    Now it's correct Brewer:


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jan 27, 2008
  5. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    What lies Jon?
    brewertr, Jan 27, 2008
  6. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    And how has that worked out for you Jon?
    brewertr, Jan 27, 2008
  7. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    "It's not working out for me because Jon Banquer constantly blows me
    out of the water. I think I will go back to stalking Cliffy... err
    that didn't work out for me either and I just made a complete fool of
    myself. I guess I will ask my wife what to do because she wears the
    pants in the family and has the brains. See below."

    Now it's correct, Brewer:


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jan 27, 2008
  8. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    So Jon, the $650.00 you spent on SolidProfessor Videos makes you self
    brewertr, Jan 27, 2008
  9. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    Let's not forget the claimed 16 hours of SW videos (and the
    much better $25 ones he did not get) that took him over 4
    months to watch (if he ever finished them to this day) that
    left him so utterly clueless about SW & CAD/CAM.
    Perhaps his voices are asking that box ..
    Cliff, Jan 27, 2008
  10. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    He's a joke on the BBS systems & on Usenet to this day. Some of
    the actual developers and vendors do treasure some of his posts
    though. They post hardcopies in their break areas for the chuckles.
    He'd probably love to know which vendors & developers (I probably
    don't know of all of them) but I'm not telling <G>.
    Cliff, Jan 27, 2008
  11. Bo

    Cliff Guest

    "EDS/Unigraphics and SDRC are all American companies" - Jan 9 2002 by

    ABSOLUTELY !!!! Well...not to Bottleboob.
    The AFR technology is all done by GSSL in India. GSSL
    has contracts with UG, SDRC, SolidWorks, etc for their Automatic
    and Interactive Feature Recognition Technology.
    No, but they are ALL similar. You are using a macro language to
    automate the CAM process in some way no matter what CAM system it
    is. It might help you to focus on the CAM automation concept rather
    than the specific language or specfic CAM program.
    No. I don't think we have enough CAM users who appreciate the value
    of UG CAM.
    If SmartCAM was still a going concern and I did not believe so heavily
    in Automatic Feature Recognition, I would learn SmartCAM because I
    believe it was / is still FAR ahead of most CAM programs. The founders
    of SmartCAM had the vision thing....BIG TIME, IN SPADES !!! You don't
    even post with SmartCAM, you generate G-code as you go along. SmartCAM
    was designed as a CAM system for automation and to deal with any kind
    of change at any time. Point Control was so far ahead of it's time
    compared to SURFCAM, MasterCAM, GibbSCAM, DP, etc. It's tragic that
    SDRC killed it.
    ] - Jan 29 2002 by jon_banquer

    The toolpath editing in SmartCAM is used by better SmartCAM users (not Brewer)
    to create optimized toolpaths for production.
    ] - Dec 21 2007 by jon_banquer

    Only SmartCAM provides full toolpath editing, right down to individual toolpath
    elements. Our users depend on SmartCAM to give them complete control of ...
    In the area of total toolpath control SmartCAM is still far ahead and it has
    ] - Dec 19 2007 by jon_banquer

    Other systems like esprit, smartcam, etc.. allow you to easily add things
    to the toolpath
    ] - Dec 17 2007 by jon_banquer

    If I want training on my SDRC product it comes to $350.00 per day for class
    room training, how many students could afford this? Where can a company send an
    employee for low cost training? Took training at DP in Hartford with a group of
    people....was bored out of my mind.
    ] - Sep 26 1998 by Jon Banquer

    GSSL also just recently signed a contract with SDRC for advanced development.
    They are a very, very, serious firm that is only going to get bigger and attract
    more clients, like SDRC. I believe GSSL's feature recognition package will be in
    SolidWorks 98 Plus
    ] - Aug 7 1998 by Jon Banquer

    like my MDT 3.0 very much, and my SDRC Ideas MS6, but I am saddly stating I am
    purchasing a seat of SolidWorks to do some of my cavity design work. But there
    is no way, I will give up my MDT
    ] - Oct 5 1998 by Jon Banquer ?

    I also looked at SDRC Ideas, NICE package.
    ] - Sep 16 1998 by Jon Banquer

    I take in the demo of SmartCAM, (Hopefully soon.) I will have a much better idea
    of what to look for. I will be evaluating it for a client who is unhappy with
    his current 2 1/2D system. It is apparent to me now, that it gives complete
    control graphically over the tool path
    ] - Jun 20 1998 by Jon Banquer

    SmartCAM, by the way, has always given you direct, graphical control over the
    ] - Jun 12 1998 by Jon Banquer ?

    "No package ported to Windows is a good idea" - May 27 1998 by Jon Banquer ?

    "Spent maybe two days on SmartCAM and felt in an hour it was better than
    MasterCAM" - Jun 7 1998 by Jon Banquer

    "SmartCAM was a superior product to MasterCAM" - Jun 6 1998 by Jon Banquer

    "I'm using Smartcam for 2d and 4th axis work, don't need solids." - Jun 4 1998
    by Jon Banquer ?

    "SmartCAM Freeform does multi-surface maching as well as it can be done ,
    absolutely no need to have a solid for toolpath that involves many, many
    surfaces." - Jun 18 1998 by Jon Banquer

    "SmartCAM has full graphical control over the tool path. I have only used
    SmartCAM once for a few hours. Not a lot of shops in CT have SmartCAM... mostly
    MasterCAM. I used SmartCAM once for a few hours and did recognize that it was
    powerful." - Jun 12 1998 by Jon Banquer

    "SmartCAM uses Code generation not post processing," - Jun 12 1998 by Jon

    "This was especially true of SmartCAM, who in my view appears to STILL be
    light years ahead of MasterCAM" - Jul 10 1998 by Jon Banquer

    Cliff, Jan 27, 2008
  12. A very good point was made. SolidWorks is a tool... much like
    Microsoft Word. AS good as it gets if I am make a good and type you
    instead of your or did in stead of didn't it cannont fix it. Much the
    same way if you are expecting SolidWorks to understand exaclty what
    you are thinking... good luck!!!

    Al whatmough
    albert.inspirtech, Jan 27, 2008
  13. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    It wasn't a very good point, Al. In fact it was lame and is basically
    a diversion for what is really wrong with SolidWorks.

    A good point would be that most SolidWorks users (with the notable
    exception of Cliffy who has never used and can't use SolidWorks,
    despite being the number one poster to this newsgroup) FEAR talking
    about the FACT that SolidWorks doesn't give you the tools to easily
    understand relations so that you have real control over parts and

    SolidMap may have issues but it's the right idea on what's needed and
    what the real problem with SolidWorks is:

    "Have you ever had to edit an assembly or a part designed by someone
    else, or change a model you designed a long time ago? If so, you know
    how difficult it is to decipher the mate relationships in assemblies
    and dependencies between part features. That's because modern solid
    modeling lets users create complex relationships, without even being
    aware they are doing so. For example, a user might add a fillet, which
    generates relationships between the arc of the fillet and the features
    that created the edges."

    I'd like to see assholes like Brewer, Cliffy and Gary Nuts son tell us
    where Joel Orr is wrong. IMO it will be a cold day in hell before
    these lame motherfuckers. who contribute absolutely nothing to this
    newsgroup, ever deal with the FACTS on what is really wrong with

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jan 27, 2008
  14. Bo

    gk Guest

    Jonnie, maybe you should just stick with your Etch-A-Sketch where the
    relationships aren't so complex. The FACTS are that I (and probably
    most) don't seem to have that much trouble in that area. Maybe a little
    formal training instead of watching videos would help you.

    gk, Jan 27, 2008
  15. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    It wasn't a very good point, Al. In fact it was lame and is basically

    How do most machining job shops often deal with this problem when the
    model has to be modified to make it manufacturable?


    We trash your design intent / history.

    If design intent is to be left in place and not destroyed than
    Solidworks designers who hate machinists better start to understand
    why your SolidWorks design intent gets tossed in the trash.

    Here's A Fucking Clue Why We Do It:

    You aren't going to pay us to spend hours figuring out you design

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jan 27, 2008
  16. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    Maybe I should just stick with Etch-A-Sketch where the
    Now it's correct Nuts son.

    Unlike you, Joel Orr is no one's fool, Nuts son.

    "Designers often rebuild designs from scratch rather than spend time
    to understand how models were built."

    SolidWorks should provide the tools to enable intelligent users (not
    you Nuts son) to easily be able to understand all the complex
    relationships that often exist in models and assemblies.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jan 27, 2008
  17. Bo

    Joe788 Guest

    I wonder why Jonnie Bonkers has been so quiet about HSMWorks lately?
    Not a single mention of it.
    Joe788, Jan 27, 2008
  18. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    Keep wondering, asshole. I like it when you do and have to start lying
    and then get your ass blown out of the fucking water.

    How does it feel to see that I was right on Mastercam X3 and had the
    info way before you and your butt buddy PBMW did? ;>)

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jan 27, 2008
  19. Bo

    brewertr Guest

    Seems clear his issue is with USERS......not CAD Software

    1) Designed by someone else
    2) Designed by him long ago and forgotten
    3) Unaware USER creating complex relationships
    brewertr, Jan 27, 2008
  20. Bo

    jon_banquer Guest

    "Seems clear my issue is I'm a lying, stalking shitbag who offers no
    content to the SolidWorks newsgroup. I admit I'm often out of my
    league and don''t have clue one. I'm just like my butt buddies Cliffy,
    Gary Nuts son and Joe788. I love to put works in people's mouths even
    Joel Orr. My wife makes all the important decisions because I'm a
    massive **** up.

    Now it's correct Brewer.


    "Jon, I never forgot any of your postings about SDRC I made the wrong
    decision in spite of what you said. There have been a number of times
    that my Wife has told me to be careful in dealing with someone and
    after words says "I told you so". She earned the right to say it as
    well as you have earned the right to say I TOLD YOU SO. I made a
    decision that went against my better judgment and as usual it turned
    out poorly." .... Tom Brewer


    "I do not purchase programs unless I know before hand that they are
    what I want and/ or need."... Tom Brewer who can't follow his own
    advice. See above.


    Tom Brewer thinking he and his pals like Joe788 can play their Usenet
    staking games, lie on a repeated basis and suffer no consequences for
    doing so.


    "I have shot myself in the foot, not an easy thing to do when it is
    in your mouth and your head is in your ass."... Tom Brewer admitting
    what he's often like.


    Someone who has a proven track record of not being able to deal with
    or accept the kind of change that occurs in the cadcam market... now
    that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Someone who doesn't live in San Diego yet insists there is no shortage
    of CNC machinists here... now that's ignorant or should we say that's
    Tom Brewer.


    Someone who criticizes someone on SolidWorks but has never helped
    anyone with specific SolidWorks answers. Someone who is not able to
    answer any questions that "Vinny" had on master modeling or skeletal
    modeling. Someone who has never posted any models they have done...
    now that's ignorant or should we say that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer's failure to understand who Matt Lombard really is.


    Tom Brewer's unable to comprehend what's on the cover of the
    SolidWorks Bible:

    "Whether you're a new, intermediate, ...."


    Someone who can't understand more than a simple "I love it!" or "I
    hate it!" type of comment ... now that's ignorant or should we say
    that's Tom Brewer.


    Tom Brewer implies that because you acknowledge that the $25
    SolidWorks course covers subjects / topics that the $650 SolidWorks
    course didn't that you're now somehow an idiot and got screwed when
    you decided to purchase the $650 SolidWorks course.

    Tom Brewer Writing About SmartCAM:

    "I ended up paying a consultant $40.00 per hour for two weeks."

    "FYI, when I said "Solid modeling" in reference to SmartCam it was
    tongue in cheek. What you could not see is that when I was typing that
    I was laughing to myself. Anyone that uses SmartCam and Solid
    Modeling in the same sentence cannot be taken seriously."

    Recently Tom Brewer said SmartCAM had no user interface problems and
    yet the record shows Tom Brewer thinks SmartCAM does indeed have user
    interface problems:

    "The only real problem that I run into is that the screen can get
    cluttered and it becomes difficult to pick and choose elements in Free
    Form. I just use the utility masking feature to hide what is in the
    way, that cures the problem but it does add work (I tried the snap
    filtering and snap options but for me it was not the best way), I
    have seen other packages that handle picking and choosing in better."


    Tom Brewer thinks he's a SolidWorks expert. A SolidWorks expert is
    someone who knows more and more about less and less until he knows
    absolutely everything about nothing.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jan 27, 2008
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