SoftQuadro4 with Nvidia GeForce4 440 Go chipset

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by CAD Guy, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. CAD Guy

    CAD Guy Guest

    I am curious if anyone has successfully installed the SoftQuadro4 patch on a
    laptop with an Nvidia GeForce4 440 Go chipset?

    Cad Guy
    CAD Guy, Sep 22, 2004
  2. I have and it worked great. Do a Google search for more info...
    Mike Wilson
    SolidWorksDesigner, Sep 22, 2004
  3. Mike,

    I searched and come up empty.

    I have found reams of information, unfortunately, I haven't been able to
    come up with a working install yet.

    The latest version of RivaTuner doens't display the "open patch" icon on the
    "power user" panel as described in all documentation I've found. Not sure

    Do you have an all ready patched driver that you could send me? I can
    provide an FTP address if that would help.


    John Picinich, Sep 23, 2004
  4. SoftQuadro4 Patch Instructions...

    SEPT 23, 2004

    *) Download NVIDIA Drivers version 42.51 from...

    *) Using WinZip, extract the files to a folder

    *) Download RivaTuner (latest version) also from...

    *) Install RivaTuner and run it to make sure it's
    installed properly

    *) Exit RivaTuner

    *) Browse to the RivaTuner installation folder and find
    the folder called "SoftQuadro4"

    Here is the default location...
    C:\Program Files\RivaTuner\PatchScripts\NVIDIA\SoftQuadro4

    *) Double-click the file "SoftQuadro4 w2k.rts"

    *) Press the 'Continue' button and browse to the folder
    where you unzipped the 42.51 video drivers

    *) Click on the file "nv4_mini.sys" and press 'Continue'

    If you don't see this file, select the pull-down
    arrow for "Files of type" and change it to
    nv4_mini.sy_ (underscore at the end). Press 'Continue'

    *) You should now see some text saying it was a success.

    That's it!

    Now all you have to do is install these new drivers and
    uninstall RivaTuner (you don't need it anymore).

    Save the patched drivers for some future time.

    Remember, once you patch the drivers, you don't need to
    install RivaTuner ever again.

    I still do it this way and SolidWorks performs just fine.

    Mike Wilson
    Mike J. Wilson, Sep 23, 2004
  5. You do not need to go thru all that patching nonsense anymore.
    The latest version of RivaTuner sorts all this out when you turn on the NV Strap
    Boot time service
    I've just patched my GEForce4 Ti4200 to a quadro with the new Rivatuner 2.0 RC 15.1.

    My thumbnail proceedure was -

    As I was running an older driver (53.03) patched to a Quadro, I first went into the
    newly installed version of Rivatuner
    and uninstalled the NVStrap boot time service. Then uninstalled the old driver
    Loaded new vanilla Forceware driver (6573whql-w2k-xp.exe)
    After restarting went into Rivatuner and installed the NVStrap, choose Quadro as
    Upon restart again the card is reported as a Quadro 780 XGL
    Neville Williams, Sep 25, 2004
  6. I've had nothing but problems using that method. Lot's of crashes
    and strange video problems.
    Are you able to enable "Unified back depth buffering"? This is
    only setting that you need to run SolidWorks without the slowdown.
    Since the patched driver accomplishes this, I see no need to have
    a third party software always running in the background, ready to
    cause another crash. It's just not worth it.

    I see the instructions haven't changed...

    Note: NVStrap driver supports all GeForce based boards and it can
    override PCI DeviceID on the latest NVIDIA boards, but it's NOT
    ENOUGH to override PCI DeviceID only in order to unlock the
    professional Quadro features on GeForce4 and newer boards.

    The newest NVIDIA graphics processors have HARDWIRED
    PROTECTION against DeviceID modification, which can be blocked
    with SOFTQUADRO4 scripts ONLY.

    As far as which driver to use...

    SoftQuadro4 patch script for the Detonators 27.00 - 42.51 allows you
    to block the protection against PCI DeviceID modification on
    NV17/NV18/NV25/NV28 and unlock the most of professional features
    on these graphics processors.

    I've heard of some cards that work without the mods. Maybe there are
    batches that don't have hardwired protection?

    Mike J. Wilson, Sep 25, 2004
  7. Hi Mike,
    Enable Unified /Back depth buffering is checked
    I don't think he bothers much with updating the info on the site.
    I think most of these coding guys think "well I've done the hard part, they
    can figure out the rest"

    As far as I can tell everything is working great.
    Moving up to the newer drivers has definitely made a significant difference
    in orbit speed esp in shade with edges on.
    Overall the graphics are good. No crashes yet. Can open up alot of parts
    with no slow down.
    I was going to try and get another Quadro on Ebay for this computer (home)
    but as it seems such a roaring success
    Iv'e shelved it for now
    I try and stick to whql drivers. Some of the others on Unwinders site are a
    bit suspect as to their provenance.
    I have a Leadtek 5900 card here that I tried to hack with the old Rivatuner
    and it was a failure.
    the system was reporting it as a quadro but multiple window slow down was
    I might install it and try the hack using new rivatuner

    Neville Williams, Sep 26, 2004
  8. Thanks for the info Neville. I'm going to experiment a little
    more with your suggestions when I get some time.

    Mike J. Wilson, Sep 28, 2004
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