Solid Edge sychronous tutorial progress..

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by phil scott, May 13, 2009.

  1. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    I like the program a lot, most of the tutorials are ok to very good,
    many are not so good
    and some for instance provide an unworkable work flow that over
    constrains a part precluding for instance being able to line up bolt
    holes.... a stone wall if you run into it

    the solution is to do the construction sequence as though the item
    were on your work bench, that sort of logic cures the issue in most

    the help desk is superb same with the guy who sells it locally.... so
    Im doing well on assemblies ... perhaps I can build a skid now, Im
    getting close Its about 500% less
    buggy than inventor...

    Phil scott
    phil scott, May 13, 2009
  2. phil scott

    Krister_L Guest

    perhaps I can build a skid now,  > that and skid over to the Solid Edge news group, You spend
    far too much ov Your time here

    // Krister
    Krister_L, May 13, 2009
  3. phil scott

    Krister_L Guest

    sorry about the misspelling shoulda been "of"

    // Krister
    Krister_L, May 13, 2009
  4. phil scott

    Cliff Guest

    What SE Usenet group?
    And it's interesting anyway.
    Cliff, May 13, 2009
  5. phil scott

    phil scott Guest

    there is no SE users group. there are SE web stes.. I am trying out
    various cad programs
    Ive looked into SW also. and bought Inventor. (too buggy)... My view
    is that any cad user
    would have a passing interest in such a new development as
    sychronous... a person has
    the option of not reading such posts.

    Usenet rules btw, far from recommending against off topic posts....
    advises off topic posts. Did you
    know that? most do not. You can look it up on various USENET
    FAQ's... their statement is
    as with any social group of people there are common interests beyond
    the immediate topic and that
    20% or so of off topic posts are healthy for the group.

    I will say however that virtually all of my posts are not on the topic
    of SW... that could be seen as out of line.
    but then I try not be anally retentive on that and other issues. I
    do my posting according to the group response
    as a whole, if most seem to appreciate what I post, often entirely off
    topic, say on the current economic mess,
    I post that way. Many respond and great discussions ensue.

    USENET guidlines go on to say that staying on a single isolated topic
    misses the point of howe the topic and its
    posters are affected by tangential issues... for instance if engineers
    were being laid off en mass because of
    a new self operating CAD/ design robot.... even though it was not a SW would generally be considered
    a topic of absolutely vital interest to the NG... especially seeing as
    how there is no news group, at least not a
    populated NG 'Robots take over the design business"..

    you can see how that is of course? Generally its covered under the
    headinng of life, and interpersonal relations, as
    goes on in the office as well... we discuss the ball games and who is
    screwing whom etc.

    I'm 68 years old and sucessful in the design and mfgr business..not
    all that comon at my age..and I get a lot more
    than what is generally considered top rate money... Ive posted a few
    times on how thats done also. If you see
    a post from me like that sometime just pass it up... after all you may
    have the best job on earth, working for GM
    or some other company.

    Phil scott
    phil scott, May 13, 2009
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