Soldworks update

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Martin, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    I presume you can still use the "macro" recorder functions?
    Then you have GRIP & UGOPEN/UFUNC ......, right?
    Cliff, Apr 11, 2005
  2. Martin

    Gil'Dashard Guest

    8 months on UG now.

    Clunky interface and the fact that you can't edit some features
    completely, the same options to create them aren't there.
    Gil'Dashard, Apr 12, 2005
  3. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    There may be a reason ....
    Cliff, Apr 12, 2005
  4. Martin

    Gil'Dashard Guest

    We're on NX2 and we skip a release so it will be NX4 before we upgrade.

    I see the same here, even experienced users can have some difficulties.
    Like where a line is hidden on a drawing, is it:

    On a Layer turned off
    Visible in Model View
    Visible in Drawing View
    View Dependent Edit Hidden

    Also it seems that some features should be just one like Ruled ,
    Through Curves, Through Curve Mesh, and Swept. All these are pretty
    much a Loft, some with different controls.
    Gil'Dashard, Apr 12, 2005
  5. Martin

    Gil'Dashard Guest

    And what are you saying?
    Gil'Dashard, Apr 12, 2005
  6. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    A) Don't you have any standards?
    B) Any tools to check?
    C) How do you know that you even have it?
    D) How did you lose it?
    Those are all quite different (some in terms of construction
    method only).
    I doubt that ruled would be considered lofted in any case. It's
    always developable. Others may at times be developble or
    not, depending.
    Cliff, Apr 12, 2005
  7. Martin

    Gil'Dashard Guest

    It might be something another user hid, finding where he hid it, that's
    the chore.

    Ruled, not to be confused with Ruled surface in SWX as they are
    completely different, essentially seems to me to be a two section loft
    with no guides.
    Gil'Dashard, Apr 12, 2005
  8. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    I had a set of GRIP routines that quickly checked many things.
    They were simple.

    Reverse blank all, show what's on each layer (that has anything)
    & let you select status (resetable), etc. IIRC Some of that's probably
    standard anyway ...
    How so?
    Don't confuse surface rulings with ruled surfaces.
    Don't 3D lofted surfaces have compound curvature?
    Cliff, Apr 12, 2005
  9. Martin

    Bo Guest

    From all the 50 replies or so that I've read, I am seeing a trend in
    user responses that the software companies seem to be so blindly set on
    creating "New Features" that they don't take the time to properly
    refine and integrate existing and sometimes very old features.

    No one VP of CAD Product Development ever stops and says, "Hey, we
    ought to spend a quarter or two cleaning up the old interface and code
    to get the niggling fixes, more dependible features and integration
    really cleaned up, because it is causing our users lots of lost man

    Seems like the late 1950s tail fin wars where they had to go larger, no
    matter what, but it did nothing to make the care more reliable.

    So when are users going to literally scream, "NO MORE FEATUREITIS until
    you fix what you have already."?

    Bo, Apr 14, 2005
  10. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    "No one VP of CAD Product Development ever stops and says, "Hey, we
    ought to spend a quarter or two cleaning up the old interface and code
    to get the niggling fixes, more dependible features and integration
    really cleaned up, because it is causing our users lots of lost man
    hours." "

    Wrong but probably very true when it comes to SolidWorks.

    VX values stability and getting existing stuff fixed a lot more than
    SolidWorks Corp. does. Every few weeks VX seems to have an update
    posted for VX V10.

    VX doesn't spend anywhere near as much time on getting their UI to be
    as slick as Inventor, SolidWorks, etc. I've come to accept this about
    VX and realize I would rather have the emphasis on the tools and live
    with not having the slickest UI in VX. I can work thru the UI not being
    slick. I can't live with tools that don't work, are hard / awkward to
    use, are radically different to use, etc.

    Don't confuse how SolidWorks Corp. develops Soliworks with how VX Corp.
    develops VX.

    jon_banquer, Apr 15, 2005
  11. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    "No one VP of CAD Product Development ever stops and says, "Hey, we
    ought to spend a quarter or two cleaning up the old interface and code
    to get the niggling fixes, more dependible features and integration
    really cleaned up, because it is causing our users lots of lost man
    hours." "

    Wrong but probably very true when it comes to SolidWorks.

    VX values stability and getting existing stuff fixed a lot more than
    SolidWorks Corp. does. Every few weeks VX seems to have an update
    posted for VX V10.

    VX doesn't spend anywhere near as much time on getting their UI to be
    as slick as Inventor, SolidWorks, etc. I've come to accept this about
    VX and realize I would rather have the emphasis on the tools and live
    with not having the slickest UI in VX. I can work thru the UI not being
    slick. I can't live with tools that don't work, are hard / awkward to
    use, are radically different to use, etc.

    Don't confuse how SolidWorks Corp. develops Solidworks with how VX
    Corp. develops VX.

    jon_banquer, Apr 15, 2005
  12. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    "No one VP of CAD Product Development ever stops and says, "Hey, we
    ought to spend a quarter or two cleaning up the old interface and code
    to get the niggling fixes, more dependible features and integration
    really cleaned up, because it is causing our users lots of lost man
    hours." "

    Wrong but probably very true when it comes to SolidWorks.

    VX values stability and getting existing stuff fixed a lot more than
    SolidWorks Corp. does. Every few weeks VX seems to have an update
    posted for VX V10.

    VX doesn't spend anywhere near as much time on getting their UI to be
    as slick as Inventor, SolidWorks, etc. I've come to accept this about
    VX and realize I would rather have the emphasis on the tools and live
    with not having the slickest UI in VX. I can work thru the UI not being
    slick. I can't live with tools that don't work, are hard / awkward to
    use, are radically different to use, etc.

    Don't confuse how SolidWorks Corp. develops Solidworks with how VX
    Corp. develops VX.

    jon_banquer, Apr 15, 2005
  13. Martin

    Bo Guest

    Jon, the question was not about a particular CAD program,if you noticed
    my writing.

    "So when are users going to literally scream, "NO MORE FEATUREITIS
    you fix what you have already."? "

    Again - Bo
    Bo, Apr 15, 2005
  14. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Sounds like they have lots of bugs then.
    Found by their *actual users*.
    Cliff, Apr 15, 2005
  15. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    How very odd.
    There was some clown posting about how the user interface
    and "Windows Native" was about all that mattered.

    Have you ever met ?
    Cliff, Apr 15, 2005
  16. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    IOW Ones that actual real users use to do productive
    (but often complex) things after training & use of the manuals,
    already knowing their field well.

    Tell us about a circle tangent to two lines again.
    Cliff, Apr 15, 2005
  17. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    Clearly it has a stability problem then.
    No clues again, right?
    Cliff, Apr 15, 2005
  18. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    SolidWorks has thousands of real customers to worry about.
    With real ideas.
    Also a large installed base with tetrabytes of part files .... all
    of which must work with each new release.

    Flimflam banquer. Yep.
    Cliff, Apr 15, 2005
  19. Martin

    Cliff Guest

    = Kinkos, Inc. FON-1067749632866191 (NET-63-164-145-0-1)
    As you have now posted the same thing at least three times we
    can assume that you are still confused.

    Getting too busy refilling copy machines?
    Cliff, Apr 15, 2005
  20. Martin

    jon_banquer Guest

    Yes I noticed but I wanted to make the direct comparison anyway because
    there really is a big difference in how VX is developed compared to

    VX isn't great at marketing like SolidWorks is but they are very good
    at software development.

    How many CAD/CAM companies can you name that have built three of their
    own hybrid kernels from the ground up ? How many CAD/CAM companies have
    more experience at building hybrid modelers then VX does ?

    VX is a very unique company and this is very clear when one uses /
    models in VX.

    jon_banquer, Apr 15, 2005
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