small radii

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Tony, May 29, 2004.

  1. Tony

    Tony Guest

    We have experienced some small radii not being displayed in a detail view.
    They can be dimensioned and high light when the mouse is over the radii.
    But they do not show up on the screen. Any similar issues?


    Tony, May 29, 2004
  2. Tony

    Andrew Troup Guest


    Is it just a question of resolution or scale? Try extracting a larger scale
    detail view of the corner where the radius should show.

    You say they do not show in screen -- do they show on the print?

    It is possible that very small details are suppressed in order that small
    scale Overall and General Assembly views of complex machinery, say, do not
    go black with detail.
    Andrew Troup, May 29, 2004
  3. Hi, I had the same problem for a while, 'till I realised that I had to up
    the image quality in the tools options. For some 'organic' shapes the lower
    image quality settings actually meant that the part sdidn't show properly in
    the projected view - something I thought was a real oversight on SW's

    Hope this helps...

    Lee Bazalgette, May 29, 2004
  4. Tony

    Tony Guest

    Thanks to all for your suggestions.


    Tony, Jun 5, 2004
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