Softquadro in SW2004 SP1, does it enable realview?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Frederik Daniel Hjort, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. Hello all,
    Please see topic, I am sitting with a geforce 2 MX400 and winXP, and
    have tried the rivatuner/softquadro setup, but it does not allow for
    realview in Solidworks 2004 Service Pack 1.
    Anyone had any luck with this?
    Is there a workaround?
    Frederik Daniel Hjort, Dec 9, 2003
  2. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Zander Guest

    (Frederik Daniel Hjort) wrote in
    Hmm, I tried it with a gforce4 in SP0 and it did enable realview, but
    since then I bought a quadro card so I don't know....

    Zander, Dec 9, 2003
  3. My GeForce4 TI4600 thinks it's an Quadro4 900XL, yes realview can be
    enabled, but I get tired of it after a while. I only use it to show off, I
    typically work with non-shaded with hidden lines shown as grayed.

    Keith Streich, Dec 9, 2003
  4. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Dave H Guest

    Your Geforce 2 will patch to a Quadro 2 which doesn't support RealView.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Dec 9, 2003
  5. So by extension, will a GeForce FX Go5200 hack to a Quadro FX?

    This "hacking" thing is scary, but I'm tempted to try it. I would really
    like to have the "RealView" capabilities. The part that bothers me is
    messing up a brand new computer. I've downloaded all of the instructions for
    the SoftQuadro hack, but there isn't anything that tells me what to do if
    things go horribly wrong. Is it as simple as re-installing the GeForce
    drivers? For that matter, is re-installing the drivers easy? Is there a
    "Soft Quadro Hacking for Dummies"?

    Dell Inspiron 5150
    GeForce FX Go 5200

    Richard Doyle
    Richard Doyle, Dec 9, 2003
  6. It's really a leap of faith, but afterward you'll be happier. The problem
    with hacking your driver is the constant attempt to stay current. I'm sure
    new improvements in my driver have been added or bugs fixed, but it's such
    an ordeal to hack the driver, I don't like to do it as often as the new
    drivers are released.

    Keith Streich, Dec 9, 2003
  7. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Rocko Guest

    Does it improve your performance of the card wants it is hacked?
    Rocko, Dec 9, 2003
  8. Well, it does NOT make it a Quadro card! But it does enable the card to
    open multiple windows, though I don't recommend more than 10 or so! I also
    get realview and rotating is smooth. I would recommend Quadros for thoughs
    who can afford them (the prices have dropped quite a bit lately), if you
    can't afford a real CAD card, the soft hack is the next best thing.


    PS My favorite place to check current costs for computer related hardware :
    Keith Streich, Dec 9, 2003
  9. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    d Guest

    Fear not. If you have XP, you can simply 'roll back' your drivers.
    Else, update to the drivers provided by Nvidia. I've done the hack to
    no less than six machines. No problems thus far.
    d, Dec 10, 2003
  10. As I am well aware, the card itself will not become an actual quadro
    card, as quadro cards have more memory and higher clock frequences.
    However, I cannot seem to remember that they should have more memory
    bandwidt, or more memory pipelines, so I believe that frequencies and
    memory size about covers the differences, at least for the older
    All the hack does is really to give access to some extra instructions
    and functions that are useful when working with professional
    applications such as SolidWorks. As both quadro and normal cards are
    build on the same core (use the same chip), the normal geforce cards
    are also capable of executing the advanced commands for the quadro,
    the limiting factor really is the driver, and the driver for the
    normal cards does not support these instructions. This is why you will
    notice a performance gain when installing hacked drivers, as these
    hacked drivers will also install the advenced instructions as they
    think the card is a quadro.
    Frederik Daniel Hjort, Dec 10, 2003
  11. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Brian Lawson Guest

    I have a GeForce FX5600 that I have tried to hack with no joy. Has
    anybody had any success in hacking this card to a Quadro, If so could
    you possibly post the correct way do do this including which driver,
    location of the softquadro bits ect.



    Competition for Bob Zee; "Watch my hand writing this last letter"
    Brian Lawson, Dec 10, 2003
  12. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Rocko Guest

    I am in the process of hacking my card to a quadro and the instructions i
    have say the final step is for me to "Configure NVStrap throught the driver
    configuration panel of RivaTuner" I am looking at the RivaTuner and am at a
    lost what it means. Do any of you guru who have done it know what it means
    and how i do it? thanks in advance.
    Rocko, Dec 10, 2003
  13. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Arlin Guest

    Open RivaTuner (Assuming you have it installed)
    Go to the 'Main' tab (should be there already)
    In the 'Target Adapter' settings, click on the little button with a
    triangular-like icon, just to the right of Customize...
    Click on the 'Low level system settings' button, the one furthest to the
    left on the pop-up menu thingy.
    Select the 'NVStrap driver' Tab
    In the PCI DeviceID settings box, select 'Quadro' (Note: IIRC, you may
    have to do some sort of installation routine here if you have never used
    the NVStrap driver before, then continue as I have described)
    Click OK
    Restart Computer

    Arlin, Dec 10, 2003
  14. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Rocko Guest

    Thanks Arlin that did the trick. I had a question i checked in Systems
    Hardware and it showed as a Quadro4 550 XGL. It no longers shows the memory
    size of the card (64mb) is this normal. Also i started RivaTuner and it
    shows on the Main tab nothing but default monitor now where as before it had
    a bunch of stuff. Also what if i do not like the card being hacked can i go
    back to my old settings and how do i do that. Thanks Again for your help.
    Rocko, Dec 11, 2003
  15. Frederik Daniel Hjort

    Arlin Guest

    To revert back, just open Rivatuner and disable the NVStrap driver by
    selecting 'determined by hardware' where you previously selected
    'Quadro.' Then reinstall some non-patched drivers.

    Not real sure about your monitor thing, mine just shows a a plug and
    play monitor.
    Arlin, Dec 11, 2003
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