SolidEdge and stability

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    My apologies in advance to Ken.

    Well the Computer Graphics class is back in full swing. The SolidEdge
    mothership wasn't able to deliver a new student version of their latest
    product in time for the IT department to make the images for this
    semester's classes. So we are still on SE14. However, this probably
    doesn't change what went on or would have gone on this evening.

    Twelve newbies in a room are struggling learning the concepts of
    sketching, constraints and a host of new skills. About a third had
    numerous problems with crashes and lost a lot of time. Not surprisingly
    these users were also the ones having the hardest time learning to use
    SE. And what may have been causing the crashes more than anything else
    was that they had not learned to paint within the lines the SE sets
    forth for sketching. Hardware can pretty much be ruled out. All the
    workstations are identical with identical software installed on them.
    The only logical conclusion is that their actions confused the GUI and
    it's timers and intent zones and put it into some kind of ambigous
    state that caused the software to crash.

    Now I'm not digging SE, just making an observation that probably
    applies to SW just as much. These problems that were occurring, were to
    me unreproducible but frequent. It is not unlikely that SW also suffers
    to a certain extent with this type of problem. There seems to be a
    certain rythm, for lack of a better word, that some users get into that
    seems to avoid the movements and actions that cause problems. And vice
    versa, other seem to have a set of actions that seem to precipitate
    TOP, Oct 12, 2005
  2. TOP

    Jason Guest

    So how do like SE cmopared to SW? It was alomost a tossup back we when
    selected SW in 98. I just didn't like the ribbon concept that much. Too
    much walk you through the steps which was slower workflow to me once I
    learned the commands. Maybe it's changed though.
    Jason, Oct 12, 2005
  3. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I really shouldn't say much since this is such an old release. But I
    don't like not being able to go back and change anything in a feature.
    Once certain decisions have been made you have to delete the feature
    and follow a different path to get where you want to go. The sketcher
    sucks for making constructions because it is too smart.
    TOP, Oct 12, 2005
  4. What do you mean by the above statement, could you give an example?
    Again, could you give an example.

    I've had experience with both SW and Solid Edge and have been giving my
    recommendations to my company. On my Pro's Con's list for each I don't have
    anything that would fit your descriptions above. Could you elaborate?
    David Rieschick, Oct 12, 2005
  5. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Hopefully your company is not going to consider SE14.

    Try changing a linear dimension to a doubled dimension where

    When you model in SE look at the ribbon bar. In certain operations once
    you go past a step it is forever grayed out.

    I really don't want to get into a SE vs SW discussion as this thread is
    about stability.
    TOP, Oct 12, 2005
  6. TOP

    DLR Guest

    SE's current release is 17.
    Me neither, as they really go nowhere (although they can be quite
    entertaining sometimes). I thought maybe you had an example of a SE
    shortcoming that I hadn't seen. Could be the difference between SE14 and
    DLR, Oct 12, 2005
  7. - Bad first choices will sometimes have this result, but MOST
    features can be Edited to modify their entire definition if necess-
    ary, without deleting. Catch-22: more robust models come with
    - If you manage the Intellisketch options, you can control how
    much 'assistance' the solver offers whilst sketching profiles. This
    is a matter of personal preference & experience, but it IS very

    As for stability, main causes of crashes/aborts are:

    a) Updates (service packs) not installed
    b) System configuration (RAM, swap-space, hardware config,
    BIOS settings, conflicts from 'rogue' software)
    c) Graphics driver, or poor Open-GL support at hardware level
    d) Housekeeping issues

    Agreed, new Users tend to work randomly rather than methodically
    and hence tend to experience more hangs/crashes etc. All the more
    reason to get an experienced user to lead the class!

    Rick Mason
    Sydney, Australia.
    R.H. \(Rick\) Mason, Oct 19, 2005
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