Smarter mates

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by vm, Feb 27, 2004.

  1. vm

    vm Guest

    I would like SW to be capable to fix automaticaly broken mates or in
    other words mates to be a lot smarter.
    To give you an example:

    Supose we have a plate mated at the end of a sq. tube. Supose the WCS
    origin is in the CG of the plate and the same applies for the sq.
    tube. There are 3 mates, one face of the plate mated with the end of
    sq. tube and 2 more in which a midle plane of the plate is mated with
    the coresponding one from the sq. tube.
    Now I decide not to have the plate centered on the sq. tube any more,
    but one end flush with one face of the tube. So in SW 2004 I would
    have to delete first one mate between two corespondig planes and then
    apply a flush mate between one end of the plate and one face of the
    What I would like to be able to do, is to apply directly the flush
    mate and SW to understand what mate overconstrain the parts and delete
    This is a simple case but could be a lot more complicated ones with
    more then one solution and in this situation SW should walk us through
    them and we should be able to pick the right to fix it.

    vm, Feb 27, 2004
  2. Did you submit an enhancement request?
    I would agree with you on this.
    Corey Scheich, Feb 27, 2004
  3. vm

    Dave H Guest

    Why not just re-define that mate to reference the new features and mate
    types which 2004 now allows?

    Dave H
    Dave H, Feb 27, 2004
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