Soft Quadro No Workie

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Richard Doyle, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. Well, my first attempt at "hacking" my nVidia Geforce Go5200 was a failure.
    Luckily, it wasn't a total disaster as XP allowed me to simply rollback to a
    previous configuration. That doesn't make it any less annoying, as I have
    read many times how easy this is supposed to be. I ran through the
    procedures step-by-step, but when I finally re-booted my computer expecting
    to see a wonderous, brilliant array of color, all I saw was a pretty blue
    screen sans menus, icons, or cursor. It took a "hard shutdown" to get out, a
    boot to safe mode to delete drivers, and a re-install of the Go5200 drivers
    to return to normal.

    Okay..question time. I would like to try this one more time, but only if
    someone out there in Quadro land has ever succesfully turned on the Quadro
    capabilities of this particular card.

    Dell Latitude 5150
    512MB RAM
    nVidia GeForce Go5200
    Windows XP Pro

    Anyone done it right?

    Richard Doyle, Dec 15, 2003
  2. somone else will have to say if this is true. even if you get soft
    quadro working on a GeForce 5200. it wont enable realview in
    Sean Phillips, Dec 15, 2003
  3. Welcome to Soft Quadro. I went thru the same headaches (it took about 5
    tries to get it to work). Most likely I was experiencing a "user error".
    In the end I did get it working and it got rid of the memory limitation but
    did nothing for performance. I ended up purchasing a real Quadro card and
    my headaches magically disappeared! If this is an option for you (my card
    is a Quadro4 580 XGL which I purchased for $200 or $300, I don't remember)
    then I'd recommend skipping the Soft Quadro and going for the Hard Quadro
    option. This was mostly my route of choice because once I got my computer
    running, I still had three others to do. Screw that.
    Mickey Reilley, Dec 15, 2003
  4. Gee, thanks. Kind of like getting invited to a party at the Hilton and then
    finding out that Paris won't be there.
    Yep, tried it a few times. I'm sure it was user error also, and I hope I
    didn't imply that my instructions weren't adequete.
    I don't think that's an option. It's a brand new laptop and I wouldn't try
    to replace the card even if it had one (it's a chip, isn't it?). Since I've
    not yet seen the infamous "multiple window slowdown" reportedly associated
    with this card, and now I fnd out even with a succesful "hack" I won't get
    RealView, I think I'll just live vicariously through others that do.

    Thanks eveyone for all the help.

    Richard Doyle, Dec 15, 2003
  5. Richard Doyle

    Joe Payne Guest

    Hi Richard,

    I have successfully hacked my nVidia Geforce Go5200 into a Quadro FX 500. I
    have a Inspiron 5150 and XP running 3.2GHz with 1GB RAM. RealView works and
    it's pretty neat. Here is step by step how I did it.

    1. Downloaded the 52.14 driver (10/19/03) from and unzipped it
    to a directory.
    2. Ran Rivatuner and ran the NVStrap antiprotection script.
    3. Ran the SoftQuadro4 script
    4. Low-level system tweaks, NVStrap driver settings should be AGP
    Sideband... Determined by VGA BIOS, AGP fastwrites... Determined by VGA
    BIOS, Graphics adapter identification custom and use 032B (NVIDIA Quadro FX
    5. Re-Boot and when it tells you new hardware found, choose the
    "nv4_disp.inf" in the directory you unzipped the driver to.

    I hope this works for you
    Joe Payne
    Joe Payne, Dec 16, 2003
  6. Mr. Payne,
    Where have you been all my life?

    I will try it this evening and let everyone know how it went. I was quite
    disappointed to hear earlier that it wouldn't enable RealView. One of our
    designers here at work got a new Dell machine with the Quadro card and
    RealView is as you say - "pretty neat". I do a lot of presentations (user
    groups and such) and was looking forward to sharing.

    Okay, lunch time...forget this evening, I'm going to try it right now.

    Richard Doyle, Dec 16, 2003
  7. Okay Joe, your hero status depends on your answer.

    I was successful in applying the hack, and I've got RealView (woohoo).
    Problem is now I get a BSOD caused by the driver getting stuck in an
    infinite loop. This happens when I rotate the view around. It's happened
    twice now, once at 1600x1200, and again at 1280x1024.

    Have you seen this? Any ideas on settings that might solve the problem?

    (besides turning OFF RealView you wise guys)

    Richard Doyle, Dec 16, 2003
  8. Richard Doyle

    Joe Payne Guest

    I'm glad you got RealView to work, I'm sorry that now you crash. I haven't
    had and crashing problems due to rotation. Here are some of my settings:
    Antialiasing and Anisotropic is application controlled, OpenGL is
    Solidworks, everything else Nvidia is default. I have not overclocked the
    card or used Rivatuner to change anything but the SoftQuadro stuff. I am
    running at 1600x1200 on only the laptop display. Duo monitors doesn't
    really work.
    Can't think of anything else, good luck!

    Joe Payne, Dec 16, 2003
  9. Joe,
    Looks like the "SolidWorks OpenGL" setting has fixed it. I am happily
    rotating, zooming, and applying Silver and Gold materials to my parts. Thank
    you very much for all of your help.


    p.s. did you ever know that you're my hero...

    sorry bob z. - really, I'll never, ever do that again.
    Richard Doyle, Dec 16, 2003
  10. Richard Doyle

    Joe Payne Guest

    Glad to do it.

    Joe Payne, Dec 16, 2003

  11. pps. I've never, ever done this kind of thing before, have you?

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Dec 17, 2003
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