solid solutions magazine

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by greif, May 14, 2004.

  1. greif

    greif Guest

    is solid solutions magazine still being published? I have not recieved
    there email for linking to downlaod the pdf format of their magzine
    since january & they won't give me an answer when I email them.

    greif, May 14, 2004
  2. greif

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Mr. Pickles, May 14, 2004
  3. greif

    Aron Bacs Guest

    Went there... BUT:

    How do you register as a SolidWorks user (SolidWorks Community) on there
    website. There is no choice for SolidWorks on the new user registration
    page ? There is a SolidWorks Community area however? Just how do you sign
    up for it, in order to use the site? Do you chose CATIA?


    Choosing the "Contact Us" button I sent them (ConnectPress, LTD.) an email
    from their own website and even on that page there is no choice for

    And by the way, in order to send it you must pick a "Community" first (I
    chose Inventor, just to be able to send the @#$%ing message ), again no
    mention of SolidWorks?


    I really would like to join though...

    Aron Bacs, May 14, 2004

  4. Try

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    "take the garbage out, dear"
    Jerry Steiger, May 14, 2004
  5. greif

    Jay Guthrie Guest

    Yea, what the heck?

    I got a subscription back in December and haven't heard or seen squat from
    them. They took my money just fine.

    Might be time to investigate. I kind of had forgotten about it.

    Jay Guthrie, May 14, 2004
  6. greif

    Aron Bacs Guest

    Yes, I (or anyone else) can go to the SolidWorks Community. But if you want
    to view any article, they want you to join... And THAT is where the problem

    Try it yourself:

    Go to the URL you said:

    Click an article say: "Adapting 2D Drafting Skills to 3D Parametric
    Sketching" -or- any other one...
    The above action takes you here:
    " The response is that you: Member Login or Register "

    The fun begins at that page...again no SolidWorks to affiliate your
    membership registration with.

    I guess I could just say I am an Inventor user, but then I would get
    Inventor spam instead of useful SolidWorks spam! I really am not trying to
    be difficult here, I just do not see the SolidWorks CHOICE when you sign up
    for membership to the site?

    Do you (or anyone else) see it?

    Aron Bacs, May 14, 2004
  7. "Aron Bacs"wrote...
    "Solid Digital Digest and Solid Solutions Advanced"

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, May 14, 2004
  8. I had a similar situation. I found that earthlink automatically enabled spam blocking on my e-mail account without
    informing me. Since I use Outlook for e-mail I didn't realize that Solid Solutions was being sent to the trash bin on
    the earthlink mail server. I just removed the earthlink spam blocking and started receiving SS e-mail again.


    Malcolm_Tempt, May 14, 2004
  9. greif

    greif Guest

    so the money I paid for my subcription is gone & i'm F------D
    greif, May 14, 2004
  10. "Aron Bacs"wrote...
    "Solid Digital Digest and Solid Solutions Advanced"

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, May 14, 2004
  11. First let me say "I AM ONLY THE MESSENGER"

    The official word from Connect Press:

    "As announced to all paying subscribers, all subscribers to SOLID Solutions
    Magazine have been rolled over automatically to the SolidWorks Community,
    and any remaining subscription value is already credited toward paid
    membership in the community for later this year, when communities will begin
    requiring payment."

    Let the fun begin...

    Richard Doyle, May 14, 2004
  12. greif

    Mr. Pickles Guest

    Mr. Pickles, May 15, 2004
  13. greif

    kellnerp Guest


    What the heck are SolidWorks Communities?
    kellnerp, May 16, 2004
  14. Paul,
    I think Connect Press and Solid Solutions mag are trying to re-define
    themselves. No more magazine, not even the pdf version. The "SolidWorks
    Community" is their new business model (there are also "communities" for
    Inventor, Pro/E, and others), each to be moderated by a separate individual.
    The SolidWorks Community is where the Digital Digest will live, there are
    plans for new user group sections, feature stories and reviews, and much

    I'm skeptical about the new format, and have to wonder if they will get
    enough subscription customers to keep it going. Without readers, advertising
    will suffer and there goes the rest of the funding. Connect Press doesn't
    have a great track record to this point, but I've worked with the moderator
    a little and have promised to help where I can. We'll see where the whole
    thing goes.

    You can get there for free right now, but you do have to register
    ( . There isn't much in the way of content yet, and
    plenty of it is outdated (especially the user group section). It's one more
    place to go to get SolidWorks information - and that may be half the

    Richard Doyle, May 17, 2004
  15. greif

    Rocko Guest

    I would runaway from them as fast as i could. These guys are basically
    cutting there staff to 3 people and trying to make a ton of money. If you
    remember about 7 months ago they let the Editor of the magazine and many
    writers go. I would say this company is on a downward slide to being non
    exisitent and you should not pay them a dime.
    Rocko, May 18, 2004
  16. They won't make a penny unless they provide value to the subscribers and
    advertisers. I agree, they've been on a downward spiral for quite some time,
    and even in their "heyday" the subscription price was too steep. But, the
    magazine had some good content contributed by some very good users (some of
    them from here in this group). I liked the former editor very much, and was
    sorry to see her go. But the new editor of the Digital Digest is a go-getter
    and is doing his best to turn things around. I have been asked to
    contribute, and I've asked others to continue working with him until we see
    progress. If we don't, we can cut and run.

    I would say give it a chance for now. If the "Community" site isn't up to
    par when it starts charging, don't subscribe and, as you say, "run away

    I'll be right behind you.

    Richard Doyle, May 18, 2004
  17. greif

    P Guest


    Thanks. I dropped the rag when they switched to internet only as I
    have a bad connection in the bathroom. :) I am still waiting for my
    often promised refund. They seem to have the attitude that they know
    what is best for us, but I don't think they do.
    P, May 18, 2004
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