So its here...SW08 anounced today

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neilscad, Jun 19, 2007.

  1. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    shock horror 08 is out now ( a topic on its own) and from the little
    Ive seen so far the new GUI is complete PUKE.
    please someone tell me this isn't for real
    just what the hell goes on at HQ to generate this stuff?
    I cant believe they turned a half decent interface (although I read
    tooltips or memorise position since 04 rather than try to decypher the
    'nice' icons) into a Microsoft Office wannabe..aaaarrrrrgh!!! GOD HELP

    If it really is like that then thats truly the end of my SW upgrade
    neilscad, Jun 19, 2007
  2. neilscad

    jon_banquer Guest

    "SolidWorks 2008 has a new face, a new user interface with some unique
    and some borrowed elements. Most interesting is the tabbed
    CommandManager that shows icons, command names, both, singly, or
    stacked. Customizable by the user, of course. See

    "Don't like ch-ch-changes? You can always switch back to the UI of
    SolidWorks 2007."

    The new UI look a lot better to me. In fact the tabbed UI reminds me
    of what VX did a few years back.

    "One way to deal with the limitations of the history tree is to
    eliminate it, a la CoCreate and Kubotek. Another way is to work around
    it, invisibly to the user, a la SolidWorks 2008."


    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, Jun 19, 2007
  3. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    I absolutely HATE the command manager - like shaking hands with a wet
    Really I'm looking for that but I think the dockable icon toolbars are

    The whats new pdf is not very inspiring at first glance...toss the
    floor reflections for a start.
    God I'm getting wound up and I don't even own it...

    I don't mind change if its useful but...< deep breaths >
    neilscad, Jun 19, 2007
  4. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    AND..why the hell are they announcing SW08 is released when its just
    in BETA 3 !!! in NDA for goodness sake!

    this is even earlier than the last one AAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH !!...

    I'm going to hurt myself shortly... :(
    neilscad, Jun 19, 2007
  5. neilscad

    Cliff Guest

    Well, you have jb's attention <G>.
    Cliff, Jun 19, 2007
  6. neilscad

    Dale Dunn Guest

    wrote in
    They're announcing it, but it's not released.

    As for the UI, there are definitely two camps, and there seems to be a
    sharp divide between them. I'm in the camp that likes the new UI. I find
    I move through things more quickly, and I do have better use of screen
    space. However, I have never liked the task manager, and I still don't
    use it. Those who love the task manager are in the other camp.

    The other camp is also composed of those who don't like the new location
    of the view controls. As Matt points out, this can't be customized, and
    some people find the location intrusive. YMMV.

    The change to the menu bar is also divisive. Some like it, some don't.

    The learning curve is a bit steeper because of the increased use of
    icons, as Matt mentioned in his blog. Once you have it, the interface is
    more concise; this is where I feel I can move through it more quickly.

    As for non-UI changes, there is a lot to be excited about. We'll see how
    the quality is on realease, but on features alone, implementation of 08
    would be a no-brainer for me.
    Dale Dunn, Jun 19, 2007
  7. neilscad

    eng25rj Guest

    Great points Dale

    I did a review last night on the UI changes for by Blog (http://

    Overall, I have been happy with the changes to the UI. It takes a
    little bit of time to get used to the icon only approach of the
    Context Toolbar, but I've found myself looking for them now in
    SW2007. I wouldn't call the new UI perfect by any means. As Matt has
    pointed out, there are some things that need to have more
    customization options.

    I knew this was going to be a hot topic and everyone will have their
    opinions and feelings towards it. Only time will tell how the user
    base accepts the changes. Everyone is talking about the UI first
    because it is quite different, but like you said, there are MANY other
    enhancements in this release that I think are great additions to the
    software. I'm looking forward to getting into those features soon
    with some more Blog reviews.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Jordan
    eng25rj, Jun 19, 2007
  8. neilscad

    dvanzile3 Guest

    I know one big reason to upgrade for me....

    Virtual Components! ok, there's one anyways.

    As far as the new UI goes I was a bit skeptical at first but after
    using it a while I like it. I think how it's going to go is if
    your someone who absolutely has a hard time with change.... your going
    to hate it. But it really is a change to save time
    and mouse travel once you've used it for a while. It won't be faster
    at first becuase it's different and you have to become

    The one big thing to keep in mind is that you can make your own custom
    tabs and put the tools you use all time there
    just in case you have a hard time with the new UI.
    dvanzile3, Jun 19, 2007
  9. neilscad

    matt Guest

    There are lots of great additions in the assemblies area in particular.
    I don't have a hard time with change, as long as its change for the
    better, and there seems to be some purpose to the change. The pop-up
    context toolbars save time and mouse travel, but the rest is hype, and
    trying to make something true just by saying it.

    In general, the new interface is far less flexible than 2007, which is
    not a change in the right direction.

    Read my blog to get this side of the story:
    matt, Jun 19, 2007
  10. neilscad

    TOP Guest

    You can see the UG/ACAD/SE influence.

    Why? Why? I ask for no change to the interface and they change it. I
    ask that the feature manager be improved and a third party comes up
    with an addin.

    I just want to design, not play musical icons with SW. The old Pro/E
    menu system is starting to look good again.

    TOP, Jun 19, 2007
  11. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    Ricky I'm not even sure you write the stuff that appears on your blog.
    Matt may lapse into the occassional stand up routine as a pufferfish
    but at least he has integrity.
    neilscad, Jun 19, 2007
  12. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    They're announcing it, but it's not released.

    My bet is that if its announced its being committed for production as
    we speak and you will have it way before Aug/Sept
    neilscad, Jun 19, 2007
  13. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    I have SW spread across dual monitors.
    How will this help me?? Wont I just have a big band of waste space
    across the top and endless journeys to the top left corner?

    Can I run the new Realview stuff without spending NZ$3-5000 on a new
    graphics card?
    Sure this stuff is coming, in fact I suggested this stuff as an avenue
    for improvement, but its a couple of years ahead of the price point.
    neilscad, Jun 19, 2007
  14. neilscad

    Dale Dunn Guest

    wrote in
    My guess is late July, maybe early August for Sp0.0 download. But that's
    just a guess. I don't know the schedule, and they're always willing to
    delay for a showstopper bug in the pre-release.
    Dale Dunn, Jun 19, 2007
  15. neilscad

    TOP Guest

    I just picked up 2004 the other day for a small project. Can't run
    2007 on the hardware, but 2004 works fast and almost perfectly. It
    wasn't hard to forget 2007 and 2006. 2004 certainly didn't slow me
    down. Keep those old CDs. Get Sun's Open Office.

    Time to Design,
    No time to relearn.

    TOP, Jun 19, 2007
  16. neilscad

    eng25rj Guest


    On what basis do you question whether or not I write the stuff on my
    blog. I have written EVERY SINGLE article ever published to it and it
    will continue to be done that way.

    As far as questioning my "integrity", I'm not quite sure where you are
    coming from on that either. I realize you have had some frustrations
    lately when it comes to SolidWorks but comments like this are baseless
    and uncalled for.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Jordan
    eng25rj, Jun 19, 2007
  17. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    ok, if you say so, I'd pretty much developed the opinion your material
    was fed to you....
    I note though SW gave the 'blog squad' an early look at SW08.
    Indeed most of the first look info available is available through you
    guys - including the link to the 'whats new'.
    Why is that? There is still an earnest Beta going on (apparently) and
    in NDA - and yet I can find the pdf freely available on a blog even
    before the SW website has pics up?
    I would like to think that doesn't mean the conspicuous 'one of us'
    good guys out there are being usefully 'farmed' by marketing if you
    follow my drift.

    yours, somewhat sceptically etc
    neilscad, Jun 19, 2007
  18. neilscad

    eng25rj Guest

    LOL! If my material is fed to me that is news to me! Especially when
    I take 3 hours of my own time last night to write a review.

    I don't know what's up with the PDF file that you refer to but if you
    look, it is actually hosted on the SolidWorks website. (check the URL)

    The information is public as of yesterday. The subjects that I have
    discussed thus far are limited to items outlined in the press release
    (user interface). I am fully aware of the NDA and I make sure to post
    items only after they are announced publically.

    If you think something is up with any of the content posted on my
    blog, e-mail me and I will answer any question you have. What didn't
    set well with me is that you posted something like that here that has
    absolutely no fact to it. There is absolutely nothing tying me to
    even having a blog. I only do it because I enjoy it and writing
    reviews actually helps me dig out some pretty cool feature details. I
    write what I want to when I want to. I work very hard to put good
    content on the site and everything I post is meant to help other

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Jordan
    eng25rj, Jun 20, 2007
  19. neilscad

    neilscad Guest

    What didn't set well with me is that you posted something like that here that has
    actually I said
    Ricky I'm not even sure you write the stuff that appears on your blog
    I'd pretty much developed the opinion your material was fed to

    and this is true. I have thought that for some time and not bothered
    with your blog because of it.
    Thats my choice . No loss to me or you. People have read your blog
    just the same oblivious of my opinion and will continue to visit in
    the future.
    You have made it clear my personal doubts are incorrect.
    I apologise if you think you have been unjustly maligned in the
    community by my passing comment in this thread
    neilscad, Jun 20, 2007
  20. neilscad

    eng25rj Guest

    I just wanted to set the record straight. When you put many hours a
    week into something and that effort is called into question, I'm sure
    you can understand why I would react the way I did.

    I still remember that you were one of the first to leave comments at
    my blog and I appreciate that. Feel free to post comments there any
    time you like.

    Best Regards,

    Ricky Jordan
    eng25rj, Jun 20, 2007
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