SolidEdge V17 to SolidEdge V16?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by sd_eds, Dec 15, 2005.

  1. sd_eds

    sd_eds Guest

    I have SolidEdge V17 files from a customer but I only have V16. Is
    there a way to convert these files so that V16 will be able to read
    them. As it is now, the files are unable to be opened.

    Sorry if I have this posted to the wrong group. I did not see a general
    CAD group or SolidEdge group. Thank you.
    sd_eds, Dec 15, 2005
  2. sd_eds

    Cliff Guest

    Cliff, Dec 15, 2005
  3. sd_eds

    TOP Guest

    SolidEdge is not backwards compatible. Try the dumb solid route.
    TOP, Dec 15, 2005
  4. sd_eds

    ken Guest

  5. sd_eds

    ken Guest

    Or upgrade!

    ken, Dec 16, 2005
  6. Practically speaking, your only solution is to LEGALLY acquire a copy
    of SEv17. If you are a commercial operator you have little choice but
    to stay on the 'upgrade treadmill' (and the software industry wants
    it that way).

    From the Customer's perspective, he isn't likely to send you Parasolid
    files & .PDF copies of Draft files just so you can send him back work
    which has lost its original history.

    If by any chance you are using one of the cracked copies of SEv16
    which are circulating, I'd strongly advise talking to a reseller about
    going legit if you are offering your services commercially.

    Solid Edge has a number of very active Newsgroups (hosted by UGS)
    which are only accessible to supported customers with an active Web-
    key account.

    Rick Mason
    Sydney, Australia.
    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, Dec 16, 2005
  7. sd_eds

    Cliff Guest

    Well, they might get a quote from UG's translator group in St. Louis
    (last I knew) to do a translation ...... afterall, it was said to only
    be 1 or 2 files ... might work & be cost-effective for a one-time
    Ask for Sandy Korba last I knew.
    Cliff, Dec 17, 2005
  8. I don't believe that even they can do a full backward save of a
    Solid Edge 'project' & maintain all history & links. If I were the
    customer, I'd be looking for a contractor with up-to-date software
    or (if I wanted this particular guy to do the work) assisting him
    with getting up-to-date.

    IF (stated only as a warning) the v16 copy in question is 'dodgy'
    then it is a moot point.

    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, Dec 17, 2005
  9. sd_eds

    Cliff Guest

    Perhaps/probably not but it *might* be one of the better possible
    Sounded like the target system might be little-used ... as it's not
    current release.
    Cliff, Dec 17, 2005
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