SolidEdge and SolidWorks

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by P., Aug 31, 2004.

  1. P.

    P. Guest

    Anybody want to hear a blow by blow of somebody learning SolidEdge? I am in
    the position of having to teach SE to a group. So I have to learn it real
    good, real fast. Would be a good chance to do some feature by feature
    comparisons. (BTW, I am going to be pretty impartial either way.)
    P., Aug 31, 2004
  2. P.

    Arlin Guest

    Soooo.... was that a question or a statement?

    I think many here would be interested in your comparison.
    Arlin, Aug 31, 2004
  3. P.

    Ken Maren Guest

    For something entertaining to read I would like to hear it. What
    version will your be learning/teaching and I am assuming you will be
    comparing it to SW 2005
    Ken Maren, Aug 31, 2004
  4. P.

    Sporkman Guest

    Post it, Paul, if you don't mind writing it. In the least it would be
    interesting reading.
    Sporkman, Aug 31, 2004
  5. I will wish you a lot of luck :)
    I have worked with SE from V7 toV15 and it took me a lot of time to get
    "used" to SolidWorks.
    What will you teach ? Only classic or also Xpress-route and virtual studio ?

    Bert Muijtstege, Aug 31, 2004

  6. I would love to hear what you come up with. As soon as we get some breathing
    space we will be trying out SE ourselves. As Sporkman says, rumor has it
    that SE has better surfacing and the demo we saw looked promising. I would
    be especially interested in your take on that area.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 31, 2004
  7. Sporkman says,

    Oops, wrong Mark! Sorry about that.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Aug 31, 2004
  8. P.

    Sporkman Guest

    An Amigo anyways. <G>
    Sporkman, Sep 1, 2004
  9. P.

    P. Guest

    Looks like a go.

    SE v14 vs SW 2004. I have to relearn SW2005, but I may throw in a few
    comments about 2005 as I go along.

    First comment.

    SE uses something called a ribbon bar instead of the property manager. It is
    more concise than the property manager to the point of being cryptic. And
    in general SE toolbar buttons have very little contrast so it is hard to
    tell when they are pressed and when they aren't.
    P., Sep 1, 2004
  10. Comments as you go are ok, because there may be suggestions or questions
    from others based on your current observation. But hopefully you are
    collecting all of them in one document for the end presentation. This will
    be interesting.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 1, 2004
  11. P.

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Yeah, where's PellaKen? 8~)
    Jeff Howard, Sep 1, 2004
  12. Why do you use V14 ? SE is on V16 now.(shipping)
    Its like learning SW 2003.Why not use V15?

    With your comment you are right, took me à time to get used to the XP look.

    Bert Muijtstege, Sep 1, 2004
  13. Mark,

    I do not use SolidWorks for a long time, so I cannot tell wich one I prefer.
    Both have there strong points.
    I have worked with SolidEdge for about 3 years (worked for a VAR so I had
    to know the package)
    I am a Engineer now with a Firm that wanted to go to 3d and that has a BU
    that bought SW so we went for the same.
    I am working with SW for half a year now.

    Solidworks (2004) is IMHO better in:

    Photoworks (works great, SE has in V16 also a Lightworks solution but i cost
    Toolbox (Like it a lot)
    programming (VBA)
    User community (SE has a closed community)

    SE (V15):

    2D drafting
    Constaints (mates) (Looks like SW2005 has the same solution like SE has for
    Ribbon bar (properties) (you do not have dialogboxes that are always on the
    wrong spot)
    Weldments ( I hate the 3D sketches you have to make in SolidWorks)
    Routing (see above)

    We do not a lot off surfacing so I have not looked into that at SW.
    But in V14 SE improved it a lot with "blue surf"

    They have both a solution for Animations but they a both a 3rd party
    solutions (Immersive design)

    But I do not like to say which is "better" , I think they look a lot what
    the other does and have the same in there next version. That includes
    Bert Muijtstege, Sep 1, 2004
  14. P.

    Ken Guest


    Ken, Sep 1, 2004
  15. P.

    kenneth b Guest

    Weldments ( I hate the 3D sketches you have to make in SolidWorks)

    fwiw, you do not have to use 3d sketches for creating weldments in sw. 2d
    sketches work quite well.
    kenneth b, Sep 1, 2004
  16. P.

    P. Guest

    P., Sep 2, 2004
  17. P.

    P. Guest

    I think I'll add some SW2005 to the mix, but I don't have SE15 or SE14
    available. Some may say it isn't fair, but this is working with what I
    have. It will certainly show the similarities and differences in software
    design philosopy and is not meant to be a marketeering tool.
    P., Sep 2, 2004
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