Solid Model of Handgun

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Greg Miller, Feb 11, 2005.

  1. Greg Miller

    Greg Miller Guest

    I know this has been asked many times before (I swear I searched first), but
    does anyone have a model of a semi automatic handgun?

    Greg Miller, Feb 11, 2005
  2. Greg Miller

    Sporkman Guest

    Sporkman, Feb 12, 2005
  3. Greg Miller

    Muggs Guest

    Spork, I in SW 2005 SP01 RC, but I'm able to open the PPK files with some

    File>Open> ProE Part files does the job, and asking SW to find the features
    also does a pretty good job, but it seems to have a problem with sweeps.

    Muggs, Feb 12, 2005
  4. Greg Miller

    Sporkman Guest

    Interesting. Thanks for the reply, Muggs. That's just what I did, and
    with at least three different options (SW2005 SP0.1). Didn't even try
    asking SolidWorks to find the features. But I tried opening the
    Assembly with automatic opening of the Parts, and apparently that won't
    work. I'm opening individual Parts now and so far it's working
    (knitting, with "Try forming solid model" checked). Don't know what
    will happen when I get to the Assembly file, but we'll see.

    I'm just curious about automatic pistol design -- don't need it for
    anything else. I'm not a gun enthusiast, never been military and never
    taken a gun apart. Only fired a pistol once in my life (not in anger --
    in practice). Now I've got a client who's into all that stuff and I'm
    finding it might be helpful to understand certain common mechanisms.
    I'd be even happier to find a CO2 pistol to look at.

    Sporkman, Feb 12, 2005
  5. Greg Miller

    Muggs Guest


    Depending on the design, you could Google up a good "How to
    disassemble/reassemble your handgun" video from any number of aftermarket
    gun parts folks.

    Also, try here:

    I would suggest looking at John Browning's 1911, nothing better until Gaston
    Glock decided to build his first gun.

    This is information for Spork! Please don't flame me to tell me how much you
    hate the Glock and how much better the (your favorite gun manufacturer here)
    is. This is merely my opinion, and as you know opinions are like armpits,
    everyone has at least one and they usually stink.

    Muggs, Feb 14, 2005
  6. Greg Miller

    matt Guest


    I did an airgun for Crosman a few years back. Is there anything in
    particular you were looking for?

    matt, Feb 21, 2005
  7. Greg Miller

    ken Guest

    I've got one in Solid Edge if you want the parasolid.

    ken, Nov 19, 2005
  8. Greg Miller

    Scott Guest

    Trade you for some AR15 parts in .sat.

    Scott, Nov 19, 2005
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